Freelancer: UmarDesigner77
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Updated the design

Dear Contest Holder, Kindly check I added the images. thanks

Participación en el concurso Nro.292 para                                                 Wedding Planning Platform Design
Participación Nro. 292

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • felixlattman
    Organizador del concurso
    • 2 meses atrás

    thank you!! Looks great. I'll get back to you with feedback. I like the flowers and the small details.

    • 2 meses atrás
    1. UmarDesigner77
      • 2 meses atrás

      Thanks so much for responding, I am in wait and excited to working with you.

      • 2 meses atrás
    2. UmarDesigner77
      • 2 meses atrás

      Friend, waiting for your feedback

      • 2 meses atrás