Data logger sniffertrabajos
Necesito un programa sniffer para que monitorice la red y capture unos datos determinados y los guarde en un fichero en formato TXT Se trata de un lector RFID que recibe una orden de activación (usando protocolo LLRP) el lector al detectar una etiqueta RFID envía el código de esa etiqueta al ordenador, ese código lo necesitamos guardar en forma de backup junto a la hora en que se ha detectado en otro ordenador diferente al que ha enviado la orden de lectura. El software tiene que ser capaz de reactivar el lector y continuar la lectura, en caso de que no se enviara la orden de finalizar la lectura (en caso de que se perdiera conexión con el ordenador principal) También ser capaz de iniciar/finalizar la lectura de los tags simplemente con un...
Se requiere configurar 8 equipos de monitoreo de ruido para Planta Industrial, cada uno de ellos basado en un sistema combinado de sensor y computador. El sensor envía 1 dato de ruido cada 1 segundo por puerta serial y el PC debe tomar ese dato y disponer de él para el envío por ethernet mediante protocolo TCP/IP a un servidor corporativo. Están detallados todos los detalles del protocolo MODBUS (por ejemplo, direcciones, flags, etc) y se necesita definir e implementar los softwares (comerciales, código abierto, desarrollos propios) para integrar este flujo y lograr la transmisión de los datos de la forma que se requiere.
busco algun programador que me haga un image logger para roblox, solo por fines educativos, que sea funcional con la weebhook de discord.
Necesito un reproductor de iptv para android con la siguiente caracteristica: funciones en todos los formatos de transmicion(,m3u,ts,ect), anuncios de facebook,admob ystarapp que se haga un autobloqueo cuando activen un sniffer o que protega un oculta los datos en caso de que alguien intente usar un capturador de red. Tambien bloque la ip de un usuario que intente abrir y cerrar la app varia veces, Que uno pueda definir cuantos usuarios simultaneo permita conectados y si se excede que le presente un aviso de que lo intente mas tarde.. Tambien cuando un canal se caiga su icono desaparezca de la categoria. Que permita acceder a la lista propia de la app mendiate codigo pero a la vez que permita lista de terceros.. App de referencia: MXL TV
...será desplegado en el TV con conexión HDMI. La aplicación debe ser de uso simple donde por medio de un código QR se realice el aprovisionamiento de la STB con los parámetros de autenticación usuario y contraseña. Una vez autenticado el dispositivo no se podrá desligar a menos que la autenticación no sea válida. La autenticación debe estar cifrada de manera que ningún usuario pueda conectar un sniffer para observar el contenido de usuario y contraseña. Una vez autenticado la aplicación debe desplegar de inmediato el contenido correspondiente a la TV en vivo, la cual estará codificada en CODEC H.264, H.265 y H.265+. Permitiendo al usuario final pasar el canal con el botón...
Necesitamos el desarrollo de una APP Android y IOS, que registre varios tipos de vehículos y conductores y que se conecte por BLUETOOTH A UN GPS DATA LOGGER y que baje información de recorrido de los diferentes vehículos y que muestre mapa en mapa google el recorrido, velocidad, algunas alarmas de calidad de conduccion, horarios, y estimado de gasto de combustible por día. ESTA INFORMACIÓN MAPAS Y DATOS PUEDA SER EXPORTABLE Y COMPARTIDA POR WHATSAPP, EMAIL, CVS Y EXCEL FILE.
Busco un programador con experiencias en Openwrt. necesito usar el router 6416 como sniffer (wireshark) de un red determinada. crear una interfaz para android que me permita on/off atravez de wifi el dispositivo y descargar en un archivo zip los datos colectados mientras estuvo en (On).
Se trata de un Data Logger hecho con Arduino UNO + SD RTC Shield + NRF24L01. Cada una de las partes ya fue probada con éxito. Funcionan la lectura de la SD Card con el RTC y también funciona el enlace de radio con los NRF24L01. El proyecto debe poder unir todas las partes. Arduino UNO (TX): El Arduino debe leer una entrada digital desde un swith. Cuando la lectura es 0 se debe guardar en la SD Card la fecha, la hora y el estado de cuatro canales digitales a definir. Arduino UNO (RX): Este Arduino estará conectado a una PC por medio de un puerto serie. Recibirá los datos del Arduino (TX) cuando una aplicación de la PC (ya está funcionando y por lo tanto no forma parte de este proyecto) solicite los datos almacenados en la SD ...
