Admin interface:
-Creating carriers: Carrier name, Carrier IPs:Ports (To be allowed where calls to from), Personal Notes.
-Adding numbers with CSV File: Range;country;Number;Carrier Payout;Carrier Pay Term;Client Payout;Notes (remarks)
-Numbers should be all routed to a local IVR (or a group of IVRs, which will be played randomly) if not allocated to any client.
-Numbers page show all details: Range, number, carrier, carrier payout, carrier pay term*, client payout**, to which client it's allocated if it is, and Notes
-Search options: search per client allocated numbers, per carrier, per range, per country, per rate (more than or less than or =), per number, etc.
-Option to download CSV file numbers of the searched result, or for all if search is reset for all
-Select numbers (with select all option or one per one) and do these actions: delete, allocate to client, or desallocate, or edit price for allocated numbers
-Ranges page: where we can find all ranges list, with range name, country, carrier, carrier payout, carrier pay term, client payout with edit or remove option, or opening it it will show numbers included and option to add more numbers in that range with manual list
-Edit for ranges: to edit carrier payout/term, or client payout, or range name
-Search with carrier name, range name, country, or rate (Less, more,=)
-Select ranges, to bulk delete
-Add clients: Client name, company name, main email, noc email, rates email, phone number, username/password, agreement (upload PDF possibility) should be downloadable when needed, IPs:Ports (Any numbers allocated to the client, will be snet calls automatically the calls to his IP.
-Stats: CDR with search: per date range, per client, per carrier, per country, per range, per number or per cli, => CSV Downlodable
-Stats: Reports: search per date range, per carrier, per client, per range name, per country, per client, result shows: total calls per range, total minutes per range, total carrier payout, total client payout, clicking on any line leads to detailed CDR of that result, this should be CSV downloadable,
-Stats: Reports: Per date range, Per carrier total amounts.
-Stats: Live calls, also with search options
-Access lists: you know about this :) i will provide you a sample, and should be downloadable
-Numbers which are not allocated to any client, they should play random IVRs from an IVR groups which we create and upload on the platform
-Ability to download by the end of the month invoices for each carrier, with the form which i will send you.
-Access list download: checking latest calls by date range and export file with range name, call from (country), call from (number calld minus 3-4 digits), last call date and time
Client Interface:
-CDR, amounts, reports: total calls, total minutes, total amounts
-Allocate numbers; Range, Country, Number and Rate only, and should be downloadable
-Live calls
Pay term*: each provider have their own payment term like: 30/30 means to be paid 30 days after the end of each billed month, or 30/45 to be paid 45 days after the end of the month
Client Payout*: As this business is about to pay clients for their incoming calls, for expl: a destination which we get paid $0.18 for each minute, we payout 0.17 for each minute the client makes
There will be difference between Carrier Payout and Client Payout, which will be used for calculating profit, In the stats pages
-It should allow high capacity, and secure
-At the end we need a quick install script for all of it ".sh" including Asterisk/FS
Skills: PHP, Software Architecture, Asterisk PBX, MySQL, JavaScript
See more: making money with international premium rate numbers, iprn telecom, iprn providers, international premium rate numbers providers, international premium rate numbers daily payout