Max number messages can sendin myspace daytrabajos
This project consists of taking an already developed **survey creation tool**, which can be seen at [](), and duplicating it to create another very similar tool but for **trivia creation**, adding the functionalities described below. You can view the prototype of the **trivia tool** (including all changes and functionalities that this new tool must have) at [](). This project must be delivered **within a maximum of 24 hours** after the proposal is accepted. The project is developed in **VUE.js** and must continue to be developed using this framework, so we are looking for an expert in **VUE.js**. It runs on a **server with PHP 5.4** (we cannot change this). Credentials will be provided to work directly
..."Suscripciòn Anual Paga" tanto para: 1) *Lectores* locales y regionales. 2) *Anunciantes (Mayormente Terapeutas)* La idea base para ambas ya la tenemos. Es nuestra idea facilitar esa oferta, no hacerla muy costosa y sumar la maxima cantidad posible de interesados a Suscribirse a la revista. El pùblico de las Terapias Alternativas es un pùblico muy muy especifico. *OBJETIVO* Nuestro objetivo es en -max. 3 meses- contar con *100 Suscripciones Pagas. No disponemos de gran presupuesto, pero creemos que es un trabajo que -a priori- se puede realizar entre 1 o 2 meses. (Esperamos vuestra confirmacion acerca de esto) ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Buscamos preferentemente gente local y con real experiencia en e...
*English Story:* "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sophia. She lived in a small village surrounded by mountains and forests. Sophia loved to explore the outdoors and dreamed of one day becoming a great adventurer. One day, Sophia decided to go on a journey to discover a hidden treasure. She packed a bag with food, water, and a map, and set off early in the morning. As she walked through the forest, Sophia encountered many obstacles, including steep hills, rushing streams, and wild animals. But she persevered, using her courage and wit to overcome each challenge. Finally, after many hours of walking, Sophia reached the top of a great mountain. There, she found a chest filled with gold, jewels, and a note that read: 'Congratulations, Sophia, you are ...
...Manager/Follow-Up Specialist, you’ll have the opportunity to scale our operations while earning up to $10/hour plus bonuses per closed deal. This is a full-time, 8-hour/day remote position with growth opportunities in training and recruiting. Key responsibilities include: * Cold calling to identify motivated sellers and secure deals * Following up with leads to nurture relationships * Collaborating with the team to close deals * Recruiting and training new team members to grow the division Only for serious and qualified inquiries- Please send a Voice note presenting yourself as well as your resume to this WhatsApp number +1 908-494-9233 Estamos buscando un “Lead Manager” de Bienes Raíces Élite para Operaciones de Wholesaling Con m&aacu...
The job project is only for US residents (documentation will be required: passport or identification document) and with a native level of english. WE DO NOT NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic product...
Necesito un presupuesto para realizar 8 reels cortos (max 15-20 segundos) para instagram, se debe hacer con videos de stock y musica de fondo.
The job project is only for US residents (documentation will be required: passport or identification document) and with a native level of english. WE DO NOT NEED EXPERTS IN MARKETING, SEO, SEM OR AI. WE DO NOT INVEST IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. We only invest in real people, we need salespeople. PLEASE ONLY RESPOND IF YOU CAN GENERATE APPOINTMENTS NOT JUST LEADS. We are a european business center, offering virtual offices to freelancers, teleworkers and small and medium-sized enterprises owners (SMEs) from the USA who need a business address in Europe to sell their services or products to the european market. A highly consumerist market of 448.4 million customers. A market with more than 33 million companies. We do b2b business. Trump will encourage domestic product...
Buscamos profesor/a para incorporación a academia online de preparación para los exámenes de acceso a la Universidad. Asignaturas a impartir: Fundamentos del Arte e Historia del Arte Es indispensable: Manejo de herramientas tecnológicas (power point, word, videoconferencia...), capacidad pedagógica, excelente comunicador, capacidad de trabajo en equipo y ganas de crecer. ...pedagógica, excelente comunicador, capacidad de trabajo en equipo y ganas de crecer. Adjuntamos temario que deberá impartir. Las tareas serán clases online (horario a partir de las 17hs (Argentina)) - Corrección de ejercicios, seguimiento de los estudiantes y elaboración de material en el campus virtual Indispensable: excelente comunicación ...