tengo el codigo fuente de dicha aplicacion que estoy llevando en proceso en lenguaje delphin solo quiero hacer unas modificaciones al codigo agregarle proxy entre otra cosas sniffer y hacer modificacion o alguien que sepa delphin o python perfecto
Precisamos incorporar un perfil de Soporte de Seguridad Jr. para dar servicio en proyecto con sede en requerido:* Grado superior en ingeniería Informática, telecomunicaciones o muy afín. * Deseable Conocimientos de herramientas SIEM, particularmente ArcSIght, tanto ESM Manager como Logger, creación, gestión, alertas, informes, dashboard, etc ligados a la plataforma ARcsight, Arcsight(Básico) revisión de alertas 1er nivel, alarmas.* Deseable Conocimiento de PKI, certificados, gestión mantenimiento nivel básico, HSM ?básico.* Disponibilidad para trabajar en turno de tarde de L-V: horario: 18: 00h- 00:00, incluido festivos.* Imprescindible nivel alto de inglés tanto hablado como escritoOfrecemos:* Contrataci&...
-Data logger con comunicación GPRS, 4 entradas para sensores (2 sensores de T° digitales, 1celula de carga Analoga, 1sensor de humedad analogo o digital) -sistema de muy bajo consumo -debe tener acceso via Internet para realizar configuraciones(tiempo de muestreo, tiempo de envio de datos, etc.) -envio de datos a una dirección IP -Familia de microcontroladores ATmel AVR -Modulo SIM900 GSM/GPRS o equivalente. -ANSI C (todo comentado)
Buen dia a todos Necesito hacer un sniffer con MiraBox y necesito que sea con estas especificaciones: El MiraBox trabajara 24/7 Cada hora se creara un archivo rar con todos los paquetes capturados durante esa hora Despues de que se conecte el MiraBox el unico acceso a el seria via wifi en modo AP, asi que todos los paquetes tendran que ser descargados via ftp Todo el trafico ethernet necesitara reedirigirse del puerto 1 al puerto 2
Me es necesario proteguer mis archivos de un canal de roku, para evitar que me sean robados por medio de un sniffer de red.
Ajustar un Sniffer en C#: Actualmente tenemos los Fuentes y Únicamente falta reparar uno de los bucles.
Buscamos una persona que nos asesore en la compra de equipos arduinos para montarlos en maquinaria industrial del sector maderero. Necesitamos saber que modelo y con que sensores seria lo mejor para nuestro proyecto. Necesitamos un arduino que funcione como termostato, que la programación sea en un idioma gráfico, preferentemente en My Open Lab porque tiene la función de datta logger.- Que se pueda manejar sin conexión con PC, puede ser con una pantalla tactil o convencional que viene como accesorio de Arduino. El monto especificado es por el total del asesoramiento, ya que en una primera instacia solamente necesitamos comprar los equipos, luego arreglariamos la programacion de los mismos. Notros solo queremos montarlos.
...equipos y nosotros los montamos en nuestros equipos industriales. Esta Propuesta solo es para el asesoramiento de la compra de los equipos, una vez que nos oriente en la compra de los mismos seguimos con los sieguientes pasos del proyecto. Necesito un arduino que funcione como termostato, que la programación sea en un idioma gráfico, preferentemente en My Open Lab porque tiene la función de datta logger.- Que se pueda manejar sin conexión con PC, puede ser con una pantalla tactil o convencional que viene como accesorio de Arduino.- La Forma de trabajo seria: 1 - Enviamos la informacion requerida para que se analice en base a lo que necesitamos que equipo se adaptaria mejor a nuestro proyecto. 2 - Asesoria de la compra de los equipos y acce...
Necesito un arduino que funcione como termostato, que la programación sea en un idioma gráfico, preferentemente en My Open Lab porque tiene la función de datta logger.- Que se pueda manejar sin conexión con PC, puede ser con una pantalla tactil o convencional que viene como accesorio de Arduino.-
Necesito el desaroolo de un Data Logger para los siguientes datos: 1.- Plataforma Arduino 2.- Salida de datos archivo en csv. en una slot para memoria externa. 3.- Salida de datos via Ethernet, cable o Wi Fi, para almacenaje en pc. 4.- 6 Canales para medir corriente electrica con medidores de gancho rango 0 a 800 Amp. 5.- 2 Canales para medir presion de aire con sensores de presion rango 0 a 1000 psi 6.- 2 Canales para medir correiente de 4-20 mamp para medir posicion de valvula. 7.- Se necesita almacenar un dato por segundo, para cada canal, durante una semana. 8.- El formato de datos e como sigue: fecha hora P1&nbs...
