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Ravi K.



Embedded Firmware Developer

$20 USD / hora
Bandera de
India (12:55 p. m.)
Se unió el julio 20, 2018
$20 USD / hora
Design and develop Embedde product for R&D and field device and contribute in app phase of SDLC like testing, verification. Worked on various type of non os based micro controller along with Arm Cortex microcontroller/processor with operating system as Linux and FREE RTOS, programming language as C,C++. Worked on cloud with device integration,IOT and design inducstrial device monitor system. Worked on all layer low level driver, middleware, application side.
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Lead Engineer
feb, 2020 - Presente
5 años
Carrier Technology
feb, 2020 - Presente
5 años
Design mid level segment Thermostat with feature as cloud to controlle with mobile and app. Thermostat is designed on arm Cortex microcontroller with FREE RTOS using language c.Also it has wifi and ble to communicate with cloud and mobile
feb, 2020 - Presente
5 años
Advanced Embedded Engineer
may, 2018 - feb, 2020
1 año, 9 meses
Honeywell Technology Solution lab pvt ltd
may, 2018 - feb, 2020
1 año, 9 meses
Design and develop Fire Panel.
may, 2018 - feb, 2020
1 año, 9 meses
Software Engineer
may, 2012 - abr, 2018
5 años, 10 meses
L&T Technology Solution Pvt Ltd
may, 2012 - abr, 2018
5 años, 10 meses
Design industrial gateway and smart home automation
may, 2012 - abr, 2018
5 años, 10 meses
North Maharashtra University
2008 - 2012
4 años
Bachelor of Engineering
Bandera de
2008 - 2012
4 años
Post Graduation Diploma in Embedded and VLSI System
Diploma in Embedded system
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