I have a very simple reminders app Expo and I want to add a number of features. The budget is 10€ 1 - Add sound to reminders. 2 - Add a calendar (for SPAIN) with World Days (What is the best way to do this, with JSON, an API, etc, ...? I would like to hear options) 3 - INTERNATIONAL DAYS should be displayed in a different color on the calendar 4 - Add reminders to INTERNATIONAL DAYS, banner alerts and sounds (for example, 2 days before) 5 - A screen with INTERNATIONAL DAYS 6 - The calendar should display the holidays in red 7 - Rename the app and all references to the current name. It should be called "Don't Forget" 8 - the app shows several reminders by default when it starts, 9 - I need the changes in the code to be commented 10 - I need to k...
Hiring a driver in CDMX that has their own car or motorcycle to pick up our daily shipments for orders in Estado De Mexico and deliver them to our customers in both Estado De Mexico and Ciudad se Mexico. The shipments are small shipments of clothing all with a average weight of 0.20 KG. We'd need you to deliver around 30 packages a day. The compensation would be $40 per day. -------------------------------- ESPAÑOL Contratando un conductor en CDMX que tenga su propio automóvil o motocicleta para recoger nuestros envíos diarios de pedidos en Estado de México y entregarlos a nuestros clientes en Estado de México y Ciudad de México. Los envíos son pequeños paquetes de ropa con un peso promedio de 0.20 KG Neces...
ENGLISH: We are seeking a talented and proactive Web Developer for a 10-day project involving the creation of a dynamic and multifunctional website. This project offers the opportunity to work in a challenging and high-impact environment where your web design and development skills will play a crucial role. Responsibilities: Develop a complete website with a blog-style structure, prioritizing accessibility and user experience. Implement an intuitive top navigation bar with clearly defined sections. Create a dynamic image carousel (slider) for the homepage. Design an up-to-date news section with featured images and attractive headlines, allowing for categorization. Integrate banners for various functions and legal requirements. Develop a dedicated section to host videos. Integrate...
...efectos especiales). Capacidad para adaptar los conceptos a temáticas específicas como océanos, paisajes, ilusiones ópticas, y más. Resolución y escalabilidad: Diseños preparados para superficies grandes (hasta 100 m² o más). Resolución mínima: 150 ppp (10,000 x 10,000 píxeles), idealmente 300 ppp (20,000 x 20,000 píxeles). Habilidades técnicas: Manejo de software profesional como Blender, Maya, 3ds Max, o similar. Conocimiento de técnicas de UV mapping para asegurar escalabilidad y precisión. Entrega de archivos listos para impresión en vinilo (formatos TIFF, PSD, o similares). Colaboración: Disponibilidad para trabajar en proyectos continuos. Flexibilid...
Hola busco a una persona que quiera trabajar part time desde 09:00 a 13:00 hrs de Chile de lunes a viernes realizando diseños que se soliciten. Pueden ser para redes sociales, portadas, presentaciones, flyers, entre otros. Ideal que edite con Canva para mayor rapidez y agilidad. Tener versión de pago. Debe hablar español nativo. El pago...busco a una persona que quiera trabajar part time desde 09:00 a 13:00 hrs de Chile de lunes a viernes realizando diseños que se soliciten. Pueden ser para redes sociales, portadas, presentaciones, flyers, entre otros. Ideal que edite con Canva para mayor rapidez y agilidad. Tener versión de pago. Debe hablar español nativo. El pago se realiza mes a mes plataforma a conversar. Serían $150-$200 usd max... for instant messaging. Visual and audible notifications for new messages and chat status updates. User Interface: Clean, responsive, and user-friendly design. Ability to attach files (images, documents, etc.). Message read and sent confirmation. 2. Admin Live Panel with Interactive Features: Real-Time Chat Management: Centralized view of all active chats. Ability to manually or automatically assign chats to operators. Options to close, reopen, or escalate chats when needed. Interactive Visualization: Drag-and-drop functionality to reassign chats between operators. Visual representation of operator statuses (available, busy, offline). Statistics Visualization: Dynamic charts for: Number of active chats. Average response time. Customer satis...