Una p...debidamente configurada, en la cual se habrá editado la sintaxis detectada previamente por el TPV, se ocupará de generar una URL de llamada a una determiada API cada vez que detecte ese "cadena de texto enviada a impresión", pasando como uno de los parámetros el valor de la compra "interceptado" en esa lectura e imprimiéndo dicha URL representada en formato de código QR. -Resumiendo:<ol><li>Este "sniffer" monitoriza y muestra como log el tráfico enviado desde el TPV</li><li>Se localiza en dicho log el texto con la variable usada para manejar el total de la compra</li><li>Se genera una URL con una determinada estructura, empleando en uno de los parámetros...
sniffer de puerto serial para windows ce
I'm seeking a skilled engineer to develop a data logger device for electric vehicle powertrain. The device should be capable of capturing data from a smart Battery Management System (BMS) and the motor controller. Key Requirements: - The device can be based on either ESP or Arduino platforms. - It should communicate data through both cable and Bluetooth. - A web interface should be used to display key parameters such as voltage, current, and others, along with alerts and notifications. - The communication protocol should be CAN based - Windows Based Software which can be installed on any PC - Data logging can be done in two ways :Automatic (after every 10Sec) or at the press of a button - Data can be saved in excel format - These readings ...
I need a talented animator to animate a Minecraft Sniffer with specific actions and behaviors. The Sniffer should be performing: - Digging - Sniffing - Walking - And most importantly, talking. The dialogue should be in-game related chatter. Ideally, you should have a deep understanding of Minecraft and its dynamics. Key requirements for your bid: - Previous experience animating Minecraft mobs - Ability to create engaging in-game related dialogue - Strong understanding of Minecraft mechanics and behaviors
...ble_Init and ble_Tick to initialize and then update the ble state machine. Then I will need a function to write data to BLE service, which at the moment I think is `Cy_BLE_CSCSS_SetCharacteristicValue` (based on Infineon API) and it is potentially not needed to be part of the provided source file. The project can be done using two Infineon Evaulation boards () which you can buy at your local Embedded hardware store or online retailers. The expected maximum timeline for the project is end of February. The final test case also includes that I am able to connect with a mobile phone (there are existing BLE Logger or BLE Debugger apps) to read the service and observe the changes on the both evaluation boards. Do not lowball
...contain several entities, respectively. Viewmodels/DTO (at least 5 - do not count entities from the entity Framework Core or from identity, nor errorviewModel). At least one interconnection of entities through a foreign key must be defined. Creation of the "admin" area, in which the controllers and View will be stored to manage all items in the admin database (Admin will be able to manage the user's data, but will not be allowed to change hash of passwords). Editing items and upload images must also be implemented in the item management. The server validation (but also the client) will be resolved. Including one of your own validation attribute (ie one you created yourself!). The user registration and login -> a total of at least 2 rolls (admin, customer/client,...
I'm looking for a skilled software developer who can create a program for me. This program will log data in real time during pressure testing of iron and while conducting ultrasonic testing (UT) on the iron. Key Requirements: - The program should run on Windows - It should be compatible with RFID or NFC stickers - It should log thickness measurements during UT Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Windows software development - Experience with RFID or NFC technology - Knowledge of pressure testing and ultrasonic testing - Skills in data logging software design Please note that the specific data to be logged during pressure testing is yet to be determined. Therefore, flexibility and adaptability in your approach will be highly appreciated.
Implement an application that functions as an HTTP packet sniffer. The application should allow real-time visualization of requests and support applying filters on the packet traffic (e.g., requests coming from a specific address, requests of certain types: GET/POST/DELETE, etc.). Additionally, for a specific request, the user should be able to retrieve details about it, such as headers, request mode, payload, etc. A graphical user interface (GUl) is not required; the data can be displayed in the console. However, the representation of this data should be clear and easily understandable (indicating what each piece of information represents). The traffic should be captured using the socket library, and packet decoding should be performed using struct/ctypes. The proje...
