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GAO's Congressional Protocols

GAO-17-767G Published: Jul 17, 2017. Publicly Released: Jul 17, 2017.
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This publication supersedes GAO-01-145G, GAO's Congressional Protocols, November 2000, GAO-03-198G, GAO's Congressional Protocols: Addendum I, November 2002, and GAO-04-310G, July 2004, GAO's Congressional Protocols. This document contains updated protocols governing GAO's work for the Congress. Since we implemented the original protocols and the 2004 update, we have identified several areas where changes would enhance our ability to better serve the Congress. The refinements in this edition incorporate feedback from Members of Congress and their staffs. These protocols continue to provide a means of holding GAO accountable for commitments made to the Congress and ensuring that GAO is consistent in dealing with all committees and Members. These revised protocols incorporate name changes of relevant GAO entities; reflect changes to aspects of GAO's process for issuing products; provide the names of the most current GAO contacts; and update methods for receiving information about GAO products.


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AccountabilityAgency missionsCriminal investigationsCongressional protocolsPerformance measuresProtocolsReporting requirementsStandardsStandards evaluationCompliance oversight