Reading your description we feel that we have encountered a partner, which has already considered various aspects of a quality product creation and has a lined-out advancement plan.
Now it's time for the next product development stage.
Our team consists out of expert level software engineers, what enables us to research the project opportunities of your product to evolve in the directions required by your business needs.
This research allow us to inform you about business-related specifics of the product development, provide non-trivial solutions and to ensure optimization of evolutionary investments.
During the consultation with you on the use-cases we will in parallel work on the Functional Description, which makes the investments into the product "non-sinkable" even if the business concept will change.
Our task is to research all the implementation options chosen by you for the technological implement-ability and to create the professional base for the engineering design. We will ensure flexibility and readiness to possible requirement changes based on the market best practices and our 15 years of development experience.
Only this approach complies with the IT industry development standards and allows full control of the product:
- creation of completely valid resource plans
- avoid refactoring of the evolving projects
- control all the business risks of the project, not only the technological ones
Best Regards,
Andrei Costenco
Team Lead
Dev Experts Team