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Emmanuel A.



Project Manager | Virtual Assistant | Agile/Scrum

$15 USD / hora
Bandera de
Nigeria (3:53 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el septiembre 27, 2024
$15 USD / hora
I am dedicated and passionate about learning, innovative and fostering collaboration, I strive to bring an innovative edge to every organisation I fund myself in. In my previous role at Recreax , I effectively managed task coordination and delegation, facilitated and daily standups, managed stakeholders and client expectations, keeping project within scope and provided key guidance to team members. I am proficient in tools such as Slack, Jira, Google Tasks, and Microsoft Suite and PM methodologies like Agile and scrum. I am open to learning and I'm confident with my skills and experiences I'll add value to team and organisation at large
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Project Manager
sept, 2024 - Presente
6 meses, 12 dĆ­as
Ivory Consulting Services
sept, 2024 - Presente
6 meses, 12 dĆ­as
No Description Provided
sept, 2024 - Presente
6 meses, 12 dĆ­as
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