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Open Recommendations

Veterans Affairs: VA Should Develop and Report an Estimate of Needed Equal Employment Opportunity Counselors

Jul 30, 2024
1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Veterans Affairs The Secretary of VA should ensure that the Office of Resolution Management, Diversity & Inclusion develops and uses a sound methodology to estimate how many EEO counselors it needs to manage its EEO program efficiently and successfully and report this information to Congress. As part of this process, VA could work with EEOC to determine the best method for developing such an estimate. (Recommendation 1).
VA agreed with the recommendation. The agency noted it will work with EEOC to determine the best method for developing an estimate. VA also stated that for it to have a robust EEO program that it must appropriately deploy EEO specialists to proactively identify and address concerns.

Service Members Transitioning to Civilian Life: Agencies Can Improve Warm Handovers for Additional Assistance

Mar 21, 2024
8 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should develop a written plan to analyze its available Transition Assistance Program data to identify reasons why transitioning service members who should receive a warm handover are not receiving one, and take appropriate action to collect additional warm handover data. Actions could include requiring Transition Assistance Program officials to provide an explanation when not providing a warm handover. (Recommendation 1)
DOD agreed with this recommendation. In May 2024, DOD noted that it will take actions to leverage data collection from interagency partners and others to better understand when a warm handover is not provided by TAP officials. DOD indicated that it plans to update its TAP Evaluation Plan with a written analysis regarding warm handovers, modify its TAP data collection form to require reasons why transitioning service members who should receive warm handovers are not receiving one, and provide support for officials involved in data collection. DOD estimated that it will complete these efforts by September 2026.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should develop a process to regularly request updated online contact information from receiving agencies, including VA and DOL, to help ensure that Transition Assistance Program officials can connect service members with agency programs through warm handovers. (Recommendation 2)
DOD agreed with this recommendation. In May 2024, DOD stated that it will leverage its data sharing agreements with receiving agencies, including VA and DOL, to facilitate regular updates to online contact information from warm handover partnering agencies. DOD said it will conduct quarterly reviews of online contact information and update and disseminate changes during its TAP Coordinating Council and Transition Work Group meetings. DOD estimated that it will complete these efforts by March 2025.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should develop additional guidance to commanders and their designees on verifying warm handovers and on recording the verifications in the Transition Assistance Program database. (Recommendation 3)
DOD agreed with this recommendation. In May 2024, DOD said that the TAP Interagency Governance Structure is developing a course and written Commander's guide to better educate commanders and their designees on the importance of verifying warm handovers and recording the verifications in the TAP database. DOD plans to develop the commander guidance by March 2025 and incorporate it into the course by June 2025.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with interagency partners, such as DOL and VA, should develop a plan to assess the helpfulness of warm handovers as a part of its overall assessment of the Transition Assistance Program. (Recommendation 4)
DOD agreed with this recommendation. In May 2024, DOD said it plans to integrate a written analysis to assess the efficacy of warm handover data into the existing TAP Evaluation Plan. This will be done through the interagency Performance Management Work Group, which includes representatives from DOD, DOL, and VA, among other agencies. According to DOD, this updated plan would include an assessment of the overall helpfulness of warm handovers. DOD estimates that it will complete this action by March 2025.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should develop and implement a process to share information and findings on the helpfulness of warm handover from partner agencies with military service branches, including Transition Assistance Program counselors and other stakeholders. (Recommendation 5)
DOD agreed with this recommendation. In May 2024, DOD said it will provide opportunities for interagency partners to share information and findings on the helpfulness of warm handovers with military service officials on a quarterly basis. DOD also said it will leverage the Strategic Communications Work Group to communicate and distribute the information and findings directly to military services through products, social media campaigns, and meeting agendas and minutes. DOD estimates that it will provide quarterly information sharing opportunities by September 2025 and communicate and distribute information and findings by June 2025.
Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense should ensure that the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs coordinates with DOL and VA through the Transition Assistance Program interagency partnership to identify criteria and standards for the ENPP and TSMRC pilot projects to determine whether and how to scale the piloted approaches into the overall warm handover process. (Recommendation 6)
In May 2024, DOD said it partially concurred with this recommendation. DOD said it will coordinate with DOL and VA through the Transition Executive Committee (TEC) on the TSMRC implementation plan, and it will assist DOL in developing an implementation plan for ENPP. These plans will outline the criteria and standards for scaling these projects. DOD also said that it will update the TAP memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support these efforts. DOD estimates that it will coordinate and assist with these plans by September 2024 and update the MOU by March 2025.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Greater Transparency Could Improve Worker Ratio Reports

Feb 13, 2024
1 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior should ensure that the Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs works with the CNMI government and, as appropriate, other U.S. agencies to determine what steps can be taken to improve transparency of the analytical approach CNMI uses to create its annual worker ratio report. Such steps could include communicating in greater detail, through CNMI's Standard Operating Procedure document and worker ratio report, the analytical approach CNMI took to categorize unknown workers as either U.S. or foreign, as well as the implications of the unknown portion for the ratio.
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

2023 Tax Filing: IRS Improved Customer Service, but Could Further Improve Processing and Evaluate Expedited Hiring

Jan 25, 2024
4 Open Recommendations
Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should evaluate and determine the cause of certain returns not meeting processing time goals and develop a plan for addressing these processing shortfalls. (Recommendation 1)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should identify a responsible party who approves and checks the accuracy of Submission Processing data reports and coordinates report dispersal to ensure that they do not contain errors. This individual and quality review process should be documented, such as in the Internal Revenue Manual. (Recommendation 2)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should systematically track and evaluate improvement initiatives aimed to address the most common submission processing errors. IRS should document this tracking and evaluation process in guidance, such as in the Internal Revenue Manual. (Recommendation 3)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.
Internal Revenue Service The Commissioner of Internal Revenue should develop and implement plans to monitor and evaluate its use of direct hire authority. (Recommendation 4)
When we confirm what actions the agency has taken in response to this recommendation, we will provide updated information.

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