...function to automatically copy the data from one field to the search box. It should normally do an automatic search but it is not automatically searching until I manually type data by keyboard. Can you correct the trigger? When the data is copy and pasted, the search is not triggered correctly. 6. In the login page, the username field is multiple lines, i want you to change this to single line only. When user type username and press enter, it makes next line in the username field. I want you to make the cursor go to password field when enter key is pressed. 7. On the login page, there is a date and time shown. I want to remove the date and time, instead i want to show a default photo. Photo shall be static filename taken from the backend app path logg...
We would like to implement a small tool that: - catch all made/recevied calls in Teams users/call queues (without asterisks in the number) - the call should be written to a sharepoint site or list or whatever, with all the details, like callee,caller,date,time,call duration ecc.. - a mail should be sent to the person who asnwered/made the call with a link to a form where he/she can complete with a "call desctiption" for example why the call has been made - another form or same form to make a list of all the calls, to sort them or to search a text in every call
...categorizing (e.g., recurring, nightmares), and associated emotions. ● Dream Analysis: Basic analysis tools to identify common symbols and recurring themes within the user's dream entries. ● Search and Filtering: Ability to search and filter dream entries by keywords, tags, and date ranges. Technical Requirements: ● cross-platform development ● Experience with React Native, Flutter, SwiftUI ● Secure data storage and user privacy considerations My Vision: Our envision, an app that is not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use. Colors light / pastel / pink, purple some black The calendar-centric design should be central to the user experience, allowing for easy navigation and visualization of dream patterns over time. Additional Functionality: ● E...
...system. Search functionality (by Contract Address, Symbol, or Name). Real-time cryptocurrency data integration (via Dexscreener API or similar). Watchlist and Portfolio management for users. Comprehensive token details, including charts, liquidity, and transaction data. Added live token security check API from Sniffer, Goplus and so on Admin dashboard for token management, advertising management, and reporting. Advertisement spaces for banners and sponsored tokens. The app must be responsive web platform, and provide real-time updates for cryptocurrency tokens. Required Skills: Must be highly Experience in Blockchain, Solidity, Crypto projects with API integration for real-time data (e.g., Dexscreener or Coinmarketcap or CoinGecko APIs). Profici...
...Include how quickly the system can raise the temperature of the bottles from 20-25°C to the pasteurization temperature. Temperature Control • Sensors: Specify locations for temperature sensors to ensure the bottles reach and maintain the desired temperature uniformly. The design should accommodate the use of a temperature data logger with multiple sensors. • System Monitoring: Incorporate feedback mechanisms to adjust steam flow and temperature based on real-time data from sensors. Deliverables • Detailed Design Drawings: Including room layout, nozzle placement, and steam distribution pathways. • Technical Specifications: Listing all materials, components, and specifications needed for the installation. • Implementation Timeline: ...
I'm in need of a proficient Excel VBA developer to create a high-performance data logger for me. The primary function of this tool is to log data from a wireless barcode scanner, record weight, and convert that weight into quantity. Key Requirements: - The logger must access conversion data from a sheet that could have over 200k lines. - A more efficient version is needed compared to an existing sample I have. The current version is sluggish due to file size. - It should support multiple users on a local network, compiling all results into a single sheet without missing any lines. - The project has a fixed budget, which is not based on hourly rates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Excel and VBA, particularly in creating use...
I'm looking for a developer to create a Java Spring Boot application that logs data from a variety of sensors. Key requirements: - The software will need to log data from temperature sensors, humidity sensors, flow meters, and pH sensors. - Data should be stored in an SQL database. - The logging frequency will be every minute. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Java and Spring Boot. - Experience with SQL database design and implementation. - Familiarity with sensor data logging software development. - Understanding of environmental sensors and their data.
...machines. The data needs to be saved in a CSV format and transferred via both USB and WiFi. Requirements: - The system should log the cycle end time, the duration of each cycle, and the total count of cycles for each machine. - The data should be saved on a USB or a WiFi device. - Transfer of data should be seamless through both USB and WiFi. - The system should include robust error handling mechanisms to detect and report any issues. Ideal candidate should: - Have experience with Arduino Giga R1. - Be proficient in programming for data logging, and understanding of CSV format. - Have a good grasp of both USB and WiFi technologies. Please provide your bids based on the above requirements. Include a user interface with an LCD screen display for monitorin...
