Decompile exe file createdtrabajos
Busco un componente para una página web que permita mostrar en pantalla completa un archivo .dwg (plano 3d) georeferenciado y que sobre él se tengan 2 modos de trabajo: ** Edición* - Tipo un editor CAD, además de poder navegar en el plano precargado con las herramientas típicas de CAD (rotación, zoom, etc), se pueden colocar componentes o marcadores (imagen, gif, punto de referencia para texto dinámico, punto referencia para indicador de estatus) en cualquier punto del plano y con el tamaño y orientación deseada; mismos que pueden guardarse también georeferenciados en el plano generando un nuevo .dwg quedando actualizado para el modo Visualización. --Los *puntos de referencia para texto dinámico* ser&iacu...
...practices for development. Current Status (Completed and Partially Completed Features): Backend: A basic authentication structure has been implemented, including the generation and validation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for securing API endpoints. Core API routes for user registration and login, company registration, user management, evaluation management, and regulations management have been created. The authentication middleware has been implemented and is being used to protect the routes that require a valid token. The project uses PostgreSQL as a database with Prisma for ORM. All the required dependencies are installed and configured. The backend is able to upload files using multer. The backend returns responses according to the data in the database. The backend provi...
tengo un proyecto desarrollado en java es un sistema de ventas necesito crear un instalador unico para instalacion facil en windows
...Documentation: Preparation of detailed plans, including material specifications. 5. Final Delivery: Editable file in SketchUp and Archicad, along with complete technical documentation. Initial Documentation: • Base plans will be provided in AutoCAD format so that the candidate can begin each project with a solid and precise base. Required Candidate Documentation: • Portfolio of similar projects. • detailed offer, including estimated times per phase. (we will indicate the final delivery date on which we require the documentation) Project Requirements: 1. Initial 3D Modeling in SketchUp: • From the floor plans in AutoCAD format provided, the complete model of the house must be created in 3D using SketchUp. • The modeling must include all the archit...
Hacer un creador de Teaser O trailer de video... Crear un Exe para windows que permita tomar un video no importa su tamaño. La idea es que crea una especie de Slideshow pero de X segundos de partes del video. Las partes del video las define el usuario (3, 5, 10, 15 o lo que sea) y la cantidad de segundos tambien es definida por el usuario. La primera extraccion parte en el minuto 1 La cantidad de extracciones deben ser proporcional al tamaño del video, ejemplo, si un video dura 10 minutos, la extracción de 3 partes seria en el minuto 1, 4 y 7... (es un ejemplo). El tema es que si el video pide 5 partes, el 100% del video debe dividirse en las partes solicitadas con los segundos solicitados. Debe crear el video con transición Fade en trasparente o fad...
...when you want to earn new lives. The premium version will not have ads. BACK-END: 1. Content management: • Database to store lessons, words, grammar and exercises. (Note: when I publish a lesson, I must be able to choose in the editor if that lesson is for the freemium and premium version or just for the premium.) That setting will be kept when duplicating languages once the main language is created. • Tool to easily duplicate the structure of a language for new languages. 2. User management: • Registration/login via email or social networks. • Tracking user progress: completed lessons, score and streaks. 3. Functional API: • Smooth connection between the mobile app and the web. • Possibility of expanding functionalities in the future. 4. Scalabi...
...connected to an intermediate circuit to control motors and servomotors through the GPIO port. Each one controls 4 motors and 2 servomotors. I am sold some kits to assemble the small cars, although you have to buy the Raspberry, the USB microphone and the batteries separately. The manufacturer of the Kits provides me with some classes programmed in Python to manage motors and servomotors. I have created a Python application that leaves a communications port listening waiting to receive a JSON. In the web server that allows mounting UV4L I have incorporated a JavaScript that controls the key press event of the keyboard, when you press a key I send a JSON to a certain communications port of a certain Internet IP corresponding to a connection in which there is a Raspberry connected ...
