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Alok S.
Python, PHP, Laravel, React Js, AWS | Web Design
$15 USD / hora
India (8:38 p. m.)
Se unió el septiembre 9, 2016
$15 USD / hora
I am an expert with 10+ years of experience in creating backend logics and backend structure creation in web and mobile development. I am having a great understanding of the Laravel structure.
■ Full Time (40+ hours / a week)
■ The daily result during development.
►Here are my core skills and experiences:
►Web Development
■ WordPress
■ Cake PHP
■ Laravel
■ Codeigniter
■ Vue.js framework
■ Angular Js
■ React js
►App Development
■ Android (Hybrid & Native)
■ IOS (Hybrid & Native)
■ Ionic ( Angular js )
■ Cordova
We are pleased that you are here.
We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future with you.
Thank you very much for your time :)
I needed someone on this project immediately. And I made that clear. AND, this was the first line of the job post: "YOU MUST START WORK IMMEDIATELY AND WORK CONTINuOUSLY UNTIL FINISHED. PLEASE WORK THROUGH THE WEEKEND. I'M NOT LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WITH EXCUSES. YOU MUST HAVE OPEN AVAILABILITY." Alok took the job and then disappeared over the weekend and claimed that "nobody works on the weekends." Alok will agree to whatever he feels will get him the job and then do whatever he wants later.
Team Leader | Infoseek Software systems
Website Development In PHP, Codeigniter, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Laravel, Ajax etc.
- Designing and maintaining web applications and Implemented with core functionalities.
- Well understanding and maintaining of Database
nov, 2017 - ene, 2019
1 año, 2 meses
Software Engineer
ene, 2015 - nov, 2017
2 años, 10 meses
Accent Code Technologies
ene, 2015 - nov, 2017
2 años, 10 meses
Web Development
• MySql
• Wordpress
• Woocommerce
•CakePHP, CodeIgniter.
ene, 2015 - nov, 2017
2 años, 10 meses
Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and Technological Sciences
2015 - 2017
2 años
Master of Computer Application
2015 - 2017
2 años
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
2012 - 2015
3 años
Bachelor of Computer Application
2012 - 2015
3 años
Certified PHP developer
SAAS 2000
Certified in PHP
Role of CMS in web development
web devloper journel
CMS like wordpress have evolved very quickly i recent years.. trends related to it
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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