Write some Software
$250-750 USD
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Estamos buscando un freelancer con un muy buen nivel y experiencia en PHP, MySql, Microsoft SQL Server, Apache, IIS /.x y conocimientos del software open source Process Maker.
El trabajo será en tres etapas a saber:
1) Necesitamos modificar el software open source Process Maker para que pueda tener single sign on cuando sea llamado desde un iframe de DotNetNuke (DNN) . El DNN le pasará un GUID a través de un post o get al llamarlo dentro de un IFRAME y el Process Maker deberá a partir del GUID hacer una consulta en la base de datos MS SQL (Microsft SQL) y obtener todos los datos del usuario y loguearlo en el Process Maker. Si el usuario no exite en el Process Maker lo deberá crear y cargar toda la tabla users y además loguearlo. Por otro lado deberá cargar las tablas de grupos y roles de usuario del Process Maker.
2) Neceitamos poder inatalar el Process Maker en un IIS 7.x ( El web server de Microsoft) en lugar de un apache. Para eso deberá documentar como hacerlo , las configuraciones y del PHP y del IIS.
3) Modificar el Process Maker para que funcione en MS SQL .
Se ofrece además continudadad en tareds de software.
For English-speakers:
We are looking for a freelancer with a very good level of expertise in PHP, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Apache, IIS 7.x and knowledge of open source software Process Maker .
We want that all the software running under Windows Server. We have set up a dev server than you can access and work there.
We need the Freelancer implement the following four stages:
1) We need to modify the open source software Process Maker so we can have single sign on when called from an iframe from DotNetNuke (DNN). DNN will pass a GUID through a post or get request in an IFRAME and Process Maker shall query a MS SQL (Microsoft SQL) database and get all user data and login in the Process Maker. If the user does not exist in the Process Maker, it must be created and upload all user data from the DNN through a store procedure, and also then login in Process Maker. After that it must load tables groups and user roles from DNN into the Process Maker user´s and group tables. **
2) Modify the Process Maker to run from an Iframe. It Is not a native feature of the Process Maker to run in an Iframe
3) We need to install the Process Maker on an IIS 7.x (Microsoft web server) instead of an Apache. And also should document how PHP configurations and IIS and Process Maker are made.
4) Modify the Process Maker to run with MS SQL instead of MySql.
Nº del proyecto: #11502125
Sobre el proyecto
14 freelancers están ofertando un promedio de $754 por este trabajo
I am really interested to do this job and get started. can we discuss the project details?
Thanks for inviting us. We're familiar with Microsoft server, SQL & PHP and would like to help you to customize software Process Maker. We'd like to inform you that we've customized multiple open source software Más
We are using HTML5, PHP, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY languages. We have some debugging team as well, if you want us - feel free to shoot me a message. We are friendly team so be with us!