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    2,000 will cancel project trabajos encontrados

    The project is 252 days and 4231 hours. The budget for each freelancer is 47,49. Specific requerimients in chat Required skills: Engineering drawing, product design, industrial design, technical drawing/tech pack, 3d rendering, Data science, machine learning, branding, fashion design, ux design. digital marketing, project management. All will need to have knowledge of Machine Learning to make data-driven decisions and complement the Machine Learning specialist. -Project Manager (Lean Startup): Experience in the implementation of the Lean Startup method. Ability to make informed and agile decisions. Central coordinator to ensure team alignment with project objectives. Software Developer: Experience in web and application devel...

    $725 Average bid
    Acuerdo de Confidencialidad
    $725 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas
    Excel Expert.
    Finalizado left

    I have a DB in excel. There are many register that includes Type and date and hour. I may get the response time in between. The problem is that in the range, there are many trash register that needs to be removed. Example: Normal must be: Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:40am Cancel - 20/Feb - 9:43am So it means it is 3 minute attending. However, the Database has trash register like: Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:40am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:41am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:41am Call 1 - 20/feb - 9:42am Cancel - 20/Feb - 9:43am So it means the attending is 3 min. so we need to remove the trash data. Only analyze the min of that data range.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas
    Project for Vitalii S.
    Finalizado left

    ...private area for my students, this area will have: Session start device recover password section but not registration since the registration will be done from the administrator profile, the administrator profile will have the option to create users with the data of: USERNAME MAIL PASSWORD NUMBER OF CREDITS PURCHASED Apart from this, the administrator will be able to access the panel for creating available teachers with their respective hours available to teach. When users enter their panel they will have the following sections: "Schedule Class": Here they can schedule, reschedule and cancel classes according to the availability of each teacher. "Tickets" Here they will be directed to our ticket page which has...

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Especialista en google ads Busco una asesoría en vivo con mi cuenta. Funciona bastante bien, con un CTR del 6%. Palabras clave negativas. Etc. Pero, busco una persona con mucha experiencia que me pueda decir qué se puede mejorar. Bloqueo de IPS, y bueno otras cosas que espero me comente qué puede hacer. En su postulación por favor indíqueme tiempo que lleva con google ads, cuántas cuentas maneja actualmente (le pediré pruebas), y en general en la conversión me daré cuenta si sabes o no, así que inexpertos por favor evita perder tu bid. Lo intermedio ya lo hacemos, buscamos quién nos ayude con lo avanzado. Menciona tus certificados si los tienes, pero más importante tus casos exitosos. Si ofertas más...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas
    Project for Will S.
    Finalizado left

    Hola Will S., vi tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas card payments to later be entered in the portal in the client's account to schedule the appointment. The Doctor must have the flexibility to, create, change or cancel appointments. The Doctor and Patient will receive an email or text with the payment confirmation and the scheduled appointment. Payment method will be Paypal. The client can pay with a credit card Paypal would take their payment without requiring the client to create a paypal account. In the Patients form I need Name, Sex, Address, Telephone, Pain Area and a small space for extra comments. Only the name, telephone number and type of appointment will be required. Video Calls only thru watsup. 4 Types of appointments with different prices to choose from. Consultation at the Clinic...

    $307 Average bid
    $307 Oferta promedio
    9 ofertas

    Tengo un proyecto en laravel que ya tiene una plantilla y me estaria faltando darle funcionalidad. He decidido optar por crear un proyecto en freelancer por cada una de las tareas del sitio. La primer tarea que necesito es: Login Pacientes: Tengo un formulario de login realizado desde la funcionalidad de autenticacion que crea laravel, a ese formulario de login le falta el inicio por medio de facebook, twitter y linkedin. El registro de Pacientes funciona bien pero se podria dar una revisada. Login de Profesioanles: Falta crear la pantalla de login para profesionales y tendra la misma funcionalidad que el login de pacientes con la diferencia que se necesitara loginear con una tabla llamada profesionales que es distinta a la tabla de pacientes, a la tabla se le pueden agregar campos e...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta promedio
    5 ofertas