I'm seeking for a developer that can develop an app web using a service architecture using: FrontEnd: -React to constru...Backend: - The backend need to work with an APIGATEWAY that receive all Request from the frontend and send this request using RabbitMQ service to send an receive messages, create queues to other services: - Mongodb service that receive user information, simulator information and save, validate and search for this in the mongo database specific collection - A simulator services that need to be created transforming a c++ app in a service that receive, process and send response with the processing information to rabbitmq for this send this information to other services and can be used to response the frontend service All of this services need use docker co...
Busco un componente para una página web que permita mostrar en pantalla completa un archivo .dwg (plano 3d) precargado y que sobre él se tengan 2 modos de trabajo: *Edición* - Tipo un editor CAD, además de poder navegar en el plano precargado con las herramientas típicas de CAD (rotación, zoom, etc), se pueden colocar marcadores (imagen, gif, punto de referencia para texto dinámico) en cualquier punto del plano y con el tamaño y orientación deseada; mismos que pueden guardarse generando un nuevo .dwg quedando actualizado para el modo Visualización. *Visualización* - Tipo un visor CAD, solo se permite la navegación en el plano con las herramientas típicas de CAD (rotación, zoom, etc) en la qu...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 18 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 18 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accountin...
...connected to an intermediate circuit to control motors and servomotors through the GPIO port. Each one controls 4 motors and 2 servomotors. I am sold some kits to assemble the small cars, although you have to buy the Raspberry, the USB microphone and the batteries separately. The manufacturer of the Kits provides me with some classes programmed in Python to manage motors and servomotors. I have created a Python application that leaves a communications port listening waiting to receive a JSON. In the web server that allows mounting UV4L I have incorporated a JavaScript that controls the key press event of the keyboard, when you press a key I send a JSON to a certain communications port of a certain Internet IP corresponding to a connection in which there is a Raspberry connected ...
Busco a alguien que me pueda realizar una simulación de iluminación de una carretera. La carretera está dibujada en en CAD (.dwg). y consta de rectas, curvas, redondeles y partes rurales. La persona debe de conocer perfectamente todos los criterios lumínicos de carreteras, aceras peatonales, etc. Además, debe de conocer perfectamente los parámetros y criterios de valores a tomar en cuenta como por ejemplo: nivel de iluminación según norma de Estados Unidos, factores decisivos según materiales de carretera como concreto, asfalto, etc. factores de reflexión, flujos lumínicos, niveles de iluminación (m1, m2, m3, m4 y m5) y todo lo relacionado para entregar un diseño y simulación completa y profes...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accountin...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accountin...
1. Complete installation of Odoo 17 Enterprise on the platform and later when the installation and configuration is finished and the corresponding tests have been carried out, the migration to a virtual private server (VPS) will be carried out. Once the project has been confirmed and accepted, a file will be sent with all the detailed information for the import of products, codes, barcodes, parent categories, daughter categories 1, daughter categories 2, prices, staggered prices, VAT, minimum quantities, maximum quantities, order point, inventory, product descriptions, product images, etc. 2. Activation, Configuration and Customisation of the different Odoo 17 applications that we need for the correct functioning of the company (Sales, Invoicing, CRM, Website, Inventory, Accountin...
...I have a web application created with the Codelgniter framework. The app is a dating service SaaS. Users register their business and create their independent dating service (hairdresser, barbershop, doctors, etc., etc.) I need to make some changes, but I don't know how Codelgniter works very well and therefore I can't make the changes myself. 1 - I need to make changes to the Frontend: I need to change the location of staff on the booking page. I mean, currently, when the end user begins the reservation process, he first finds “THE SERVICES” available in the Hair Salon, and then chooses the AVAILABLE STAFF. I want this to be the other way around, first the available “PERSONAL” is shown, and after choosing the STAFF, then the available SERVICES ...
Buscamos el desarrollo de la interfaz grafica de un programa .exe del que ya disponemos de todo el código. únicamente sería crear la interfaz grafica donde incluir un campo para ingresar la ruta o adjuntar un excel, y una barra de carga hasta que se complete la simulación, de forma que el usuario pueda descargar este programa , instalarlo y ejecutar simulaciones, que generará como resultado excels / hojas de cálculo disponibles en una carpeta que se crea en el escritorio con “resultados de simulación”.
