Expired icq numbertrabajos
...nosotros mismos. Es importante necesitamos llegar a un acuerdo de contrato fijo por quincena. En varios temas adicionales del proyecto. Esto es solo el inicio. Look, my project is very interesting. We would like to have consultancies. It is not all the time. But we need to have a person with whom we can solve our doubts. We don't want them to do the job for us. We want to learn. That must be our number 1 rule. I want to know what your hourly price will be? Currently I require at least 2 hours to learn and ask many things that I do not understand and do not do. ...
...to Four Elements Tours and need to change our Logo accordingly. The new logo does not need to look anything like the old logo, but needs to inspire the same feeling of High quality- luxurious, elegant travel services. We have some ideas in our mind but not clear of what we would like in detail. You can try to play with our website´s typography (Faxine) or any other you think best, with the number "4", and of course with the 4 elements, but PLEASE do not use the typical 4 elements icons = We Do NOT want that. Please Do keep gold-cooper color of our Old Logo. Its better if you Keep it Simple. You can try to base your inspiration maybe on boutique hotels, luxury spas or other luxury travel agencies. I attach some loose ideas. Do not copy what I attach, just...
...todo tiene que ser legal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need 20 psychotechnical exercises of 36 questions each, which include questions from: - Spatial Reasoning - Abstract and concrete reasoning - Fatigue resistance I provide you with an example model (although with a greater number of questions). Psychotechnicians should not be protected by any author or company, since I will use them to teach and everything has to be legal....
...estimate of the value to repair their electrical problem or at least an approximation without the need for a visit from the technician. You must have a selection area if you need to. The app must have an area where extra services such as: Sheetrock repair Painting Plumbing For this App there must be a registration of income Company Name Or Business Name of representative Phone number Cell phone number Address Email You must have a direct record with facebook or mail Quote: The customer must submit an application approval which can only be viewed by the administrator until a technician is assigned who will be able to see the customer's info from the time of assignment Technical Creating a technical record that can be assigned customers who have approve...
...more family members (apart from the holder) and as a bonus, a handle will be given to the holder and one of their beneficiaries who will have QR codes and the call center line printed so that in case of an accident or emergency, anyone can scan the code or call the service line to get health alerts such as blood type, diseases, allergies, medications you take and a family member's contact phone number to contact in case of emergency. Our goal is to give our clients the possibility to connect them with different types of services or products (Mainly health) at more favorable prices and to provide peace of mind in case of emergency so that medical personnel have important information about the client and can quickly contact a familiar to give notice. The name of the product is...
Hi Giovanni, this is the new project in €. Could you please design the following paperback cover. Thanks: El Silencio de Lucia F Number of pages: 188 Interior type: Black and White Trim size: 5.5" x 8.5" Paper colour: Cream This is the BLURB: Tras una fuerte pelea con Darío, Lucía comienza a replantearse el rumbo de su vida y decide regresar a la isla en la que nació. Su estadía allí transcurre entre recuerdos, dudas y reflexiones. Las preguntas existenciales que la han acompañado siempre, volverán a su mente y la obligarán a buscar nuevas respuestas, a enfrentarse a viejos fantasmas del pasado y a romper al fin el silencio. ¿Es posible vivir en la desesperación y no desear la muerte? Esta nov...
...before the bodies that make up the Spanish Public Administration, as well as, in Consulates or Embassies of other countries in Spain. We have extensive experience and specifically we are specialized in processing visa applications, legalization of documents and obtaining certificates. The services we offer are focused both to individuals and companies or professionals. In our team we have a large number of collaborators among which are sworn translators of different languages and notaries that greatly facilitate the needs of our clients. To trust us is to know that we have the experience, professionalism, responsibility and implication to resolve the process favorably. WHAT WE WANT TO TRANSMIT We want to convey professionalism, trust, closeness, internationalization, globalizati...
