You must have a recent version of Python installed (2.6-3.0)
To use this system-wide, make this application executable by doing:
chmod +x cliweather
Then move this application to /usr/bin
mv cliweather /usr/bin
This utility offers two views, one of the current conditions, and another of the forecast
For either view, you can choose to leave out your zip code, and a geolocation service will try to pinpoint it.
To see the forecast, add the "-f" flag like:
cliweather -f
If you want to include your zip code:
cliweather -f 20171
To see the current conditions, no flag is needed:
If you want to include your zip code:
cliweather 20171
If you want to set a default location:
echo "20171" > ~/.cliweather