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Abdiwoli A.



Software Engineer | Full-Stack Developer

$10 USD / hora
Bandera de
Qatar (1:37 a. m.)
Se uniĆ³ el agosto 30, 2024
$10 USD / hora
I am a dedicated and skilled Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience in full-stack development, specializing in both front-end and back-end technologies. My expertise spans across a range of programming languages including C, Python, and JavaScript, with a strong proficiency in frameworks like React for front-end development and Flask for back-end development. With a solid foundation in Computer Science from the University of the People, coupled with practical experience in building robust, scalable applications, I have successfully delivered various projects from concept to deployment. Notable projects include the development of a full-stack e-commerce platform using Node.js, and the creation of a printf implementation in C, showcasing my strong problem-solving abilities and deep understanding of core programming concepts. In addition to my technical skills, I hold a Nanodegree in Data Analysis from Udacity, further enhancing my ability to extract valuable insights from data and apply them to improve application performance and user experience. My experience as a Software Engineer at ALX Africa and Holberton School has honed my ability to work in fast-paced environments, delivering high-quality code and solutions that meet the needs of users and stakeholders. I am passionate about leveraging my skills to create impactful software solutions, whether remotely or on-site, and I am eager to contribute to innovative projects that push the boundaries of technology.
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