...app calculate the% of risk and lot and place it automatically when opening the operation. -that SL cannot be lengthened, only shorten even to Break even. - The% risk can only be set on Sunday or once a week. -At the beginning it is free to download and use the app but I want to be able to decide if at any time start to apply monthly charges for the use of the application. -I want to show the number of users using the application and downloading it. -when an operation is running in profits that can be configured that at a certain amount of PIPS the operation is automatically placed in Break even. -when an operation is running in profits to a certain amount of PIPs send a notification indicating the% earning and the amount of Pips reached so far. that does not allow to open mo...
...extensión te da la opción de descargar hasta un limite de 250 imágenes. El trabajo seria quitar ese limite para que puedas descargarlas todas en este caso. Dispongo del archivo .zip con la extensión y sus archivos. English: This is a chrome extension developed in Java, the procedure is as follows: 1º Access a profile of Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, sx and Tumblr. 2nd The extension recognizes the number of images that profile has, in the case of Pinterest its "Images" pins 3rd The extension gives you the option to download up to a limit of 250 images. The job would be to remove that limit so you can download them all in this case. I have the .zip file with the extension and its files....
... DHL o UPS Cuando captes el stock de producto tienes que darme a elegir. - 7 sillas con el proveedor uno (Washington) - 3 sillas con el proveedor dos. (Montana) - 0 sillas con el proveedor tres (Nevada) ... etc ****HABLAR ESPAÑOL**** I have 5 suppliers in different places. Client enters in Woocommerce, and requires 10 wooden chairs. But ... 7 are with provider number one in Washington and the other 3 with provider number two in Montana. When you pass the cart you have to quote 2 shipments. When you capture the product stock you have to give me to choose - 7 chairs with the provider one (Washington) - 3 chairs with the provider two (Montana) - 0 chairs with the provider three (Nevada) ... etc...
I need to develop 2 pcbs as described in the photos (roughly). The first board must be able to read sensors that communicate through i2c (either through qwiic or an i2c extender). This board must have a multiplexer to be able to accept at least 3 PCB sensors. PCB Sensora: It must allow to communicate either through qwiic or through i2c extend (rj45) with pcb number 1. In addition to the above, I need the programming of some features. Perform the sensing of each of the plates every 15 min. Store the sensing results on the SD card Send the sensed data via post (json) using the gprs A6 connection from Ai-Thinker. Turn on and / or turn off each of the relay ssr depending on the response to the post sent to the server. ----------------------- Necesito desarrollar 2 pcbs como las descr...
(WE HIRE LATER TO COMPLETE THE WORK) We have to ilustrate some industrial packaging pictures (boxes, envelopes, bags) in a realistic. For choosing the designer, we would like to see 4 realistic ilustration examples (pictures attached) . Afterwards, the freelance will be hired to complete the work (approximately 40 pieces). We would arrange the price later, according to the specific number of illustrations to be made. - (CONTRATAMOS AL FREELANCE PARA COMPLETAR EL TRABAJO) Tenemos que reinterpretar unas fotografías de packaging industrial (cajas, sobres, bolsas) de una manera lo más realista posible pero sin utilizar la fotografía modificada (las imagenes están adjuntas). Para elegir el diseñador, nos gustaría probar con 4 modelos de ejemplo...
Tengo una base de datos postgresql en un servidor virtual con 40 cores de procesador y 40 GB de ram; necesito realizar las configuraciones para poder aceptar al menos 10000 sesiones concurrentes. Oh quizas implementar la configuración de PG Pool con una réplica para poder soortar esa cantidad de usuarios. I have a postgresql database on a virtual server with 40 processor cores a...concurrentes. Oh quizas implementar la configuración de PG Pool con una réplica para poder soortar esa cantidad de usuarios. I have a postgresql database on a virtual server with 40 processor cores and 40 GB of ram; I need to make the configurations to be able to accept at least 10000 concurrent sessions. Oh maybe implement the PG Pool configuration with a replica to be able to ...
