Jomi virtueller assistenttrabajos
Suche Social Media Assistent für langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Monatliche Bezahlung. Für weitere Informationen bewerbe dich gleich hier. Wenn du Deutsch sprichst wäre es natürlich ideal.
I need someone to organize my twitch and keep my channel that way.
Hello, I Need a Virtual Assistant. I am a professional website developer and seller. I have 10 plus running website. I want to sell my all the website. Before, I have sell every website minimum $500- $2000. Monthly i sell minimum 3- 5 website. So, you will get a smart profit. I will provide 10% commotion on the selling price for every website. Also, We will continue this business with you, If you perform very good. I will learn you step by step. Thanks & Regards
Suche Social Media Assistent für langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Monatliche Bezahlung. Für weitere Informationen bewerbe dich gleich hier.
Suche Social Media Assistent für langfristige Zusammenarbeit. Monatliche Bezahlung. Für weitere Informationen bewerbe dich gleich hier. I am looking for someone experienced in social media management in the Vienna Area with skills in Graphics Design, creative texts and engaging post creation for different types of industries. Know how of social media trends. This a long term project.
Suche Social Media Assistent für langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit monatlicher Bezahlung. Für weitere Informationen bewerbe dich gleich hier.
I am Virtual Assistent i can do these job Product hunting Liting promotion Sourcing Remove back ground Inventery Team mangment Control and comand Sales Marketing Reviewing Tourisum arrangments Traveling
Salve, stiamo cercando un esperto/a VA, che faccia recensioni in lingua italiana su libri che mese per mese noi pubblichiamo su amazon. Per il mese di ottobre assicuriamo già un flusso di 5 libri, e fino a dicembre si stima che il flusso di libri rimane tale. Il VA deve fare un offerta ragionevole 2€ massimo 2,5€ a recensione.
Please read first ... needs to be a native German or Perfect German, no use in bidding otherwise ...make sure you work what you bid for... For a new German webshop I am looking for a virtual assistant who is able to do the following: Simple Webdesign tasks like adding desciptions to products and doing the SEO with Yoast Link building and blog writing Research
Please read first ... needs to be a native German or Perfect German, no use in bidding otherwise For a new German webshop I am looking for a virtual assistant who is able to do the following: Simple Webdesign tasks like adding desciptions to products and doing the SEO with Yoast Link building and blog writing Research
Maksimere arbeidseffektivitet for daglig leder i en virksomhet med 7 ansatte. Krever kompetanse på administrativ bruk av IT systemer. Strukturere og besvare epost etter raske dialoger og generelt kunne ivareta administrative oppgaver.
Wir brauchen einen deutschsprachigen virtuellen Assistenten, der uns beim Hochladen von Produkten auf einer Shopify-Webseite helfen kann. Für die Beschreibungen der Produkte übersetzen wir mit einem Online-Übersetzungstool Texte aus Englisch ins Deutsch. Es wird erwartet, dass der Kandidat beim Hochladen des Produkts in Shopify die Richtigkeit des übersetzten Inhalts nachweist. Der Job ist Teilzeit. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Interesse.
Wir suchen eine/n Assistentin welche perfekt Deutsch, Englisch und Spanisch spricht und gerne auf Produktsuche ist. Wichtig wäre - Preise anfragen - Produktsortiment aufbauen - Preise verhandeln.
I need a virtual assistent helping me on ongoing bases to let our Google Docs/Spreadsheets/Presentations look professional. You need to have proven skills in the area of virtual assistance and specially in the field of Google Docs/Spreadsheets or MS Word/Excel. Please provide those samples of your work without request in your bid. You job will be about creating standardized docs for clients usage - so we will give you a rough outline and your task is to make it them look awesome and professional.
A person resident in the USA is preferable, because it will be facilitated in the work I need a virtual assistent for : data entry. Persons interested I will explain what to do and how: I will start with 10 entries and if the job is done well, we will do many more.
Please read first! I have some simple tasks that need to be done on regular basis. Mostly is some research and data adding to an excel file. There might be some other task but everything will be explained well. I only pay 2 dollar and hours so overbidding is useless!
Please read first! I have some simple tasks that need to be done on regular basis. Mostly is some research and data adding to an excel file. There might be some other task but everything will be explained well. I only pay 2 dollar and hours so overbidding is useless!
Please read first! I have some simple tasks that need to be done on regular basis. Mostly is some research and data adding to an excel file. There might be some other task but everything will be explained well. I only pay 2 dollar and hours so overbidding is useless!
Ich betreibe mehrere Webseiten und benötige einen Virtuellen Assistenten der mich bei einigen kleinen Tasks unterstützt. Es geht meist darum Inhalte einzupflegen oder kleine Änderungen vorzunehmen. Voraussetzungen: - Du beherrschst die Deutsche Sprache in Schrift und Form - Hast bereits mit WordPress gearbeitet - Hast kein Problem mit Cannabis relevanten Websites zu arbeiten. Der erste Task wartet schon auf dich! Freue mich auf deine Bewerbung!