Tengo una aplicación con el problema que windows lo detectad como algo desconocido y no seguro.
Hola, necesitamos extraer un instalador .exe para portabilidad los archivos de Windows
...days. Specifically, two specific tasks need to be completed, both of which require configuring the integration parameters defined by JDA and writing certain data to a data table (outside the JDA environment) that will be used to integrate with another system. The first point of action will be to create a “trigger” triggered by the “move inventory” command, as a requirement, policies must be created where the stage or location of origin and destinations that apply to the programmed action of the trigger must be defined, i.e. if the value “stg01” is configured as a policy, after the execution of “move inventory” it must be validated if the origin is stg01, if it is correct insert in 2 specific tables, otherwise continue the normal f...
Actualmente el equipo tiene un proyecto de un juego online que permite por medio del cheat -engine y todas sus variantes acceder por medio del . Exe del juego a la memoria y realizar modificaciones significativas y que generan mucho daño dentro del juego . Estamls en la búsqueda de una solucion a dicho problema .
Se busca persona con conocimientos en assembler para realizar una inyeccion de datos en un .exe que funciona con datos en linea. adds a supplier code to the name of the downloaded file. This supplier code is retrieved from an existing table based on the sender's email address. If the sender is not found in the table, they are automatically added with a new supplier code. Steps of the Flow Trigger: When a new email arrives (V3) This flow is triggered when a new email arrives in a specific Outlook folder. Initialize Variables FileName: Temporarily stores the name of the attached file. NewSupplierCode: Stores a new supplier code if needed. MaxSupplierCode: Tracks the highest existing supplier code in the table. Apply to Each Attachment Loops through each attached file in the email. Get Attachment Content Retrieves the content of the email attachment. Set File Name Saves the ...
Creacion de un archivo Archivo .dll bloqueador de memoria de un archivo .exe ejecutable, en caso de querer modificarse, el .exe se debe cerrar.
...Spanish-speaking virtual assistant, that will help me find Leeds on LinkedIn and send them an intro message. In the long run I would need to get in touch with approximately 600 companies all around Iberia. Before assigning the full project, I would like to test the quality and the speed of the performance. Therefore, the first part of the project will consist of showing me how many leads can be created, and how many can be contacted in 1 hour. This project has specifically this goal. ———————————————————————————————- Para hispanohablantes: Estoy buscando un asistente virtual que hable espa&nt...
I require some additional functionalities in a PHP proyect, Specifically, I need a field to write in a table and column created in my PostgreSQL database. The new field will capture and store names. Key Requirements are: 1. Field Type: - The new field should be a Text field. 2. Constraints: - The name field should not accept any special characters. 3. Formatting: - There are no specific formatting requirements for the name field. Ideal Skills and Experience: A successful freelancer will have experience with: - Database Management - PostgreSQL databases - Speaking and writing in Spanish Finally, considering the nature of this project, a keen attention to detail and the ability to adhere to project specification is a plus for this task.
Estoy creando una aplicación, aplicación de escritorio (.exe), con NodeJS. El proyecto ya esta comenzado y en algunos módulos ya está avanzado, por lo tanto no es un trabajo desde cero. La aplicación que toma mails de una casilla de correo, los inserta en una cola de espera en una base de datos y luego envía por whatsapp tomando el contendio de la base de datos. Para el servidor se usa NodeJS y para la base de datos PostgreSQL. Para el frontend se usa HTML, CSS y JS. Para la implementación se cuenta con 3 módulos: 1) Modulo IMAP: Se conecta al mail y se queda escuchando hasta que llega un nuevo correo. Cuando llega un correo se inserta en la base de datos con una determinada propridad y se setea una flag de enviado en false. ...
Deseo obtener código fuente editable y compilable de una aplicación hecha en visual basic 6, solo tengo el .EXE.
