Track your assets
in real-time

Import, track and analyze more than 800k assets on getquin.

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All your assets in one place

Add and track any asset including stocks, ETFs, funds, DeFi investments, real estate, angel investments, luxury collectibles, art and commodities and more.

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Track past and
future dividends

Use our dividend calendar to track cumulative payouts, see future dividend forecasts, year-on-year growth rate and dividend yield.

  • Plan future cash flows and find out exactly when your payments will arrive.
  • Find the best stocks that fit your dividend portfolio.
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Benchmark your

Are you outperforming the S&P 500?

Benchmark your portfolios against indices, stocks or ETFs and see if you are beating the market.

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Deep insights into
your portfolio

Get detailed portfolio breakdowns based on geography, industry, asset class and track all the numbers that matter in one dashboard.

Visualize your holdings in clear charts and adjust your investment strategy based on smart data.

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Join the investment community

Exchange ideas with other users and become part of our interactive investment community.

Whether polls or stock analysis, there's always something going on. Share your portfolio, ask questions, get feedback and see how others are trading - anytime, anywhere.

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Unlock the next level of investing.


Our portfolio tracker helps you to keep an overview of your portfolio by providing you with a centralized and up-to-date view of your investments. It offers such features as:

  • Real-time stock prices and market data.
  • Portfolio value and individual stock performance.
  • Dividend tracker and dividend calendar.
  • Customizable watchlists.
  • Historical stock price charts and financial data.

You can use getquin in its core features completely for free. Nevertheless, you have the option to use the Premium Version in the mobile and web app to accelerate your getquin experience to the next level. This includes an individual home screen, a premium badge, long term dividend forecasting, TTWROR calculation as well as our benchmarking feature and much more!

You can import your assets choosing one of the following options:

  • Open Banking connection: Open Banking is the fastest option and also requires the least effort from you. All you need to do is log in to your broker via getquin and save your PIN. Your portfolio is then directly connected to getquin. Our open banking import works only for supported brokers.

  • Manual import: For a manual import, you need to enter each transaction (or trade) individually by filling out a short form in our app. The manual import is available for all brokers worldwide.

getquin is a social network for all kinds of investors. Just create your personal profile, add your individual portfolio, monitor and optimize all your assets in one place and even share it with friends and family. We provide you with the best portfolio analysis tools, performance tracking and market monitoring instruments. Learn from other users and get inspired by the community. getquin is designed for users to both share their knowledge through a post on our community page but also have access to the best portfolio monitoring and analysis tools. getquin enables easy access to financial knowledge, which in return can help you build a future proof portfolio!

getquin offers a stock forum section where users can share their thoughts, opinions and insights on specific assets. In this section you can see what other community members say about an asset, view comments and engage in discussions with other investors.

Our dividend tracker helps you to track dividend payouts from various stocks and to monitor the performance of your dividend-paying stocks. Moreover, you can see the total dividends earned and organize your portfolio by industry or stock, set alerts for important events such as ex-dividend dates and dividend payouts.

With all this information in one place, the dividend tracker provides a comprehensive overview of your portfolio and helps you make informed investment decisions.

Our portfolio tracker allows you to track all assets you are interested in - be it traditional stocks or ETFs, but also commodities, art, luxury collectibles and real estate. You can import all of them through manual import.

Yes, getquin is available on both iOS and Android devices. However, when you prefer to use getquin on the desktop, we also provide you a webapp.

Your data security is our top priority and we treat it with the utmost confidentiality.

This means we'll never sell it to third parties and – because your data belongs solely to you – you can ask us to delete it permanently anytime.

All of the data you share with us will be stored on EU servers.