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Mohamed Nahas N.
Walk to talk
$31 USD / hora
Sri Lanka (6:41 a. m.)
Se unió el marzo 5, 2013
$31 USD / hora
I have been working in the IT industry since 2011. Over the years I've gained experience in designing websites, testing, and implementing web applications using HTML, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, Bootstrap, and all other new technologies. I involve in Marketplace API integration such as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, Shopify, Walmart, Etsy, OnBuy, and other all available marketplaces, using their respective APIs.
I have been working in the IT industry since 2011. Over the years I've gained experience in designing websites, testing, and implementing web applications using HTML, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, Bootstrap, and all other new technologies. I involve in Marketplace API integration such as eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, Shopify, Walmart, Etsy, OnBuy, and other all available marketplaces, using their respective APIs.
mar, 2011 - nov, 2014
3 años, 7 meses
Bsc in Information Technology
2005 - 2012
7 años
Sri Lanka
2005 - 2012
7 años
Bsc in Information Technology
Sri Lanka Institue of Information Technology (SLIIT)
Have received the Degree Certificate on 2013 February 16 at the Sri Lankan Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT )main Campus, Malabe, Colombo.
Software Engineer
I have been working in IT industry since 2011. Over the years I've gained experience in designing websites, testing, and implementing applications using HTML, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX and Bootstrap.
I used to work on eBay and Amazon API's such as Trading Finding and shopping, Merchandising and Amazon Web services (Amazon AWS and MWS).
Freelancer Orientation
US English
Employer Orientation Exam
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