I have the project the app created in flutter. I already have the developer account and everything is ready and I want to upload it to the apple store someone who knows about the subject
Hola buen dia tengo algunos archivos en formato .JSON de la version de SPINE 2.1.27 y quiero convertirlos a .SKEL de SPINE 3.4.02 para que me sean compatibles. Adjunto archivos de SPINE 2.1.27
Necesito desarrollar un .exe de un archivo de python ya existente, necesito que el ejecutable proteja mi codigo para evitar usos no autorizados.
Necesito una App ya creada, libre y listo para descarga gratuita, estilo InDrive. para iOS y Android el freelance que tenga dicha App debe tener conocimiento para hacerle unos cambios o agregar ciertas funciones, que serán explicados en el chat a medida que vamos hablando, los interesados me hacen un saludo por chat y así llegar a un acuerdo, , muchas gracias I need an App already created, free and ready for free download, Indrive style. for iOS and Android The freelancer who has said App must have the knowledge to make some changes or add certain functions, which will be explained in the chat as we speak, those interested send me a greeting by chat and thus reach an agreement, thank you very much
Hi, i have 1 sql file that was encrypted by ransomware virus with .cuba extension is about 1.8gb, I need some one with experience with this type of Ransomware. Thanks
I am using a wordpress plugin called kivicare and there is a section in the backend where patients are created manually and their prescriptions or meetings are noted. I need to add a section that allows loading the medical records of the patients in PDF Word and remain in that profile.
1. Cambiar diseño y Colores del Programa . teclas para abrir cajon , no imprimir tickets. la opcion de impresion de recibos opcional en el inventario. impresion en Carta y pdf en todos los reportes y que se ...Cambiar diseño y Colores del Programa . teclas para abrir cajon , no imprimir tickets. la opcion de impresion de recibos opcional en el inventario. impresion en Carta y pdf en todos los reportes y que se puedan enviar por email. de Puntos (fidelizacion de clientes) , sistema de apartado formas de pago (Nequi , Daviplata , Bancos, otro) .exe del programa para instalar todo de una vez. 8. entregar un instalador demo por 1 semana del programa entrego las fuentes , una vez selciionado el freelancer
...that the data comes from Indeed's job offer page, not just from the description card. Remember to develop the technical necessities to avoid the captcha system. MongoDB Integration: The extracted data will be stored in a MongoDB database. The script will establish a connection to the MongoDB server and create a collection to store the course information. For each job offer, a document will be created and inserted into the collection. The database integration will allow for efficient storage, retrieval, and querying of the collected data. Incremental Updates: The script will be designed to perform incremental updates to the database. Instead of retrieving all jobs listings every time it runs, it will only fetch the new or updated listings since the last execution. This appr...
I have a prestashop search module, which must be integrated into an already created software. Tengo un buscador creado en .NET que hace llamadas a un servidor externo con peticiones web, es muy rápido y efectivo, pero no está completamente integrado en prestashop, ya que se abre un panel html que se superpone al hacer click en la barra de búsqueda. Lo que quiero es que crees un módulo (puede que puedas aprovechar parte de uno que está empezado por un empleado que ya no está con nosotros), y que este módulo utilice el buscador de .net haciendo las llamadas como ahora, pero que los resultados que se muestren en la propia página de prestashop, junto con los filtros en el hook de columna izquierda como en el resto de busca...
...para enviar emailings masivos). Necesito a alguien con conocimientos de MAUTIC que me configure ese parámetro de la imagen parametrizada en una plantilla de email en MAUTIC y verificar que funcione un envío de ese tipo de plantillas y poder así usar MAUTIC para ese tipo de envíos. ======================================================= ENGLISH: I have installed mautic 4.4.5 on a VPS and I have created an Amazon SES account to start using that system. Amazon has already authorized me to send 14 emails per second. I have configured the 3 required minimum mautic CRONjobs. I have the personalized images per recipient (QR) hosted on another server (obviously I also use other systems to send mass emailings). I need someone with knowledge of MAUTIC to con...
Tengo una aplicación realizada den VB.NET y me gustaría saber si es posible que funcione correctamente en un sistema Linux tipo PI raspberry o alguna similar como podría ser alguna SBC tipo Pine 64 PA642GB (LO PREFIERO) Puedo enviar la aplicación para pruebas, con el instalador para Windows o los archivos que incluyen el instalador. La aplicación incluye el EXE y 3 o 4 librerias realizadas en C. Se trata de una aplicación que visualiza el Video de una cámara. Saludos.