...(opcional). • Confirmación de la cita con envío de recordatorio. 3. Explorar Servicios: • Catálogo interactivo con descripción de cada servicio: • Nombre del servicio. • Breve descripción de los beneficios. • Precio. • Duración estimada. • Opciones para agregar a la reserva directamente desde el catálogo. 4. Promociones: • Descuentos exclusivos. • Paquetes de servicios (ejemplo: “Spa Day completo”). • Ofertas especiales para fechas festivas. 5. Mi Perfil: • Información personal del cliente: • Nombre, correo electrónico, teléfono. • Historial de citas. • Opciones de pago guardadas (si aplica). • Ajustes de no...
...por cada rol (seleccionando solo los roles que se deseen configurar). Si no se definen valores entonces todo funcionara por defecto de la manera standard 3. Permitir almacenar los valores ingresados por el usuario 4. Al momento de agregar un producto al carrito desde la pagina de producto debe validarse las cantidades min/max/step deacuerdo al rol del usuario y los valores del producto. 5. Al momento de modificar el carrito (en la opcion ver carrito), validar los min/max/step de acuerdo al rol del usuario y valores del producto...
5 POINTS TO CONSIDER 1 - I would like to know how much the total cost of the fully completed work is, so that it does not become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. ...
I'm seeking for a developer that can develop an app web using a service architecture using: FrontEnd: -React to construct the frontend, create some interfaces like: login user, recover password, a dashboard with some menus and submenus like Materially: - In the frontend also need that have 1 menu to create a simulation schema using REACTFLOW LIBRARY to create - The frontend receive and send querys and response to the backend Backend: - The backend need to work with an APIGATEWAY that receive all Request from the frontend and send this request using RabbitMQ service to send an receive messages, create queues to other services: - Mongodb service that receive user information, simulator information and
...conexiones auténticas y emocionantes, y asegurar que los suscriptores continúen comprando tu contenido. ?? Hello! I am Ángel Amador, a 25-year-old OnlyFans chatter from the beautiful Dominican Republic, available from 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM. I am here to offer you my services as a sexter chatter and help you maximize your content sales. ?? My Role: I am dedicated to responding to your subscribers' messages, keeping hot and spicy conversations that will keep them interested and engaged. My goal is to create a fun and comfortable environment where subscribers feel free to interact and explore their desires. ?❤️ Effective Sales: I focus on selling your content effectively, encouraging subscribers to make purchases and ensuring they always come back for more....
Vapor max es el nombre de mi tienda online de cigarrillos electronicos, estoy buscando a personas especializadas en imagen para negocios online, busco rehacer completamente la imagen de mi tienda, desde el logo hasta algunos marcos para ofrecer el producto
5 POINTS TO CONSIDER 1 - I would like to know how much the total cost of the fully completed work is, so that it does not become a surprise. 2 - I will consider the work as finished when in one tab of a browser I can see and listen to the streaming from a Raspberry, while at the same time, that is, simultaneously, in another tab the streaming from another is accessed, any other option that does not achieve this, which is my objective, would be considered as unfinished. If the objective is not met, I would ask the platform for a refund. I am only looking for a fair deal for both parties. 3 - I have a PC with Ubuntu 24 and I will provide remote access to it through the application called “nomachine”. Likewise, I will provide remote access to two Raspberrys through VNC. ...