...daily visits. It is necessary to insert a javascript code in your website Click on History of the javascript code that must be included in the Html code of your website and track. If you have followed the whole process in the right way, it is time to start collecting all the data that Click Tale is combining. The system starts analyzing at the moment and will provide you with the data such as the number of session recordings made and the possible errors that have taken place. Among the data that Click Tale will offer you are: Heat maps: In its different varieties of mouse movement, clicks, displacement and points of attention. It is the information with which you can perceive in the movement. Recordings: The tool itself is made. Through these recordings it is possible to appr...
...sales rates based on our target margins.) - Call later, to those companies to be interested in what they thought of the offer and try to get us the delivery to us instead of the competition. - Make commercial calls to companies in Latin America that import or export goods to Spain or from Spain (you must locate it on your own as well) - it is remunerated at a price per hour (with a minimum number of offers sent per hour) + commissions according to successes....
Buenas tardes, estamos en la búsqueda de un freelance con experiencia en E-commerce Woocommerce para optimizar un theme el cual los tiempo de carga de la pagina es muy lento, tiene que tener experiencia en javascript, php, css, Combine images using CSS sprites, Add Expires headers,Reduce the number of DOM elements, Make fewer HTTP requests etc. quedo atento el dominio es
Hola Nicolas, tengo un proyecto sencillo: tenemos una página con unos inputs de tipo "number" que se envían a otra mediante un jquery post. En esta segunda página, se nos genera un pdf (usando dompdf). Lo único que nos falta es generar ahí en ese pdf un informe, con un formato decente, con los resultados de unas fórmulas que van a usar las variables del post y algunos datos de un sql database. Básicamente solo hay que hacer un PDO a esa db y un par de queries con JOIN/ON clauses, escribir las fórmulas en php, e incluir los resultados en el body del html que ya se transforma en pdf automáticamente. Lo podrían hacer?
OBJETIVO: Necesitamos posiocionar la la keyword: "farmacias de Guardia en León" para la web "" en el numero 1 de google. No queremos trabajos mensuales. Sólo se liberará el pago, exclusivamente, al alcanzar el objetivo. OBJECTIVE: We need to posiocionar the keyword: "Guardia pharmacies in León" for the web "" in the number 1 of google. We do not want monthly jobs. Only the payment will be released, exclusively, upon reaching the objective.
...taken from the phone book.), Users can add "TAGS" based on their interests at the moment. (At the side of the person you must go an icon with the option to talk to WhatsApp and a green or red icon if it is online or offline) If the person has the app in the background or closed it will be offline, it will only be online when the full screen is open. Technical description: Login with: Phone number First name Age Mail Profile picture upload photo Permissions to automatically open geolocation and access to contacts when opening the app for the first time. Password recovery with email. Home Screen You can filter based on the TAGS to find connected contacts with similar interests. The TAGS will NOT be created by the users, they will be predefined. Option to put...
I need an API, developed in Python, that can access the following page: , type the Fiscal Number of the company (this is going to be an input field) and then download all the information shown in that Web page. Necesito una API, desarrollada en Python, que pueda accesar a la siguiente pagina web: , escriba /teclee el numero fiscal de la empresa (esto sera un campo que ha de suministrar el usuario = input) y se descargue toda la información que se muestra en esa pagina web.
...perderíamos al usuario) 2. en el momento del envió serian dos diferentes envíos el cual uno le llega en 2 días y el otro en 25 días, y no es bueno para la experiencia del usuario posible solución : el id de los productos de dropshipping(DP) y de stock(STK), tal que , si se agregan productos DP en el mismo carrito con productos STK se formen dos ordenes y dos pasarelas de pago y 2 tracking number para cada producto. 2. que el usuario pueda elegir en la pasarela de pagos , métodos de pago para cada producto en el carrito, ejemplo: producto 1= método de pago= contra-entrega. producto 2= método de pago= tarjeta de crédito. (como si fueran dos ordenes pero solo es una) por lo tanto que los envios se seleccione envi...