    Necesito que alguien : 1) baje este video (duración 13:43 minutos) 2) Transcriba el texto y lo pase con alta calidad del inglés al español 3) Lo subtitule de modo que el video quede con los subtitulos fijados de forma permanente (NO ME SIRVE EL ARCHIVO SRT POR SEPARADO) 4) Me lo envie terminado para el día domingo 4 de marzo NOTAS _______ A- La traducción debe ser de alta calidad y no literal. El sentido NO PUEDE cambiar. Español neutro y formal (Usted en vez de tú) B- El video debe ser bajado en alta definición y el resultado una vez con el subtitulo "pegado" también C- debe ser en alta definición. D- No se aceptarán cambios a ninguna de las condiciones expresadas. No quiero excu...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    (Only Spanish native speakers//Sólo Frelancers que hablen español nativo). (No automatic messages will be answered) Hola a todos, Quiero una web para pasar consulta por video conferencia a través del ordenador, teléfono o dispositivo móvil, como tablet, etc. Lo más importante de esta web es el calendario de reservas. Me gustaría mucho que fuera similar al que remito en documento adjunto. Las reservas se podrán hacer desde las 07 de la mañana hasta las 23horas. El tiempo mínimo será de media hora, la otra opción será de una hora. Sólo se podrán hacer reservas a las horas en punto y a las y media, es decir que no a las y 15 minutos, 25, 45, etc. Para reservar ha...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 Oferta promedio
    7 ofertas

    IF YOU ARE NOT NATIVE FROM A SPANISH SPEAKING COUNTRY, DON´T BID HERE, YOU ARE LOSING YOU TIME, AND MY TIME! ¡LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ANTES DE HACER SU OFERTA! Detalles del proyecto 1) Libro de 112000 palabras 2) El libro será provista en formato .MOBI (no me pidan otro formato) 3) Hay que corregir SOLAMENTE errores de ortografía 4) NO SE DEBE REESCRIBIR NADA NI CORREGIR GRAMATICA ETC, SOLO ORTOGRAFÍA 5) El libro será devuelto con las correcciones necesarias en el mismo formato, y debe poder ser abierto sin problemas en un Kindle tal como en este momento. Condiciones: 1) Si subsisten errores ortográficos, NO HABRA PAGA 2) Si el .MOBI no puede ser abierto en un kindle como ahora, NO HABRA PAGA 3) Se trata solo de corregir errores or...

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Oferta promedio
    78 ofertas

    ...posible. Hay otros detalles charlables What I need is simple, a system of deposit in guarantee for some system of forums where the users can load money to their accounts (bitcoin, altcoin) and open requests of deposit in guarantee with other members of the forum and can release disputes or cancel the event. I also need to have a feedback system Basically the idea is to create a forum where users can sell their digital products, if possible they can upload their material to the same forum. We will work with blocktrail api. On the other hand it is necessary that the system allows me to configure a fee per operation, by deposit and withdrawal of altcoins, bitcoins. that has 2fa is paramount, security is a priority. If a user wishes to become a provider or seller, he...

    $976 Average bid
    $976 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    ...posible. Hay otros detalles charlables What I need is simple, a system of deposit in guarantee for some system of forums where the users can load money to their accounts (bitcoin, altcoin) and open requests of deposit in guarantee with other members of the forum and can release disputes or cancel the event. I also need to have a feedback system Basically the idea is to create a forum where users can sell their digital products, if possible they can upload their material to the same forum. We will work with blocktrail api. On the other hand it is necessary that the system allows me to configure a fee per operation, by deposit and withdrawal of altcoins, bitcoins. that has 2fa is paramount, security is a priority. If a user wishes to become a provider or seller, he...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas 4, text: "notificación cada 30 mins", every: 30 }] 1.2) Se ejecute internamente cada X minutos (tiempo puesto en la variable de configuración "every"). desde phonegap. 1.3) Debe enviar una notificacion local con el titulo y texto configurado, así la app este en background (no es neceario conexion a internet para esto por que es local). 1.4) Debe tener una función para destruirlo (.cancel() o .destroy()) desde phonegap 1.5) Debe tener una función de que consulta el "status" que retorna si esta activo o no. 1.6) El plugin debe permitir por medio de una funcion consultar las notificaciones que se le han dado click y cuales no. NOTA: Intentamos usar este plugin que se adapta perfecto a esta necesidad...

