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Ibrahim I.



Versatile writer&SEO specialist/Expert in contents

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Nigeria (12:35 a. m.)
Se unió el diciembre 3, 2024
$10 USD / hora
With 5 years of experience in content writing and SEO, I am a writer specializing in developing high-quality, engaging content that drives results in traffic and conversions. I have worked on numerous projects involving blog writing, articles, product descriptions, marketing copies, and ghostwriting. I am proficient in creating such content that, besides ranking high on search engines, also hits the right notes with audiences. I have experience in SEO techniques, content strategy, and writing in a variety of tones and styles to suit clients' individual needs. I always try to ensure the timely completion of quality work with long-term client relationships.
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Freelance writer
sept, 2021 - Presente
3 años, 5 meses
sept, 2021 - Presente
3 años, 5 meses
Freelance Content Writer, 2019–Present Authored SEO-friendly blogs, articles, and web content for various clients from diverse fields, with an increase in organic traffic of up to 40%. Wrote engaging marketing copies that boosted the conversion rate of different e-commerce websites and brands. Conducted deep research to come up with valid, unique content, targeting the needs of the target audience.
Bandera de
Newyork , United States Minor Outlying Islands
sept, 2021 - Presente
3 años, 5 meses
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