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Indra S.
Web, App & Software Development Team
$3 USD / hora
India (5:48 p. m.)
Se unió el mayo 31, 2020
$3 USD / hora
INDRA at your services.
I am a full stact php developer. I can work in android studio with flutter,kotlin and xml. I can provide you backend support of MVC and Laravel.
I have total years of 6 years experience in development. I can provide you complete solution regarding your APP and WEBSITE.
Getting the right exposure and scope fo my capability.
ago, 2018 - Presente
6 años, 6 meses
Senior Software Engineer
feb, 2014 - jul, 2018
4 años, 5 meses
Infosys Limited
feb, 2014 - jul, 2018
4 años, 5 meses
I have been working at InfoSys full-time for more than 5 years. It is an excellent training
department with good projects ratio along with Campus. Project team is also supportive and
feb, 2014 - jul, 2018
4 años, 5 meses
Senior Developer
feb, 2009 - ene, 2014
4 años, 11 meses
Cognizant Technology Solutions
feb, 2009 - ene, 2014
4 años, 11 meses
Got a great chance to work with Cognizant family for more than Five years. Got very good
friends there and the career growth were excellent there. I'm proud to say that I was a part
of Cognizant family.
feb, 2009 - ene, 2014
4 años, 11 meses
Birla Institute of Technology
2006 - 2009
3 años
2006 - 2009
3 años
Birla Institute of Technology
2003 - 2006
3 años
2003 - 2006
3 años
GNIIT Cloud and Mobile Software Engineering Certification
NIIT Management Training Company
Logic Building and effective problem solving
Programming in Java
Oracle 11g: Introduction to SQL
HTML5 Programming
Developing Web Applications using Servlets and JSP
Responsive Web Design using HTML5 and jQuery
Developing Mobile Apps for Android platform
Data Structures and Algorithm
Implementing JSF, Hibernate and Spring in Java EE Application
Developing Apps for touch and mobile devices
Developing and Deploying Cloud Application using Google app engine
Capstone Project
Mobile Apps Development for Beginners
Google Developers
A step by step guide for beginners.
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