SELECCIONAMOS ASESOR INMOBILIARIO DE ALTO NIVEL PARA LA OFICINA Nº 1 DE REMAX EN ESPAÑA. En GRUPO RE/MAX JUMBO seleccionamos perfiles profesionales altamente cualificados para desarrollar la actividad de Asesor Inmobiliario de Lujo en Madrid. Buscamos profesionales con una excelente trayectoria profesional y con una clara proyección de crecimiento. El candidato deberá demostrar una capacidad excepcional para gestionar clientes de alto perfil y gestionar transacciones complejas de manera eficiente. Contamos con 4 oficinas propias en Madrid, Majadahonda, Las Rozas y Barcelona, más de 140 agentes y 10 equipos de Alto Rendimiento. ¿QUÉ BUSCAMOS EN TI? · Profesional proactivo/a con clara orientación a resultados. Tener excelen...
quiero hacer una imagen de una fotografia de busqueda de una pelicula llamada isla de perrosadjunto una foto de referencia , adjunto foto de mi perro al cual quiero q se le diseñe su tarjeta con ese estilo se llama max quiero q lo pongan en su collar pls . gracias sin instalar programas en la computadora. Se deberá poder seleccionar fecha de inicio y fin de las capturas, subir el banner a utilizar y ubicación y listo. Adjunto ejemplo de captura de pantalla. ---- I need to automate a process where a screenshot of a website is generated daily. These screenshots must have the last note generated by the site, the URL of the site note and the date of the day of the operating system capture must be visible. Finally, this screenshot must have a banner pasted in an exact location and saved daily in a Google Drive folder. The tool must be accessible online without installing programs on the computer. You must be able to select the start and end date of the captures, upload the banner to use and location and that's it...
...elementos: Más populares Más descargados Próximamente Agregar Salir Cada elemento debe hacer uso de la directiva routerLink, excepto el elemento Salir. La tarjeta debe contener: • Título • Fecha de lanzamiento • Descripción • Clasificación (rating). Propiedades que contendrá la interfaz para las tarjetas: { title: string; description: string; releaseDate: string; image: string; rating: number; downloads: number; comingSoon: boolean; } 5. Listado de videojuegos En el servicio correspondiente al listado de los videojuegos, se deben tener al menos 3 métodos para obtener los videojuegos con base en el elemento del menú que se haya seleccionado: Ejemplo ● Más populares: se obtienen todos...
...avanzado de Logic Pro X. - Experiencia en la creación de pistas para shows en vivo, incluyendo el uso de metrónomos y avisos de voz. - Buen oído musical y capacidad para crear arreglos que complementen y mejoren el sonido de la banda. *Lista de canciones* 1. Eres, Cafetacvba 2. Friday I'm in love, The Cure 3. She will be loved, Maroon 5 4. Otherside, Red hot 5. Boulevard of broken dreams, Green Day 6. Save your tears, The Weeknd 7. Mr. Brightside, The Killers 8. En la ciudad de la furia, Soda Stereo 9. Carmesí, Vicente García 10. Starlight, Muse 11. Sin ti, Rawayana 12. Like Stone, Audioslave 13. Afuera, Caifanes 14. Here I Am, Ub40 15. Drive, Incubus 16. The middle, de Jimmy Eat World 17. Island in the Sun, Weezer 18. Take me out, ...
...`5`, `6`, `7` 4. **Shipment[shipping_date] (Required)** - **Description:** Shipping date. - **Format:** `DD/MM/YYYY` - **Example Value:** `17-07-2024` 5. **Shipment[client_phone] (Optional)** - **Description:** Client's phone number. - **Default Value:** The authenticated user's phone number. 6. **Shipment[client_address] (Required)** - **Description:** Client's address. 7. **Shipment[reciver_name] (Required)** - **Description:** Receiver's name. 8. **Shipment[reciver_phone] (Required)** - **Description:** Receiver's phone number. 9. **Shipment[reciver_address] (Required)** - **Description:** Receiver's address. 10. **Shipment[from_country_id] (Required)** - **Description:** ID of the origin country...
...maximum package sizes supported by agencies, etc. - Incorporate BigBuy shipping costs in woocommerce for any of our products. - Shipping costs updated in real time - Check shipping times for any set of BigBuy products. - Get all BigBuy shipping agencies. API Trackings ID: Be able to obtain or consult, in real time, the tracking number of the carrier (Tracking ID), and be able to offer the Tracking ID in customer orders placed in Woocommerce, since many online shoppers value it positively and, in addition, it will minimize queries by our customers. - Keep track of BigBuy orders in our Woocommerce system. - On-the-fly tracking from the shipping agency to our woocommerce ...
