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Adham S.



The PIXEBL team is one of the best developer teams

$4 USD / hora
Bandera de
Lebanon (8:21 p. m.)
Se unió el julio 21, 2024
$4 USD / hora
Web development by the PIXEBL team involves creating and designing professional websites that meet clients' needs and achieve their goals. The team's services can include the following aspects: . *UI Design:* Creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that meet user expectations. . *UX Design:* Enhancing user experience through interactive and smooth design, ensuring easy navigation and information access. . *Front-end Development:* Using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build interactive and attractive interfaces. . *Back-end Development:* Building a strong and secure infrastructure using programming languages like PHP, Python, and Ruby, as well as managing databases. . *Responsive Design:* Ensuring the website functions well on all devices and screens. . *Content Management Systems (CMS):* Utilizing CMS like WordPress to facilitate the management and updating of website content. . *QA Testing:* Conducting comprehensive tests to ensure the website is free of errors and compatible with all browsers and devices. . *SEO:* Optimizing the website to rank high in search results and attract more visitors. . *Maintenance and Technical Support:* Providing maintenance and technical support services to ensure the website continues to function efficiently. If you need professional web development services, the PIXEBL team can help you achieve that.



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