Se requiere desarrollar programa que permita hacer scrapping secuencial en la página SpyDialer.com. La idea es ir obteniendo toda la data posible de los números de telefono de Estados Unidos incluyendo los campos Phone Number, FullName, Adrees. La aplicación debe permitir configurar un rango de números de 10 dígitos y empezar a hacer la recolección de la data. Importante acotar que se cuenta para ello con 256 IPs públicas por lo cual se requiere para evitar bloqueos que el algoritmo cambie la ip de la máquina donde se ejecute cada cierto número de consultas o aleatoriamente. Los datos deben ser recopilados en formato csv
...several SIM cards for which we want to send SMS. These Goip devices are manufactured by the company DBLtek () These devices have a web application with several webservices. One of them is that allows sending SMS through the GoIP device indicating: User Password Provider Destination phone Message text Sim number of the GoIP where the SMS has to go. What I need: 1.- A WS similar to , but which does not have to indicate the number of sim where the SMS has to come from, if not the WS itself that knows where the SMS should come from (ie the SIM that is free at that time) The web application has an option called "Bulk Send From File", in which it loads, through an xml, several sms with different numbers and texts. This option works as we want, since when loading
...rate for additional changes. 3. Scope Login Page Home Page with access to all client accounts and links to their transactions (transfers, payments and others) Balance and movements Page for Savings Accounts or Checking accounts. Transfer Page, from client’s account to another account in same bank or external bank account. Utility Payments Page, example pay phone bills, entering the phone number, choose months to pay, confirmation, Payment receipt, historic search and frequent payments....
I need an application that works with this device and that you can read RFID Tag, copy the epc and be able to write. The idea is to make something easy to read a Tag and be able to duplicate it easily and write it in another. would be a button to read, leave the list of what you read press on the number that had three options copy, write or send. and that we can configure a sending url that sends the mac of the device, the time and the epc of the tag.
Create Pokemon Go type game from the client side. The server side will already be programmed on the other side. It will be responsible for creating the login, showing on the map the position of the player on an Open Street Map, drawing on the map an entity, that this entity appears as augmented reality, point management and online purchases. It is to create the skeleton. The number of entities (monsters), as well as the extra graphics, would already be created separately. ---- Crear juego tipo Pokemon Go desde el lado de cliente. El lado servidor ya se programara por otro lado. Se encargara de crear el login, mostrar en el mapa la posición del jugador en un mapa Open Street Map, dibujar en el mapa una entidad, que esta entidad aparezca como realidad aumentada, ge...
I need to develop an Android Studio application that allows to include the SIP / VOIP SDK to connect to ASTERISK The project must: 1.- Connect via SIP to an Asterisk telephone exchange 2.- Call from a number console 3.- Call from a number of clients (via Json) 4.- Configure (add / modify / delete) SIP accounts 5.- Management Module More details (ask) ////////////////////////////////// Necesito desarrollar una aplicacion Android Studio que permita incluir el SDK de SIP/VOIP para conectarme a ASTERISK El proyecto deberá: 1.- Conectarse via SIP a una central telefonica Asterisk 2.- Llamar desde una consola de numeros 3.- Llamar desde una cuanta de clientes (via Json) 4.- Configurar (agregar/modificar/eliminar) cuentas SIP 5.- Modulo de Gestion Mas detalles (pregunt...
I am installing the payment module and the bank transfer to my Prestashop store. My membership of customer service with the creators of the template expired and it is the only detail that I need to solve opto to solve it by this means. The budget is the one in the project and the detail is as follows: * Install the PayPal module (it is already installed, only you can not see the PayPal logo at the time of placing the order) * Install correctly the bank transfer module. (This module is installed on the website, only it has not been reflected at the time of payment, I require that it be seen the correct way). I consider it a detail that I must be omitting that a person with experience in prestashop identifies it much faster than me. --------- Español: Estoy inst...
...API Una condicion es que los articulos sean importados por cantidades superiores a 5.000 articulos y que puedan mantenerse los precios actualizados. Habilidades: Servicios web de Amazon, Programación de bases de datos, PHP, API, MERCADOLIBRE, Shopify, Desarrollo de software Ver más: import product directly amazon shopigy, script amazon shopify, export amazon shopify, api amazon shopify, asin number amazon price, amazon mercadolibre module, amazon mercadolibre, importar produtos na mercadolibre, importar articulos jooml, importar articulos en blogger joomla, create asin list amazon, buy asin database amazon, asin liste amazon, asin list amazon, amazon rss single product asin...