Tengo una app FOXPRO que necesito echar andar y tengo problemas. When I open the foxpro project it informs me that there are some files that do not exist, I ignore these messages and then it tells me at some points in the navigation.
====================ES==================== Estoy buscando una chica talentosa para generar contenido en brut...tiene éxito, consideraré aumentar tu sueldo base. ====================EN==================== I'm looking for a talented girl to generate raw (unedited) content for Facebook Reels. The videos should be at least 15 seconds long and can include humor, dances, reactions to videos, and more. Desired Skills and Experience: •Creativity and Originality •Knowledge in Facebook Content •Knowledge of Current Trends If you are charismatic and love having fun creating Reels, I would love to hear from you. Please let me know your rates per video package, as I need several per day. Currently, my budget is limited, but if the project goes well, I...
Hello, Im needing an excel VBA code. Its something simple but out of my capacities. What I need is an excel or google sheet for my restaurant. What i actually need is a page with buttons wich users can click and itroduce information. Then this nformation should get paste in other page wich will be use to make a monthly summary, each row showl be a day and each column holds the info thas has been written in the buttons. Im sorry for my english, I will write it again in Spanish wich is my native language so yo can translate it. maybe its an easier way. Lo que necesito es una planila de excel o google sheets para utilizar a diario en mi restauran. Lo que busco es que el encargado pueda introducir la informacion facilmente. Mi idea es una hoja con botones (cada boton le d...
...with Many: Possibility of communication from one to several users within the same channel. All against All: Functionality so that all users within a channel can communicate simultaneously. Chat between users with the ability to send text, photos, videos and audios Android App: Intuitive user interface that facilitates communication via PTT. Integration with push notifications for alerts and important messages. Web Administration Panel: Tool to create, manage and delete channels. User administration, including role and permission assignment. Monitoring and recording of activities within the channels. Ability to speak and send audio messages from the control panel to applications. This project's main objective is to provide an efficient and secure platform f...
Hola, estoy buscando un editor experto en Cinema 4D o Autodesk 3ds Max para realizar algunos trabajos. Se trata de editar unos anuncios para redes sociales (Meta & Youtube). La duración de los anuncios es de entre 5 y 10 segundos. Y el estilo será una mezcla entre el mundo real y efectos 3D (adjunto ejemplo). Me gustaría recibir una valoración económica de 8 piezas de vídeo con una duración aproximada de 5-10 segundos. Y también recibir algunas muestras de su trabajo para valorarlo. Un saludo
Hola, trabajo en un centro de salud publica, y como tal, no tenemos recursos para contratar un servicio mensual que nos permita automatizar la confirmacion de citas, esta labor la hacemos de forma ocasional cuando...que desear... Por lo que recurro a freelancer despues de haber intentado hacer un script con python y selenium sin tener exito, esto saldra de mi bolsillo ya que no existe un item presupuestario en el CESFAM para programacion y el informatico que trabaja con nosotros en realidad no sabe programar ya que es de la vieja escuela... Solo necesito un script y preferiria que sea para enviar por Google Messages, pero tambien podria ser por Whatsapp si eso es mas facil para ti, o si ya tienes un script de esas caracteristicas. Eso, muchisimas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de lee...
...customers (Public Rate, Rate -10%, Rate -20%, Rate -30%, Rate -50%, Rate -100%, so that they can be applied automatically to the customers assigned to them and that they are applied automatically when the customer invoices are created from the Accounting application in Odoo 17 and also the corresponding rates are applied when the users are selected to a sales ticket from the Point of Sale as long as it is previously registered in Odoo 17. 5. Customise Odoo 17 Enterprise Point of Sale to: - Show at the top in the form of buttons the different Parent Categories and as selected to show the corresponding Daughter Categories 1 and Daughter Categories 2, so that the corresponding products created in each category can be displayed showing them in alphabetical order from A-Z. -...
