I am newbie to freelancer.com but I have experienced for 10 years and have ever built several apps.
I hope working at this project and i will do my best for project.
If you would ask working in holiday, i should work, even though on birthday.
Let me show my skill set.
- Python 2.7, 3.5
1. Full-stack
- Django 1.8.6, 1.11
- Django CMS
2. Web Service / API
- Django RESTful, Flask, Pyramid, Falcon, Tastypie
3. Scraping
- Scrapy, Beautiful Soup
4. 3rd Party libraries/services/web servers
- Nginx, Gunicorn
- Python Pandas
- Fabric
- Celery, RabbitMQ, Pika
- Memcache
- Apache solr, Elasticsearch
- AWS(Lambda, ElastiCache, Elasticsearch, RDS, S3, RedShift, Boto SDK, SQS)
5. Big Data
- Apache Kafka, Apache Spark
6. Database
- Redis, CouchDB, IronDB
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- AWS RedShift
7. Frontend compatible
- JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Ajax, HTML5, AngularJS, ReactJS
8. Test-automation script
- For unit testing: Mock
- For acceptance testing: Selenium
- For reusable app testing: Cookiecutter
- Tox
9. DevOps
- Trello, Jira
- Github, Bitbucket
- Docker, Drone
- Heroku
- CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins
Marc Gardiner