Por favor, regístrate o inicia sesión para ver los detalles.
...Profile,Twitter Profile,YouTube Channel,Instagram Profile ,Website,Google+,Flickr,LinkedIn,Pinterest,Ask 3. Go to their videos page and search their videos for related keywords such as ("mi edad, mi cumpleaños, cuantos años tengo") and others in spanish that you might think will have videos where they say their age. Once you have your verdict, fill in the column called "Verified age" with the number of years. Optionally, if you found the birthdate fill in the column "Birthdate" with the birth date you found. If you did not find the birthdate, you must provide an estimation. We have given you some ranges columns (under 14,14-18,19-25,26-30,31-35,36-45,46-60,61 and above). Mark an x on the age range you think the creator has. If ...
...very much everyone for your projects and for your time. Having seen several designs, we believe that neon was not such a good idea. For now we are staying with the most minimalist logos. So, we ask you to be creative, be free to design your own logo. Sorry for the low decision, when we see the logo of our company, we will know what it is. Thanks for participating. Successes 2 tips, due to the number of proposals: SHOULD NOT SAY "Compra Venta de autos" And still we did not see something out of the template, something original....
...y en base a (BJF forex latency arbitrage EA) en cuanto a parametros, o mejor dicho mejorarlo!!! Pero que: -Oculte por completo el arbitraje al broker (precio solicitado, sl, tp, duracion del trade...), bueno mas bien que las modifique, mediante un script o algo asi!!! de tal manera que el broker no sepa que estoy utilizando arbitraje. "importante". -Que tenga una opcion para cambiar el magic number. -Otra opcion (add on o algo parecido) para emular comercio manual. -Un money management que calcule automaticamente y en tiempo real la f optima -y la f segura al 22,5% (dos opciones) ademas de las estandar de tamaño fijo y porcentaje del balance -Con dos alimentadores con FIX API rithmic y lmax -Que sirva para todos instrumentos, pero sobre todo para forex (18...
...y en base a (BJF forex latency arbitrage EA) en cuanto a parametros, o mejor dicho mejorarlo!!! Pero que: -Oculte por completo el arbitraje al broker (precio solicitado, sl, tp, duracion del trade...), bueno mas bien que las modifique, mediante un script o algo asi!!! de tal manera que el broker no sepa que estoy utilizando arbitraje. "importante". -Que tenga una opcion para cambiar el magic number. -Otra opcion (add on o algo parecido) para emular comercio manual. -Un money management que calcule automaticamente y en tiempo real la f optima -y la f segura al 22,5% (dos opciones) ademas de las estandar de tamaño fijo y porcentaje del balance -Con dos alimentadores con FIX API rithmic y lmax -Que sirva para todos instrumentos, pero sobre todo para forex (18...
Requerimos alguien experto en desarrollo sobre Shopify. Estamos en Colombia y en Shopify no hay módulos de mensajería desarrollados. Tenemos la opción de usar el API de unas de las empresas más eficientes en Colombia: Deprisa. Requerimientos: - Dar la opción en el checkout de escoger las...no hay módulos de mensajería desarrollados. Tenemos la opción de usar el API de unas de las empresas más eficientes en Colombia: Deprisa. Requerimientos: - Dar la opción en el checkout de escoger las diferentes opciones de entrega por deprisa (estandar, deprisa hoy, deprisa 9am, etc) - Liquidar valores dependiendo del peso/volumen del producto - Generar guía en sistema y registrar tracking number en plataform...
