##Objective This is a guide of how to set up raspberry pi and install the software needed for dev and productive.
- Initialize the RaspPi with Debian system and some baisc config;
- Coding envirment setting, including python, javescript;
- Database envirment setting, including postgre, mongo, redis;
- Run-time envirment setting, including device start config(boot screen customize), autorun fucntion;
- Network setting, including ip, router and more.
- More...
- All the things are run in Mac and RaspPi Debian system. Should also work in linux. May should modify in Windows.
- Fully recomment you to use Mac, this will save you lots and lots time. And you can find many opensource app in Mac.
- Any comment and advice are welcome.
- If you want add Topic, please just tell me.
- Thanks for all the guys who share their knowledge and time in net.
##Notes 1.git status, git add ., git commit - 'messsage', git push
- How to make own customize OS img for Pi?