    $668 Average bid
    $668 Oferta promedio
    8 ofertas
    Finalizado left

    Estamos terminando la evaluación de proyecto de un e-commerce, y estamos necesitando un programador/diseñador que trabaje con nosotros. Primero por 3 meses y después para adelante.

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta promedio
    15 ofertas

    ...descripción de cada producto en el carrito, con un solo botón "Eliminar" que sirve para quitar este producto del carrito. <br />•    Por debajo del listado debería haber SOLAMENTE DOS BOTONES: un botón que claramente te lleva hacia atrás para continuar mirando productos, y otro botón más llamativo que te lleva claramente hacia adelante para pagar y descargar los productos.<br />•    Eliminar el boton CANCEL de la pagina Checkout<br />•    Poder modificar con una imagen el botón ADD TO CART del carrito de la compra y del detalle de los productos<br />•    Añadir un nuevo botón "Proceed to c...

    $249 Average bid
    $249 Oferta promedio
    4 ofertas

    Tengo trabajo en curso relacionado con nuestros proyectos anteriores 'I will Create 3 Logo Designs within 1 Day for danielhoncp'

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    what is the project: - A twett wall - Application focuses on showing tweets as a search pattern. I want to hire somebody to: - develop 2 versions of an HTML page showing a tweet. - The page must be made in HTML5 / CSS - They must have a , "modern", "interesting" design - Design 1000px x 700px, centered in the window where you see. - The page has to show these data from a tweet: - Photo of the author - Author's name - User name tweet author - When it was written that the tweeet - the tweet message itself - If you have images, show at least one - Also must show an extra text. It will be used to display the message "wrote to tweet a hashtag << and >>here you will see " - More space for display advertising - ...

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta promedio
    3 ofertas

    ...Cuándo se realizan las distintas notificaciones a la aplicación móvil. ? Cuándo esas notificaciones llegan al terminal móvil (doble check de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo el técnico abre la aplicación para “leer la notificación” (doble check azul de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo se realiza el envío del SMS al terminal móvil. ? Cuándo el carrier de telefonía móvil envía el último evento SMS (“Ready for delivery”, “Cancel”, etc…). ? Cuándo el técnico de campo accede a la URL de acceso. ? Cuándo el técnico de campo Acepta/Cancela tanto vía App como vía URL. ? Cuándo se notifica a TeleSecr...

    0 ofertas

    ...Cuándo se realizan las distintas notificaciones a la aplicación móvil. ? Cuándo esas notificaciones llegan al terminal móvil (doble check de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo el técnico abre la aplicación para “leer la notificación” (doble check azul de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo se realiza el envío del SMS al terminal móvil. ? Cuándo el carrier de telefonía móvil envía el último evento SMS (“Ready for delivery”, “Cancel”, etc…). ? Cuándo el técnico de campo accede a la URL de acceso. ? Cuándo el técnico de campo Acepta/Cancela tanto vía App como vía URL. ? Cuándo se notifica a TeleSecr...

    0 ofertas

    ...Cuándo se realizan las distintas notificaciones a la aplicación móvil. ? Cuándo esas notificaciones llegan al terminal móvil (doble check de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo el técnico abre la aplicación para “leer la notificación” (doble check azul de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo se realiza el envío del SMS al terminal móvil. ? Cuándo el carrier de telefonía móvil envía el último evento SMS (“Ready for delivery”, “Cancel”, etc…). ? Cuándo el técnico de campo accede a la URL de acceso. ? Cuándo el técnico de campo Acepta/Cancela tanto vía App como vía URL. ? Cuándo se notifica a TeleSecr...

    0 ofertas

    ...Cuándo se realizan las distintas notificaciones a la aplicación móvil. ? Cuándo esas notificaciones llegan al terminal móvil (doble check de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo el técnico abre la aplicación para “leer la notificación” (doble check azul de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo se realiza el envío del SMS al terminal móvil. ? Cuándo el carrier de telefonía móvil envía el último evento SMS (“Ready for delivery”, “Cancel”, etc…). ? Cuándo el técnico de campo accede a la URL de acceso. ? Cuándo el técnico de campo Acepta/Cancela tanto vía App como vía URL. ? Cuándo se notifica a TeleSecr...

