Data Analysis for a comparative retrospective cohort study with longitudinal data

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We are conducting a comparative retrospective cohort study with longitudinal data. We are seeking an experienced data analyst to work with our data file in R Studio, focusing on comprehensive analysis without further data collection. The analysis will provide insights into acute and long-term outcomes across groups, helping to inform our thesis research.

The compensation for this project is set at 150 euro, with the price negotiable based on expertise, payable upon delivery,with a preferred delivery timeframe of 2 days. Further project details will be provided upon selection. The chosen candidate will need to sign a confidentiality contract before proceeding.

Scope of Work:

-Perform descriptive analysis to summarize key characteristics of the data.

-Conduct between-group and within-group analyses to explore changes and differences in outcomes.

-Apply inferential statistical tests, such as t-tests or chi-square tests, to assess differences in outcomes between groups.

-Use regression analysis to control for potential confounders and assess the impact of specific variables.

-Conduct two distinct analyses: one focusing on acute outcomes and the other on long-term outcomes.

-Analyze one variable separately to examine its specific impact on outcomes.

- Generate comprehensive visualizations to illustrate key findings.

- Conduct tests to confirm the assumptions underlying inferential statistical tests.

- Address missing data appropriately using imputation or other statistical techniques.

Ideal Skills and Experience:

-Expertise in R Studio for data analysis, particularly with healthcare and longitudinal data.

-Experience in performing both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses on cohort study data.

-Proficiency in applying t-tests, chi-square tests, and regression analysis for confounder adjustment.

-Strong analytical skills for identifying insights from complex datasets.

We are seeking a skilled analyst to conduct a thorough analysis and provide the R code used, along with the R output, visualizations. If you have the expertise and background to contribute meaningfully to our study, we would greatly appreciate your collaboration.

Please include line plots (to better visualize the outcomes),Paired Box Plots (to compare baseline and follow-up values for each metric) etc

Biostatistics Procesamiento de datos Lenguaje de Programación R Análisis estadístico Estadísticas

Nº del proyecto: #38731595

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19 propuestas Proyecto remoto Activo hace 4 meses

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19 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de €157 por este trabajo


Drawing from my extensive background in Data Science, particularly with healthcare and longitudinal data, I would be an ideal match for your comparative retrospective cohort study. Having worked on numerous projects si Más

€200 EUR en 7 días
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Heythere, I will help with the project on Data Analysis for a comparative retrospective cohort study with longitudinal data. I have read the instructions carefully and I clearly understand what is required of the proje Más

€100 EUR en 2 días
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Dear client, I am a Data Analyst by practice, and by using R software, I can help you discover facts from your data pool. I run both quantitative and qualitative analyses professionally. I am proficient in R's robust s Más

€100 EUR en 3 días
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Hello dear, I am a professional data analysis using R studio expert and can do your task perfectly because I have done lots of similar tasks and also I am in top 1% here so just text me so I can help you out with your Más

€150 EUR en 1 día
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Hi, I'm a data analyst, statistician, and economist with over six years of experience. I understand the requirements of your project and have the skills to deliver high-quality results. To better tailor my approach, Más

€150 EUR en 2 días
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Hello, I am an experienced data analyst proficient in R Studio, and I can conduct a comprehensive analysis of your longitudinal data for the comparative retrospective cohort study. My expertise in data allows me to per Más

€150 EUR en 2 días
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As a seasoned data analyst with a strong background in using R Studio for healthcare and longitudinal data, I am well-equipped to tackle your comparative retrospective cohort study. I have a knack for deciphering compl Más

€100 EUR en 2 días
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Greetings, thanks for publishing an interesting project on Freelancer. I am Arifa, an expert researcher and statistical data analyst. Please checkout my Freelancer profile and portfolios. I have gone through your proj Más

€150 EUR en 15 días
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