I am a professional Web application developer with lots of programming experience in Java/PHP/Python. I have a long time experience working in SAP, after that, I took part in setting up 2 startup companies, one of which is an eCommerce company, DAU now is 30,000, which helps customers to buy proper oversea financial products, it is developing with the offline service development of the company now.
My Skills in development:
1、8 years Java development experience;
2、Familiar with main framework like Spring, Spring MVC, Spring boot,etc and Web store technique like woocommerce, magento and shopify;
3、Project related PHP/Python experience;
4、Database skill on Mysql、Oracle,Server skill on Tomcat;
5、Microservice skill using Spring Cloud (Eureka, Ribbon, Feign, Hystrix, Zuul etc);
6、A few knowledge in Hadoop, like HBase, Spark;
7、NoSQL skill on MongoDB, Redis;
8、front end tech like JQuery、Bootstrap、 and some knowledge of ios and android.