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    ...realizan las distintas notificaciones a la aplicación móvil. ? Cuándo esas notificaciones llegan al terminal móvil (doble check de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo el técnico abre la aplicación para “leer la notificación” (doble check azul de WhatsApp). ? Cuándo se realiza el envío del SMS al terminal móvil. ? Cuándo el carrier de telefonía móvil envía el último evento SMS (“Ready for delivery”, “Cancel”, etc…). ? Cuándo el técnico de campo accede a la URL de acceso. ? Cuándo el técnico de campo Acepta/Cancela tanto vía App como vía URL. ? Cuándo se notifica a TeleSecreta...

    0 ofertas

    Tengo trabajo en curso relacionado con nuestros proyectos anteriores 'I will convert 7 pages of text from PDF to Word (or vice-versa) for ariecohen'

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    ...boton de volver al menú. Ademas de un conjunto de 3 estrellas indicativas de lo que has logrado en cada nivel. Son 20 fases en el mapa. 5. Pantalla de Juego: Fondo, Unos 8 tipos de bloques de juego (es como un puzzle game), elementos de salida y de llegada, texturas de fondo de los bloques para varias en distintas fases (unos 4 temas), cuatro tipos de elementos de juego (trenes), UI (pause, play, cancel, return, replay)- - Ventana de pausa con la opción de continuar o dejar el juego. - Ventana de game over ( con replay, retornar al mapa, ir a upgrade) - Ventana de final de juego win ( con resultado y estrellas, retornar al mapa, ir a upgrade) - Ventana explicativa de juego (con dos ilustraciones simples que indique los movimientos) 6. Todos los e...

    $631 Average bid
    $631 Oferta promedio
    10 ofertas

    Buscamos un ilustrador especializado, con experiencia en ilustración para niños para producir ilustraciones y elementos 2D para un juego par...(escuchar, tocar, jugar) 2. MENU DE MÚSICAS: Página con 6 botones (símbolos que representan cada canción) 3. JUEGO : 6 páginas de fondo del juego, uno para cada canción. 4. Elementos del juego: - Teclado Infantil de piano con 9 teclas de colores, las imágenes de la tecla suelto y apretado. - Barra de Orientación. - Estrellas de indicación de progreso (encendido y apagado). - Botón de Play, Pause, Cancel. - Símbolos tecla correcta e incorrecta. - Nota de música que cae para indicar la tecla a tocar. - Ventana de pausa...

    $463 Average bid
    $463 Oferta promedio
    19 ofertas

    Tengo trabajo en curso relacionado con proyectos anterioresI will add 3000 real Facebook likes for fanpages, photos and posts for shoptana'

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    Peace , mercy and blessings of God .. Staff required for very large project Please take seriously large Wanted: 1 - Responsible for social networking sites and news editor at the same time , will work on a daily basis to break up the time so that there is a new update is appointing him on social networking sites will be a picture of the global external site Salary : 300-700 USD 300 if it would work at home More than 500 if it will work in the headquarters of the bank or sub- 2 - required employees to work in sub- headquarters and the headquarters of both the number 3 and deployed as follows • issuing credit cards to customers and send the latest developments Salary ($ 700 ) • a person is reviewing the main business of the branch so Bassaddar...

    $5000 Average bid
    $5000 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    living room, living room, full color oyecto original, de dos patios, fue diseñado y construido como vivienda familiar. Según las referencias logradas, el primer propietario registrado fue don Rosendo Saucedo, en 1903. Sin embargo, a partir de los análisis arqueológicos y estudios realizados para la intervención, se estima que a fines del siglo XVII habría existido en el lugar una construcción previa, relacionada con los «oficiales reales», quienes se encargaban de controlar el «Quinto Real» durante el periodo colonial.