...keystrokes should have a variety of storage options. It should be able to store data locally on the user's device, as well as providing options for cloud storage. Additionally, it should have the capability to export data as a file. - The extension should also be compatible with other major browsers like Firefox and Safari. Ideal candidates for this project would be those who have prior experience in Chrome Extension development, particularly with creating keyloggers or similar security tools. Knowledge of data security and privacy protocols is a must. Please reach out to me directly for further details. The extension should support exporting data to local machine. The extension should support exporting data in CSV format. The extension should h...
...основы для написания кода: import ccxt import pandas as pd import numpy as np from telegram import Update, Bot from import ApplicationBuilder, CommandHandler, ContextTypes from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression import time import logging import asyncio import talib # Логирование (level=, format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") logger = (__name__) # Настройки API и токенов API_KEY = 'YOUR_BYBIT_API_KEY' SECRET_KEY = 'YOUR_BYBIT_SECRET_KEY' TELEGRAM_TOKEN = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_TOKEN' # Параметры торговли MAX_LEVERAGE = 100 # Максимальное кредитное плечо RISK_PER_TRADE = 0.03 # 3% от депозита # Пары для анализа symbols = [ "BTC/USDT", "ETH/USDT", "XRP/USDT", "ADA/USDT", "DO...
...Automation Embedded Programmer to develop a versatile Data Logger. The system will capture data from Modbus and 4-20 mA signals, process it, and transmit it to our server and other servers through various communication methods such as LAN cable, Wi-Fi, and SIM card module. The goal is to create a reliable, scalable, and efficient solution for real-time data acquisition and transmission. Key Responsibilities: Data Acquisition Integrate Modbus protocol to read data from connected devices. Implement an interface to capture analog signals from 4-20 mA inputs. Data Processing Process raw input signals into meaningful and structured data. Ensure data accuracy, noise filtering, and signal validation. Data Transmission Des...
**Job Title:** Chrome Extension Developer - Google Search Logger **Description:** I'm looking for an experienced Chrome Extension developer to create a simple extension that will log the first page of Google Search results to a JSON file every time a search is performed. The extension should run each time a search is executed, parse the search results, and save them in a structured JSON format to a local log file. **Requirements:** - **Feature Set:** - Automatically triggers on every Google search. - Parses and captures all visible search results on the first page (URLs, titles, descriptions). - Saves this data to a JSON log file. - **Technical Requirements:** - Well-organized project structure. - Clear and comprehensive comments throughout the code t...
...distribution, and testing the barcodes for readability. Key components of the project: - Create a unique barcode for each respondent - Design and test packaging for barcodes - Implement a system for logging time of entry and exit - Develop user accounts for Teachers, Students, and Parents - Code for sending notifications to parents - Integrate with external barcode scanner Please note that the data to be stored for each respondent includes their Name and ID, Time of entry and exit, and Contact details of parents. The ideal candidate will have experience with Python, familiarity with barcode systems, and skills in creating user-friendly interfaces. Prior experience with similar projects will be an advantage. I am looking for a reliable and detail-oriented professional who can de...
...Magic link - Social login 2. REST API Current Structure: The site consists of two projects: Web App (ASP.NET Core/Razor) and REST API (ASP.NET Web API). The first project acts as a user frontend and is responsible for all user interactions, the second is a pure API that implements all basic operations. The web application must accept POST requests for all data operations, such as submitting a form, and internally access the API to retrieve data, etc. Given that the default API security is based on Bearer authentication, the Web App must receive and cache one token (test or production) in memory for the user support (at) The sequence diagram below depicts the desired interactions. 3. Knowledge base: Knowlwdge base is a set of content pages cross-linked ...
...Arduino based logger. They both produce CSV files, I need them merging together so that i can look at them in mapping application. The one produced by the ECU (master) contains the larger of data and this is the file that the data needs to be pulled into. the formatting of the master file must be preserved as the mapping software is not forgiving. i have it so that required columns and cells already exist in the and the cells are filled with dummy data "999" Both CSV files have timestamps which allow matching between the different files. (be aware that the master file has 4 columns marked timestamp. it is only the one in column 2 which should be used, the others can be disregarded. i need the script to look at each row in the and try to fill ...
