An awesome list of things for the chat application Revolt.
Revolt is a user-first, privacy-friendly chat platform built with modern web technologies.
- Node.js: revolt.js - Official JavaScript library for Revolt.
- C#: Revolt.NET - The .NET library for Revolt.
- C#: Revolution - Yet another .Net Wrapper for Revolt.
- C#: RevoltSharp - C# lib with all the events and easy to use design.
- Dart: Volt - Wrapper around Revolt Bot API for Dart.
- Go: Revoltgo - Go library for Revolt.
- Java: Java Revolt Bridge - Java client library for interacting with the Revolt chat platform.
- Kotlin: RevoltKt - Pure-Kotlin library for bots to interface with Revolt.
- Node.js: better-revolt.js - JavaScript library for Revolt.
- Node.js: Voltare - Typed, modular and extendable Revolt bot framework.
- Python: defectio - Asyncronous and typed Python library for Revolt.
- Python: - Python library for Revolt.
- Rust: Robespierre - Rust library for Revolt.
- Rust: - An API wrapper for Revolt.
- Rust: Ruvolt - Revolt API wrapper for create bots.
- Swift: RevoltKit - An API wrapper for Swift.
- DiscordBridge - Temporary Discord bridge until first-party support is added.
- Jan's Bot - Generic Revolt bot made by Jan, includes games like Connect 4 and TicTacToe.
- Kal's Bot - Yet another multi-purpose bot.
- PhotoBox - A bot that creates and morphs images into fun memes or with crazy filters.
- Taco - Multi-purpose bot, includes Discord bridge.
- Disbridge - A Revolt - Discord bridge for people that have friends who won't switch.
- TelegramBridge - Telegram <==> Revolt bridge.
- Official Theme Repository - Themes provided by the Revolt community.
- Revolt Discord Theme - Discord-like theme by ThatTonybo.
These are not officially endorsed. Proceed at your own risk.
Since this isn't common knowledge, please note that can be installed by navigating to it in your mobile browser and pressing "install app" when prompted or in your browser's page dropdown.
- Minecraft: Unofficial Revolt for Fabric - Minecraft-based client for the Revolt chat platform.
- TUI: Revolt.Cli: TUI client for Revolt - Terminal.Gui based CLI client writen in C#.
- (Endorsed) Mobile App: rvmob - App for Android and iOS made with React Native.
- Mobile App: Unoffical Revolt Android App - Revolt Android app based on ASW.
- Mobile App: Rebar - App for Android and iOS written with Flutter.
Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!