I have 8 years of experience in Linux server management and cloud systems which includes Installation, Monitoring, and Optimization. I can handle the installation of applications on Linux. I do web hosting support, Website migration, and Automation on server platform.
I can handle cloud platform setup and Network management. I'm an expert in virtualization systems
Cloud Services: Digitalocean
My experience on :
Linux, Windows, bash scripting , python scripts , NFS, CIFS, VMware, Xen, LVM, Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Zimbra, LVM in Linux, FTP, IPtables, Zabbix, Nagios, MySQL,OpenVPN, Docker, Dockerfile, Redis, Postgress, Ansible, humhub and Github, virtualbox
Operating systems: Linux, Windows, centos , ubuntu, solaris
Application/Web Servers: Apache, Nginx, Caddy, Apache2
Cloud Computing Engineer - Linux System Adminstarator
sept, 2013 - Presente
11 años, 3 meses
sept, 2013 - Presente
11 años, 3 meses
Cloud computing software deployment based on Python
Tools: Docker, Redis, MySQL, discourse, humhub, Postgress, KVM, OpenVstorage, Nginx, Caddy and Github
DevOps tools : Ansible, Jenkins and Kubernetes
Remote Cloud Support
Unix systems (Solaris) and Linux systems (Ubuntu and Redhat)
MySQL Administration (installation, configuration and replication)
Integration with Ericsson charging nodes (AIR, EAI)
Shell scripting (bash, ksh)
sept, 2013 - Presente
11 años, 3 meses
Cairo University
2004 - 2010
6 años
2004 - 2010
6 años
networking and switching
A tiempo
97 %
Dentro del presupuesto
97 %
Aceptar tarifa
89 %
Tasa de recontratación
10 %
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