I need to perform a similar turn-key work in OBS. + video effect with tip in format (number of tokens, nickname tippers) deseo implementar OBS en chaturbate y que tenga efectos cada que los tippers envien tokens, dependiendo de la cantidad de tokens sea un efecto, por ejemplo: si un tipper envia de 1 - 14 tokens un efecto si un tipper envia de 15 - 49 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 50 a 99 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 100 a 499 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 500 a 999 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 1000 en adelante sea otro efecto muy bonito
I need to perform a similar turn-key work in OBS. + video effect with tip in format (number of tokens, nickname tippers) deseo implementar OBS en chaturbate y que tenga efectos cada que los tippers envien tokens, dependiendo de la cantidad de tokens sea un efecto, por ejemplo: si un tipper envia de 1 - 14 tokens un efecto si un tipper envia de 15 - 49 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 50 a 99 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 100 a 499 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 500 a 999 tokens otro efecto si un tipper envia de 1000 en adelante sea otro efecto muy bonito
I need to create an application for sports bets similar to bet365 or wplay that has live match bets and matches have not started with reference to where teams show how much is the number of the bet other than when someone loses a game is automatically deleted, and have multiple bets, simple etc, I need to be placed the real value of the application or will not be taken into account. -----español Necesito crear una aplicación para apuestas deportivas parecido bet365 o wplay que tenga apuestas de partidos en directo y partidos no han iniciado con referencia a donde muestran los equipos cuanto es el numero de la apuesta a demás que cuando alguien pierda un partido se elimine automáticamente, y tener apuestas múltiples, sencillas etc
Se necesita especialista en ecomerce, con d...eliminado y vuelto a colocar y subo un par de fotos y vuelve al error, al agregar mas fotos no las muestra.) 3. 3. Al momento de pago aceptado, enviar un mail adicional del correspondiente al cliente, otro email adjuntando “factura del pedido” y “caratula de envío” con la información del destinatario. 4. 4. Cambiar Asunto de un email de plantilla de prestashop, (cheque) y agregar shipping number en el contenido del email. (esta hecho pero tiene error, al destinatario no le entrega el número de orden de envío. ) 5. 5. Conectar configurar google analitycs (ha sido conectado pero no está bien configurado) 6. 6. Tamaño imágenes de los producto solo permite tama...
...aproximada de entrega 25 de Octubre. Tareas El temario de los videos es el siguiente, puede ser un video por tema, pero tampoco hay problema si dos temas se realiza en un mismo video: Php *Introducción php Sintaxis * variables * echo y print * tipos de datos * tipos de datos complejos * operadores * assignamnet * funciones * debugger * métodos globales * métodos de string, number, math, random, dates, array * Condicionales y comparadores (enseñar con debugger) * switch (enseñar con debugger) * loops (enseñar con debugger) * break * expresiones regulares * palabras reservadas * Formularios en Php * métodos get y post * Validación Php avanzado * Arrays multidimensionales * php include * Su...
...garment can be added to the designs sent. In each design, it should be specified that a curvy woman (extra sizes 1x up to 4x) is proposed, whether it is for the 25 to 35 years young contemporary, or for the 35-35 years, true contemporary. In this call, we will select 8 designs of high parts for each target of woman, 2 low parts and 2 complete (dress, jumpsuit) Each designer can send the number of designs he wants without limitation, but we will only pay the selected ones at a price of $ 400 pesos each....
...los campos actuales no finales. 2. Agregar las interactividades existentes en las plantillas de Bootstrap a la integración. (Ya se encuentran en las plantillas algunos efectos a través de javascript que es necesario implementarlos en el desarrollo, los efectos fueron creados en con jquery y son para ocultar y mostrar elementos) 3. En los campos en que el usuario coloca números (input type=number) , programar para que automáticamente se agreguen el separador de mil, ejemplo 1000000 -> 1.000.000 En tiempo real, en la misma casilla. 4. Existen 2 pantallas donde es necesario que se actualice la información en tiempo real que va agregando el usuario en la parte derecha de la pantalla. Por ejemplo el usuario ingresa en un input type text 1...