    $944 Average bid
    $944 Oferta promedio
    6 ofertas

    ...medical history, prescriptions, lab results, and other relevant data. The system should support data aggregation from multiple healthcare providers. API Integration: Integrate Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs to fetch and display patient records. Appointment Schedulling Implement a scheduling feature that allows users to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments with hospitals or healthcare providers. The system should display available time slots and handle user preferences. API Integration: Integrate with existing appointment and scheduling APIs from healthcare providers (e.g., Zocdoc API, hospital-specific APIs). Participants are expected to use the Postman API platform to interact with external APIs and demonstrate effic...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Oferta promedio
    17 ofertas

    ...To build a comprehensive, user-friendly website for service booking and customer management from the ground up. ________________________________________ Project Scope Core Features 1. Service Booking System: o Interactive interface for customers to:  View available services with descriptions and pricing.  Select desired Service(s), dates and times for appointments.  Confirm bookings via email or SMS notifications. o Real-time availability to prevent overlapping appointments. 2. Customer Management: o Customer profiles storing contact details and booking history. o Option for customers to log in and manage their bookings (reschedule, cancel, etc.). o Loyalty points or rewards system for returning customers. 3. Admin Dashboard: o Comprehensive calendar view of all booking...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Oferta promedio
    149 ofertas

    I'm seeking an architect skilled in design and planning with a focus on traditional residential architecture. The ideal freelancer will have a solid portfolio of traditional designs, taking into account functionality, aesthetics and budget constraints. Please provide examples of previous work that align with this style.

    $1375 Average bid
    $1375 Oferta promedio
    65 ofertas

    ...list account edit,block,unblock,delete,user trade ban tranjaction history,delete and add account balance add,debit,notice 8. users oder informations 9. user invite members list 10. user bonus history data,login,time,ip addres,active time recive bouns bank informations list and update refrel link update option withdraw,approve,cancel,type region option (Agent option) red envelope report,recharge,withdraw trade,bonus (control option) result Green,red,violet,number, total amount green total amount red total amount violet total amount which number and control panel Auto result option low amount colour & low amount number and withdraw manage options all information

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Oferta promedio
    30 ofertas

    **Job Title:** Freelancer Needed to Build an Online Speed Dating Website **Description:** We are looking for an experienced freelancer (or team) to design and develop a fully functional online speed dating platform. The platform will allow users to register, participate in timed video dates, and facilitate matchmaking. This project will require skills in web development, video integration, and user experience design. **Project Requirements:** 1. **Core Features:** - User registration and profile creation (with preferences such as age, gender, location, etc.). - Event creation and management system for different time zones. - Real-time video chat functionality for 3-minute speed dates. - Post-event feedback system where users indica...

    $1158 Average bid
    $1158 Oferta promedio
    44 ofertas

    *** Hosting is at Arsys *** All has to be on Wix and also create a Subdomain on Arsys to add custom functionality code that Wix doesn't allow as send QR Code once purchase is confirmed. *** Maximum 7 days, if not will cancel the project. *** ALL FEATURES ON DOC, has to be done. QRcreation---- The couple fills out a form on Web Novios- DONE A QRfrom the Frontend Web Guests is sent to their email in the language that the bride and groom have selected in the form. REVIEW The QRgenerates a dynamic URL of the Guest Web Frontend with the correct language. CHECK AS THERE ARE 3 LANGUAGES The QRis sent to the email indicated in the form once you have made the purchase. LACK BACKEND-This whole part is fundamentally for mobile and 90% is completed. Main Page When in...

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta promedio
    66 ofertas

    hello the project i got from codecanyon api side Laravel front end app is flutter the payment method will be added to the project some payment methods are added to the project but those payment methods are not used in my country please check the project the payment method site to be added is friends who will be made write privately

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    hello the project i got from codecanyon api side Laravel front end app is flutter the payment method will be added to the project some payment methods are added to the project but those payment methods are not used in my country please check the project the payment method site to be added is friends who will be made write privately

    $300 / hr Average bid
    $300 / hr Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas

    hello the project i got from codecanyon api side Laravel front end app is flutter the payment method will be added to the project some payment methods are added to the project but those payment methods are not used in my country please check the project the payment method site to be added is friends who will be made write privately

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Oferta promedio
    147 ofertas