I need a mobile site. I would like it designed and built.
Need to hire skilled virtual assistent, with SEO skills, needs to know at least English (write and speak). Need to know about wordpress,digital marketing, google search, data entry.. excel and word.
Voor Nederlandse markt zijn we opzoek naar een virtual assistent. Je leid mensen persoonlijke rond op online portalen. (Als een soort personal shopper). Je geef 1 op 1 online rondleiding met voornamelijk large accounts. Legt uit waar alles zit en geeft bepaalde adviezen. Functie is voor minimaal 32 uur per week. Je krijgt persoonlijke training van 2 maanden, waar je langzaam 1 op 1 word ingewerkt. Je begint tijdens je training met 10 euro per uur. Na je start ga je binnen een paar (2 a 3) maanden omhoog naar 2000,- per maand (Op basis van 32 uur per week).
Freelancer/childcare worker needed for (recruiting exceptional)au pair/nanny Europe-Russia Exceptional Aupair needed for loving family in Belgium/Netherlands. Aupair with great communications skills, quick learning ability, positive attitude, great work ethic, Independent personality that loves to be around children. Steps in when necessary. Does not tolerate disrespectful behavior in general, Fluent/advanced in Very organized and disciplined is a must. The family will do everything to make Aupair as comfortable as possible. Use of car, own room, and study facilities available. A married couple (male/female) with a happy, energetic 2-year-old daughter. Happy family and mother are expecting a second child/baby in early 2021. Aupair needed, the mother has some temporary physical handica...
i looking for a virtual assistent for promotion book on USA platform marketing it's not necessary english language, he makes only swap
Hi, I need someone who will help me in make new connections on Linkedin. Need to be clever and communicative.
Hi there! I am looking for someone helping me with some tasks for my business. It involves: researching, copy/pasting, basic photo, post scheduling and video editing and excel work: No software or knowledge required. You should: - be a great communicator - can handle multiple tasks simultaneously - know how social media works I am working in the industry health/nutrition. It will be around 5 hours per week of can decide the days you want to work yourself. I will order and pay every week for the next months.
Wir suchen einen Assistenten für Werbung/Kundengewinnung (Banner, ...) über Linkedin + Facebook (Frau oder Mann). ZIEL: Neue Kunden zu gewinnen. Zielgruppe: Sind Selbständige + Unternehmen aus allen Branchen aus den Staaten Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. A: Für uns selbst Werbung/Kundengewinnung machen (). B: Für unsere Kunden. VORAUSSETZUNGEN: I: Gutes Deutsch ODER Englisch II. Zeit für mind. 10 h/Woche III: Erfahrungen mit Werbemaßnahmen auf Linkedin + Facebook. AUFGABEN: a) Einrichtung von Bannerwerbung, ... auf Linkedin + Facebook (Werbemaßnahmen). b) Erfolgskontrolle WIR BIETEN: Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben und Kunden. Gearbeitet wird von zuhause (Zeit und Kosten für die Hin- und Rückfahrt zum Arbeitsplatz e...
DAILY procedure: - Download from our WEB FTP (no FTP programm needed) 3 latest Videos - Login our Instagram Account - Post this 3 videos to 3 exact time (NO post schedul or extra software allowed - must be done manually) - Use our TXT Template for creating Post Text - Use our TXT Template for HASHTAGS usage We pay a monthly fee of 100 USD. Please only apply ot this job if you have time also on weekends and do make the job manually without excuses; and if you are familar with Instagram App. Please write "IG ML" in beginning of your post so we know that not your bot answered. Lastly to say that we seearch for somebody interested in managing 4-5 of this kind of accounts if he/she works well with us.
Wir sind ein IT Unternehmen aus Berlin. Wir erstellen Kommunikation Plattformen. Wir suchen Unterstützung bei Projekten in afrikanischen Ländern. Benötigte Sprachen sind Deutsch / Englisch und natürlich die lokalen Sprachen. Es soll den Kontakt zu Geschäftspartner aufgebaut und gepflegt werden sowie administrative Tätigkeiten im Land übernommen werden. Es sollen Informationen im Land zu Themen aus der IT und Telekommunikation, gesammelt werden um unsere Produkt an die örtlichen Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Die Tätigkeit würde einginge Monate benötigt. Wir würden wöchentlich zahlen. Vermutlich würde der Umfang am Anfang 4 Stunden die Woche umfassen. Wir würde diesen Preis dann verhandeln. (4 Stunden pro Woche) Wir f...
Hello, i need a jquery/javascript plugin in which i can import a 3d model and make a walk through. example is here.