I want a app for Android and others .... for a Karaoke Bar, when the client (into the bar karaoke) can search and select a song, put his name and number of the table. The Dj receive a note (in PC or mobile) with a song name, the name of the client and the number of the table (the table where is the client). Need to import easy the list of songs. ----------------------- Necesito un aapp para Androi y otros .... para un Karaoke Bar, donde el cliente (que esta dentro del karaoke) puede buscar y seleccionar una cancion, poner su nombre y numero de su mesa. El DJ recibe estos datos en el ordenador o telefono mobile (nombre de la cancion, nombre del cliente y numero de mesa. Necesitamos importar de forma sencilla el listado de la canciones.
...the industrial sector, who on the one hand create content based on their offer (products) and experience (projects and industries), so that sellers of such companies can, using these contents, create proposals On the same web platform and share them with your prospects by sharing a URL. 1. There is a basic action that is the creation of Contents (tabs). This is done by the Product Manager, on a number of templates (such as those offered by Mailchimp to create an email), which in principle are related to Categories of content: Products, Projects and Industries. The contents can also be opened in Subcategories and Tags, in order to facilitate the searches. 2. The next action is the creation of Proposals from the contents or tabs indicated in the previous point, by sellers. This c...
...los campos anteriores: Regards, The Project consists of the following: • Add the following fields to the Device table. • Customer Name • Loan Number • Start Date • Expiry Date • These fields should appear when creating or editing a device • A panel on the left side of the map view that has the following features: O A Search TextBox O A list of devices, including the DeviceId columns, Last Update Date of the position. O The option to edit device information O From the panel when selecting a device you must mark the position on the map and Open a second panel with the following information • DeviceId • Customer name • Loan Number • Vehicle model • Vehicle Maker • License plate • Sta...
...(text in english is for instructions of the form): (Form name) Formato general de inscripción UNIVERSIDAD: TEXT MATRÍCULA: NUMBER SECTION 1 DATOS PERSONALES NOMBRE(S): TEXT APELLIDOS: TEXT GÉNERO: RADIO BUTTON 1.- Femenino 2.- Masculino Fecha de nacimiento: CALENDAR dd/mm/YYYY Lugar de Nacimiento: TEXT Estado Civil: radio button 1.- Soltero 2.- Casado Dirección Particular: Calle: TEXT Número exterior: TEXT Número interior: TEXT Colonia: TEXT C.P.: Number (limited to 5 digits) Ciudad: (Select menu from:) 1.- Ciudad de México 2.- Estado de México (I would like to increase the options in the future) Teléfono particular: NUMBER (limited to 10 digits) Celular: NUMBER (limited to 10 digits) Tel...
...supply us must be confirmed and must belong to the following channels: Department stores, shoe chains, retail stores, multi brands, distributors, marketers, internet sales, web pages, designers, product developers or companies Who wish to have footwear product portfolio either the collection that is presented, or developments that they want to make. The bonus or value to be paid depends on the number of confirmed contacts that you provide, and a rank or table is established by them, and according to this your value will be paid. 10 contacts us 10 usd, 11-20 contacts us 22 us. The data you need are: company name, store name, name of the person in charge of purchases men's shoes, phone, cell phone, whatsapp, email, address, city, country. ...
...vendidos. - si es posible tener una app android y un sistema gerenciador web. ( app second plan) La foto es solo una idea el sistema no necesita de sorteo. solo impresion I m paying - 50 to 70 bucks ---- I need a System for printing on pos printer of 58 and 68 MM with Lotto The simple system for lotto the system needs to have: - Printer printing pos. - Allow the User to enter a number number from 1 to 10 - Ticket with locating code. - ticket finder by code. -block ticket per block, half or half a dozen - amount of ticket sold. - if possible have an android app and a web manager system. (App second plan) The photo is just an idea the system does not need a draw. Only impression...
Hola Para un test de servicio, necesito alguien para llamar un numero en 806 menos de dos minutos (precio facturado : 0.42€/mn ) y decirme la respuesta del servicio. Es algo que no va necesitar mas de 2mn de trabajo, es para verificar que el servicio funciona. Gracias