    I need immediate assistance with my SMM Panel. The API limitations need to be addressed first as they are causing multiple orders to be sent to the provider, leading to p...API Limitations: The system is sending multiple orders to the provider when it should not. This is causing a significant financial mismatch. - Order Logging: The system is only storing one instance of a single order that has been sent multiple times, which is creating confusion in the order history. - Order Failure: Currently, when an order fails, the system only notifies the admin. It doesn't cancel the order or notify the provider. The ideal freelancer for this job should have extensive experience with SMM Panels and APIs. They should be able to fix these issues quickly and efficiently to prevent further ...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Oferta promedio
    118 ofertas

    More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? No time limit

    $1296 Average bid
    $1296 Oferta promedio
    110 ofertas

    I'm in need of a comprehensive online tutoring platform specifically for College-level Key Features: - Video Conferencing: This is a crucial component for real-time interaction between the tutor and student. - Interactive Whiteboard: An essential tool for visual learning and problem-solving. - Assignment Submission: This feature will allow students to submit their work for review and feedback. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in College - Experience in online tutoring - Knowledge in designing or utilizing an interactive online tutoring platform - Familiarity with features like video conferencing, interactive whiteboards, and online assignment submission I am looking for a freelancer who can assist in setting up this platform, with a strong understanding of college and online t...

    $2311 Average bid
    $2311 Oferta promedio
    194 ofertas website from scratch. It should have similar functions and to but tailored towards a different sport Key Requirements: - The website needs to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, similar to - It should have a secure payment gateway for safe transactions between users with an option to cancel the transaction if the product isn't delivered. - A mandatory user account system for posting ads and responding to the ads is essential. This will help maintain the integrity of the site and ensure a level of accountability amongst users. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing classified ads sites is highly preferred. - Strong knowledge and experience with secure payment gateway integration. - Excellent understanding of user accoun...

    $500 Average bid
    $500 Oferta promedio
    209 ofertas

    More details: Which aspect of the user experience is most important to you? Ease of navigation What navigational features are a must-have for your platform? Category-based listings, Quick links, Advanced filtering options How would you like personalized recommendations to be generated? Based on trending quotes

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Oferta promedio
    66 ofertas Note : Content will be provided by me. Product : total 10 Categories need to create and you have to upload 10 product in each categories rest i will upload. Product edited images and content i will provide to you. Payment gateway : integrations : Note : API keys for payment gateway will be provided by me of Cashfree. Deliverable's: - web page development. - Integration - Aligning website with content. - Category and product - Basic SEO Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in e-commerce site development, with particular experience in fashion-related platforms. An understanding of modern and minimalist design principles is essential, as is a commitment to prioritizing user experience above all else. NOTE : PLEASE BID IF YOU ...

    $190 Average bid
    $190 Oferta promedio
    72 ofertas

    Advanced WebSocket-Based Position Management Module for KuCoin Futures Bot with Bot-Managed Stop Loss and Take Profit Description I am seeking a Python developer to build a WebSocket-based module for managing positions in a KuCoin Futures trading bot. The module will dynamically handle position entries, bot-managed Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP), and real-time synchronization of wallet and trading data. It will integrate with a Redis database for state management, providing seamless performance. Below are the detailed requirements and expectations. Key Features and Requirements 1. WebSocket Integration The module must utilize KuCoin’s WebSocket API to ensure real-time updates and precise control over trading operations: • Position Monitoring Subscribe to...

    $439 Average bid
    $439 Oferta promedio
    85 ofertas
    Trophy icon Farmhouse Renovation & Makeover
    16 días left

    I am a pastry chef and content creator and I will use the farmhouse to shoot content for my social media and for cooking classes. I am seeking a dedicated professional with a flair for interior design, exterior landscaping, and roofing. The project will encompass a comprehensive redesign of all outdoor and interior spaces in my farmhouse. Key Requirements: - Complete interior redesign of all areas of the farmhouse - Landscaping enhancements to improve the farmhouse's exterior appeal - Roofing improvements to ensure structural integrity and aesthetic appeal Please read description and instructions carefully. I am attaching pictures of the actual farmhouse with measurements. I am also attaching pictures for inspiration in a separate file. I like Syrian patio desig...

    $750 Average bid
    Garantizado Sellado
    23 participaciones

    Hi Will P., We just noticed that you posted a project for "Graphic Design Expertise Needed" (

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta promedio
    1 ofertas