We have a job for a smart individual - preferably an IT student or comparable. Within our company we have a lot of small tasks that need to be done. Please share your CV when you apply
We're running a business selling vintage jewellery online and now are setting up our own website. We need you to select and edit the photos of our articles (we provide it in a cloud for you) and upload them on our WordPress (we use woocommerce) and also our etsy Shop. We have 50 products for now. You'll get the website link and password for uploading the edited photos and the product name (you can copy the product name from the file) We have 8 photos each product. The photos for the website must be edited raw and saved1200 x 1800 px (x: 1200px y: 1800px) We have new items weekly, so we are very interested in an ongoing partnership. We are also looking for some help in SEO and social media.
hey guys, i am normally booting my PC with an external hard drive, i disconnected the hard drive today accidentically and right now the pc is not booting anymore. the hard drive itself is poping up at my notebook, i just tested it. how can i make it booting again?
Benötige für meine Online Tätigkeiten eine(n) Assistent(in). Benutzung mehrerer Tools zum posten in verschiedene Social Media Kanäle. Bearbeitung u.a. von Blogartikel, Videos etc.
Per libro da poco pubblicato da me su Amazon kdp Italia, cerco VIRTUAL ASSISTANT che sappia procurarmi vendite e recensioni principalmente sul mercato italiano, maggiori dettagli pagamento in privato.
- online art gallery looking for a personal assistent in the gallery- pr manager/art critic/curator with experience and education in the art sphere. To write articles, biography of the artists, to manage web site and social media. location Miami preferably
Hi, I need a virtual assistant from Belarus.
hi, i need a VA (virtual assistant) to promote my book (paperback and ebook) on amazon. The book is written in two languages (Italian and English) so I evaluate proposals for promotion on and Let me know how to proceed so I can find a good promotional strategy. . Salve, ho bisogno di un VA (virtual assistent) per promuovere il mio libro (paperback e ebook) su amazon. Il libro è scritto in due lingue (italiano e inglese) quindi valuto proposte per promozione su e Fatemi sapere come procedere così da trovare una buona strategia promozionale
Hey my name is Michael and i am searching for a Virtual assistent that sends me new and relevant articles or YouTube videos in the real estate niche The key work is to find new articles and youtube videos and put the links in a Google docs
Hey my name is Michael and i am searching for a direct message Virtual assistent for Linkedin/Facebook/Instagram The key work is to direct message potential clients with a script that we made and capture the answers in a google sheet. You will get your script and everything else after an interview call with me I work with fix paying + bonus system when their is good results. for the first project and to test you 5$ for the trial. after that 5-10 per day for the first month.
ELOQAI is a new start up. We are developing automated human-machine conversation for ...conversation for interactions with patients in the medical industry. Our Artificial intelligent based conversational model recognizes what kind of appointment the patient needs (e.g. MRI of the knee) and automatically schedules an appointment/time slot. These conversations are either telephone based or webchat based. A successful interaction handled by our System does not require an (human) Assistent in the doctors office but automatically recognizes which kind of appointment the patient needs and automatically schedules an appointment. ELOQAI Logo Modern artificial intelligence telephone Webchat Medicine Appointment Colors: Orange Or dark reds Or blue Or any other color ide...
Requirements: - native french speakers - with german or english language skills - professional customer service representative - Customer service Email response - Answer questions before before the order - Cases during the order shipment like parcel tracking informations - Manage complaints during guarantee - arrange re-sending, arrange returning or replacing customer order items --> (f.e. ordered items received are demaged or when received items size or color dont like or fits) - Reply to Social Media Messages - Monday to Friday availability (every day 2 hours) - Avoid customer´s resend of new questions - Quick responses for customer satisfaction and with solutions Process: We will always support you with creating of a FAQ catalogue and extend the content during project....
I need a virtual assistent that can find new relevant theme in a community and design relevant and interesting content from this new theme.
we need a virtual assistent for implementing products into online shop and maybe more tasks later.
i need a Person how can help me to find People for a many Product in Europe
Wij zijn op zoek naar een freelance assistent die voor ons een Belgische aanbiedingenwebsite kan beheren. Wij zijn actief sinds 2015 en elke maand besparen 10.000 bezoekers dankzij de leuke aanbiedingen en kortingscodes die wij op onze website voor hen verzamelen. We kijken alvast uit naar een leuke samenwerking met jou :) Omschrijving van de job: Wij zoeken iemand met een interesse in online shoppen en kortingen. Jouw functie bestaat eruit om elke dag een aantal webshops te bezoeken en vervolgens te kijken welke promoties, kortingscodes of aanbiedingen zij momenteel hebben lopen. Sommige webshops zijn belangrijk en dien je dagelijks te checken op nieuwe aanbiedingen, bij andere volstaat het om deze één keer per week te checken. In totaal werken we samen met een 60...
Looking for someone in Ireland for translation and assistent.
Team is looking for German-speaking professionals. Disco - is the most modern cashback service, where brands and shoppers meet for good deals. This year, we are going to open up to Germany and England markets, so we are looking for people that can confidently communicate in German and help us onboard the initial merchants in the locale. We are offering: Flexible work schedule and remote work Salary above the market average and all the required conditions for career growth If desired, relocation to England or Germany in the year 2021 Opportunity to play a crucial role in the development of a multi-cultural company Your skills and responsibilities would include: Exceptional ability to communicate in German and English languages Communication with the marketing representatives of most sig...