1. Code Quality Check: • We will run the PHPCS (PHP Code Sniffer) to identify any issues with code quality or non-compliance with WordPress coding standards. • Identified issues will be addressed and corrected to ensure the plugin meets the highest coding standards required by WordPress. 2. Sanitization: • We will implement sanitization techniques across all input fields and data handling processes. • This will enhance security and ensure that the plugin aligns with ’s requirements for secure data handling. 3. Nonce Validation: • Nonce validation will be added wherever necessary to safeguard against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks. 4. Plugin File and Text Domain Alignment: • We will ensure that the main plugin...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that logs transaction details from my ANZ internet banking into a phpMyAdmin database. Specifics: - The extension should extract the transaction description from my ANZ internet banking. - Data insertion into the phpMyAdmin database should occur at scheduled intervals. - The extension should authenticate using my username and password. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in Chrome extension development, experience with PHP and MySQL, and familiarity with ANZ internet banking. Please ensure your bid reflects your ability to meet these requirements.
I need a cross-platform mobile application for logging delivery details in the trucking industry. Key Features: - Log essential delivery details including delivery time and date, customer signature, delivered items list, driver name, truck registration number, and company waste permit. - Send an email with the docket/receipt/invoice after every delivery. - Store all driver and truck information for easy access in a centralised database. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in iOS and Android app development. - Previous experience in creating delivery/logging applications will be highly regarded. - Knowledge of integrating email functionalities within applications is a plus. Please bid if you can create a user-friendly and efficient app that meets these specifications.
I'm in need of a telem...designed for uploading and analysing data from a logger to track performance on wind surfing. The dashboard will be handing sensor data including GPS, accelerometer, G force (X and Z), and gyrometer data. It is crucial that you have experience working with such data types. The output should be something similar to RaceBox. Key Requirements: - Develop a telemetry database and dashboard for automated reporting and display of data - Primarily handle sensor data - Process and store data in CSV format - input and analyse multiple data sources - interface with mapping software Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with sensor data, specifically car racing - skills in dashboard creation -...
I'm looking for an experienced macOS app developer to create a simple app for me. This app needs to constantly monitor and log the process name, window title, or website URL of the current foreground window. Key Requirements: - The app should continuously log this information in real-time to a file in JSON format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in macOS app development. - Experience with real-time data logging. - Familiarity with JSON and file handling on macOS. Please note, the primary function of the app is to log this information to a file. So, the ability to create a reliable and efficient logging mechanism is crucial.
...for project development will not be deducted from the logged working hours. * Participation in project-related meetings, discussions, or brainstorming sessions will not be considered as part of the billable time. * All data provided by the client is considered confidential and will be handled with the utmost care and discretion. * Strict protocols are in place to ensure that client data is not compromised during transmission, storage, or processing. * Upon project completion or termination, all client data will be securely deleted or returned. * Only hours logged in Team Logger or any other approved monitoring app will be considered billable hours....
...Playwright-based application successfully logs some requests and responses, it fails to capture others. Specifically, certain requests and responses that are crucial for our application do not appear in the logs. These missing requests/responses also do not show up in the Chrome DevTools Network tab when we inspect the page using Chrome. However, these requests are visible when using a network sniffer like Fiddler. Possible Causes: - Internal Requests: The missing requests might be internal (e.g., initiated by JavaScript running on the page after the initial load), and Playwright may not be capturing them because they are handled in a non-standard way. - EventSource or WebSocket Requests: If the missing requests are using technologies like Server-Sent Events (SSE) or WebSockets,...
...Playwright-based application successfully logs some requests and responses, it fails to capture others. Specifically, certain requests and responses that are crucial for our application do not appear in the logs. These missing requests/responses also do not show up in the Chrome DevTools Network tab when we inspect the page using Chrome. However, these requests are visible when using a network sniffer like Fiddler. Possible Causes: - Internal Requests: The missing requests might be internal (e.g., initiated by JavaScript running on the page after the initial load), and Playwright may not be capturing them because they are handled in a non-standard way. - EventSource or WebSocket Requests: If the missing requests are using technologies like Server-Sent Events (SSE) or WebSockets,...
The Task Fixed price £135 Prototype demonstration. This will be good value If you already know how to do this with existing Microchip example code. Otherwise please dont bid. £135 is to build a minimal example to read/write to USB memory stick. I require a software project developing to demonstrate reading and writing file data to a USB memory stick (Thumb drive using FAT32 file system) for a data logger development. The project should use Microchip MPLABX IDE with xc16 compiler for the PIC24FJ128GB202 chip. The MCC code configurator should be used to allocate peripherals for the project, including two LEDs and a UART to communicate activity about the thumb drive. The project should target the development board with schematic shown. The micro controller...