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Fabien B.



French Translator, article writer and proofreader

$25 USD / hora
Bandera de
Thailand (9:08 p. m.)
Se unió el julio 8, 2010
$25 USD / hora
1️⃣ As a skilled writer, translator, and ✅ proofreader, I bring to the table proficiency in French and English languages. 2️⃣ I excel in producing well-researched, interesting, and informative articles in both languages that will definitely engage your attention! 3️⃣ All the content I generate strictly abides by Google's EEAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) and SEO guidelines, promising content that resonates with your audience and also appeases search engines. 4️⃣ Whether you need translations in English or French, I've got you covered! I offer accurate and contextually appropriate translations. 5️⃣ When it comes to proofreading text in French and English, you can count on me! I provide thorough text corrections. 6️⃣ And it doesn't stop with two languages. I also converse in Italian and German! Truly, my linguistic capabilities are international! 7️⃣ I'm well-versed in managing large-scale projects as well. I can deliver enticing blog content of over 20 pages at competitive rates. Get ready for an amazing journey ahead!
Cambios guardados
4.8 · 23 Reviews
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It was a pleasure working with Fabien. He was thorough and professional, gave updates on the progress and completed the translation fast. I'll gladly hire him again for more game translations in the future.
Igor G.
Bandera de
Belgrade, Serbia
hace 2 años
Bon travail de Fabien. Réactif et respect des délais.
Nicolas F.
Bandera de
Rennes, France
hace 2 años
très bon travail de la part de Fabien.
Nicolas F.
Bandera de
Rennes, France
hace 2 años
Bon travail, livré dans les délais
Nicolas F.
Bandera de
Rennes, France
hace 2 años
US English - Level 1
US English
French - Level 2
French - Level 1
A tiempo
100 %
Dentro del presupuesto
100 %
Aceptar tarifa
92 %
Tasa de recontratación
16 %
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