Hola, Buenos dias, busco a un profesional que este dispuesto a crear un software .exe para una plataforma virtual LAN, para los juegos Warcraft III, Counter Strike, entre otros... la plataforma tiene que tener un instalador .exe, con usuario y contraseña, con el icono de "Login", "Create Account", "Olvide contraseña", al ingresar se adjuntara unas capturas de pantalla de referencia para que lo haga similar, pero debe de tener lo siguiente: - El nombre el usuario con icono. - El estatus (Online, Busy, Away) - Lista de amigos, con la opción de poder enviar mensajes online. - Un icono de (Join Room) Todas las habitaciones llevan el nombre del juego que están jugando. Esto ayudará al jugador a encontrar una sala d...
...drawing includes all the element's features. C.- Upload to our Google Drive directly the inked outline jpg/png of each set of five for approval; D.- Send us ALL final original layered work file/s. E.- A 50€ milestone will be released after approval; *Remember: the image and the black brush VECTOR LINES MUST be done in separate layers. Once you have done all drawings, you will have to send us a FULL INVOICE in pdf format to get the final milestone released. 2. It must be created/drawn in CLIP STUDIO PAINT, and we will require the original layered files for all VECTOR CREATED images (DO NOT flatten/group your drawing process). INK LINES MUST be clean, with different line-weight from beginning to end, VECTORIZED, smooth, sharp,...
Necesito ayudar en el cual es habilitar que funcione el File Input de un form que se visualiza en webview mediante android studio, lo necesito a la brevedad posible.
...following options: -Professor file (data, photo, name, school, subscription time available, personal data) -Category of available classes with search filters (these classes are developed within mozilla hub by us, each category will have a list of available classes). -Available students (each teacher account will have students limited by their subscription) -Creation of classes, the teacher will have a tool as a calendar where she can create a class from the categories of the subscription or from her created projects. She will be able to invite the students she has registered and get a class code (the mozilla hub system already has a code system) -Favorite classes (mozilla hub favorite classes are added) -Created classes (the classes created ...
...Google analytics a mi canal de Youtube y crear los objetivos en Google Analytics. Ya tengo creado el perfil de google Analytics, el perfil de Tag Manager e instalada la etiqueta de Tag Manager en mi web --- Create custom audiences in Google Adds. To do this, it is necessary to link Google analytics to my YouTube channel and create the objectives in Google Analytics. I have already created the Google Analytics profile, the Tag Manager profile and installed the Tag Manager tag on my website...
Por favor, regístrate o inicia sesión para ver los detalles.
...and 24 graphic pieces for printing based on a previous design work. I'm mainly looking to replicate the neon effect of the attached pieces. There are two attachments as a base: 1. "Original." In this file, you can see the first approach to the neon effect in the "Initial" folder and the desired final effect in the "Final" folder 2. "New". The two objects found in this file are the ones you want to apply the desired neon effect to. This task is a test to select the designer that best achieves the desired effect in two simple figures. Later the tasks for the complete work will be created. If you wish to participate in the selection, please send the value of taking the test and presentation portfolio. Files:
...trata de un juego en 2D de barcos () en el cual mejoras tu barco destruyendo enemigos. La mecanica es realmente simple y estoy buscando lo que se conoce en el medio con ''Pixel bot'' con el objetivo de que el barco permanezca buscando objetivos, destruyendo barcos 24/7, comprando munición cada que tenga menos de X cantidad y demas. Es juego consta de un descargable .exe y tiene una visual bastante sencilla. Incluire fotos en la publicacion para que puedan visualizar mas a detalle. Es importante destacar que el juego es muy amigable con el usuario ya que permite que se realicen acciones tales como: Disparar, reparar, centrar la camara, cambiar de municion con ''shortcuts'' del teclado, lo cual simplifica un poco su automatizacion. Si ...
Necesito desarrollar en Java un sistema de ficheros paralelo basado en Google File System.