...joins groups and channels. 2. User Verification: - Verifies old and new users in groups. - Forces users to invite a specific number of people and join a channel in order to continue posting in the group. 3. Editing Channel and Number of Invitations: - Allows you to edit which channel users should join and the number of people to invite from the conversation with the bot. - This configuration must be individual for each group managed by the bot user. - But with the ability to replicate the same configuration in other groups, in a massive or specific way. 4. User Access Management: - Allows you to give access to other users, managing a white list for those who can use the bot. - Allows you to automate the permanence of a user on the white list according to t...
Creación de un soft en lenguaje C para implementarlo en plataforma Arduino IDE, que trabaje con los sensores MAX30102 y ESP8266. El soft necesita que este funcional en plazo record, max. 24-48 horas, por plazos de presentación del prototipo al cliente. Enviar presupuesto y compromiso de plazos, para su aprobación e iniciar el desarrollo.
Hola unos contratos convertirlos al español en términos legales Se necesita en 48 horas max
quiero animar un video corto del dia mundial de la alergia, ya tengo todos los elementos en illustrator. max 2 días de entrega
quiero animar un video corto del dia mundial de la alergia, ya tengo todos los elementos en illustrator. max 2 días de entrega
...customers (Public Rate, Rate -10%, Rate -20%, Rate -30%, Rate -50%, Rate -100%, so that they can be applied automatically to the customers assigned to them and that they are applied automatically when the customer invoices are created from the Accounting application in Odoo 17 and also the corresponding rates are applied when the users are selected to a sales ticket from the Point of Sale as long as it is previously registered in Odoo 17. 5. Customise Odoo 17 Enterprise Point of Sale to: - Show at the top in the form of buttons the different Parent Categories and as selected to show the corresponding Daughter Categories 1 and Daughter Categories 2, so that the corresponding products created in each category can be displayed showing them in alphabetical order from A-Z. -...
Busco un freelancer que pueda modelar un personaje en sketchup o 3ds max , para que con ese modelado se realice los cortes para el proceso de plano seriado, las laminas de plano seriado se debe entregar en adobe ilutrador para poderlas imprimir y armar el volumen, adjunto imagen del personaje y un ejemplo de lo que se desea lograr.
Hola, necesito tramitir RS485 de manera biditeccional con dos placas ESP8266 y convertidores Max 485 para la conversión análoga digital. Español por favor
...estoy buscando el acta de nacimiento de un abuelo nacido en Utuado, Puerto Rico. Estoy dispuesta a pagar 100 USD por buscar el acta con los datos que yo proporcionaré + costo de envío por enviarla a una dirección en México. Espero alguien me pueda ayudar. Hello, good day, I am from Mexico and I am looking for the birth certificate of a grandfather born in Utuado, Puerto Rico. I am willing to pay 100 USD to search for the record with the data that I will provide + shipping cost to send it to an address in Mexico. I hope someone can help me....
Buscamos una persona que nos ayude a programar en arduino UNO para que se puedan realizar expresiones en varias pantallas led (max 7219) como se puede ver en el video a continuación.
...Requisitos del Candidato:Experiencia previa en edición de videos para YouTube. Capacidad para trabajar con material con copyright. Enviar link a videos editados previamente para revisión. Compensación:El primer video se pagará como demo a los seleccionados. Por favor indicar valor por video. Nota: No se aceptan aplicaciones de agencias. Ejemplos estilo requerido: Resumir película Nike a 13 minutos max. Script no necesario. ejemplo de estilos:
Trabajo por tiempo indeterminado Monterrey, Nuevo Léon, México. 90% Remoto 10% Presencial Buscamos expertos en: - Inbound Marketing - Meta Ads - Google Ads - Campañas de Search - Campañas Max Performance - Keywords - Meta Business Suite - Gestión de Campañas Digitales - Experiencia mínima de 1 año. - Analista de Marketing experiencia mínima de 1 año - Beneficios básicos de ley
Quiero mandar publicidad por Google Ads para un tour de Peru y si tambien tendria conocimiento de Fb ads seria genial