16 Programming Languages You Should Learn If You Want To Create An App
Here is a run down on what programming languages are dominating the mobile app space in 2017.
I need to improve an existing website. I need professinals in website design. I need experts in programming, digital web design and digital marketing. I need to include: 1. Virtual store of approximately 10 or 15 products with videos and photographs. 2. Blog written content. 3. Podcast 4. I need to include online courses with individual folders for each student with their academic progress; courses completed and exclusive access to content and exams.
...consider English as a second option. Hello, I want to make a service application for users to find informal jobs. Currently there are many applications that offer this service, but I want to make one a little easier, Here are some examples from Google's Play Store: Company 2.Mr. Right - Home Services App 3. JOB TODAY: Job offers for professionals The application must integrate several example functions 1. Chat where both parties can communicate and allow the sending of photos and videos 2. A notification area 3. Area where the publications of the works will be placed 4. Star evaluation system 5. A search engine that searches for similarity or association 6. Scheduling appointments 7. The application must have the option to select the language...
Saludos. Tenemos desarrollado una aplicación web PWA. Deseamos un programador con experiencia para habilitar las notificaciones a los móviles, similar a las alertas del whassap.
Application to send products home in a local area
Wanted programmer - 40% partner for startup development (online travel platform). Good level of programming and design is required. Languages are valued, immediate incorporation after interview. Person with interest and time to dedicate enough to the development of ideas and evolution of the project. Only serious CV's, I do not demand experience. For more information contact by phone. ——————————————————————— Se busca programador - socio al 40% para desarrollo de startup (plataforma online de viajes). Se requiere buen nivel de programación y diseño. Se valoran idiomas, incorporación inmediata previa entrevista. P...
Necesito que desarrollen un software para mí. Me gustaría que este software sea desarrollado.
Desarrollo de varias aplicaciones mobiles y una web para un sistema de delivery.
The job is very simple. Basically you will be replicating the part by replicating the phone and video from to one site, but a version of another app to another site. Preferably individual person(no agencies) AND PLEASE NO PERSONS WHO CHARGE OVER THE LIMIT. I REPE...therefore I expect it to . The demo video only needs to show app features with objective to fully inform a person visually and create want in as creatively effective and shortest way possible. Time is not an urgency with this project. It will require the ability to obtain the app(the app is only available in U.S.A. and Mexico), may need to use VPN, Tunnelbear, etc... There is absolutely no programming, no web design, ONLY THE DEMO VIDEO ASPECT of the snapchat example is needed for this project.
...payment gateway. in the customer profile they should be able to see their invoices and orders, and create complex registration forms. to create users. There must also be a system for selecting stands for sale. You can see the complete project in the Files section in PDF The platform must be modular and preferably programmed on a base environment. Wordpress or Joomla. We also accept custom programming proposals with other frameworks. We listen to options. ------------------------------------- Es una plataforma para Manejar usuarios y que debe tener pasarela de pago y poder introducir productos con pasarela de pago. en el perfil de cliente deben poder ver sus facturas y pedidos, y crear formularios de registro complejos. para crear usuarios. En breve, vamos a ir subiendo m&aa...
En base a un código construir un sistema de colas de mensajes con una funcionalidad básica haciendo especialmente énfasis en los aspectos de eficiencia en la transmisión y en el uso de la técnica de zerocopy.
iOS mobile application on going project
Se requiere un RPA para automatizar el ingreso de datos (data-entry) en una aplicación de escritorio (desktop application). Los datos se obtienen desde una hoja de cálculo (Spread Sheet) que se encuentra en google drive.
Requiero de una persona que integre un Plugin o Cron Job para conectar el catálogo de mi proveedor Intcomex a la tienda que tengo en WordPress / Woocomerce. La conexión aparentemente será RestAPI para obtener los datos en XML y sincronizar el stock, precio, imágenes y descripciones de los productos 1 vez al día por la noche. Category IT & Programming
Hola Misfits T., observé tu perfil y me gustaría ofrecerte mi proyecto. Podemos conversar por chat acerca de los detalles.
...belt. I have no possibility of doing it by machine PLC, so I need a system completely external to the machine composed of ARDUINO - LASER detector - WIFI that is capable of counting the number of times that the robot cuts the laser beam (which coincides with every time there is a new part manufactured) and upload the information to the online network. I need the ARDUINO-LASER-WIFI set with the programming completed and configured with a Wi-Fi network (name and password) to send this production online (part number and manufacturing time) through Wi-Fi to an established database....
Por favor, regístrate o inicia sesión para ver los detalles.
Hi! I need a programmer to help me in a project I have in Unreal Engine. I need the following: 1- The option to save the game, when the game is paused, and that I can load the save from the main menu, with everything the character has on when the main character dies, you can load the game. 2.I bought a dialogue programming package, I need it to work with the main character in this case pass the necessary information to (Player_Character), so it can generate a dialogue with other NPCs.(to have a dialog, the key assigned to interchange would be I ) these would be the two tasks to follow, if you think you can help me, write me :) Hola! necesito un programador que me ayude en un proyecto que tengo de Unreal Engine. Necesito lo siguiente: 1- La opción de guardar la partida, cu...
The project involves the development of an application compatible with Windows 7 and higher for the control of dome cameras through the SDK. The objective of the application is to allow, based on a set of three cameras with fixed optics that are displayed in real time in the application and that shows a platform, the displacement of a dome with motorized optics using the set of the three previous cameras. to define which zone you want to view through the motorized dome using the movement of the dome and the zoom. To define if the user wants the dome to move, the user will scroll through the camera matrix but must press the left mouse button. If you don't press it, the dome won't move. The mouse wheel defines the zoom that the user wants. These parameters (di...
All the information are in chapter 5 of the attached file
...experiencia en la realización de descargas de firmware, configuración de red, almacenamiento y reenvío y desarrollo de lógica de escalera. ------- Mexican automation company needs an EXPERIENCED Motorola Ace 3600 RTU programmer to review programs for pumps and water systems. Please only reply if you have experience Configuring, Setting up, Programming, Debugging and Maintaining ACE3600 RTU's (and FIU's) using Motorola's System Tool Suite (STS) programming software. Knowledge of Ace3600 RTU functionality with experience performing Firmware Downloads, Network Configuration, Store & Forward and Ladder logic development....
...bluthoot, etc), pero en la siguiente etapa, en un proyecto diferente. --------------------------------------- Our project has the graphic and functional design in AdobeXd, we can make it available for budgeting. At this stage we need the generation of a front-end only application in Native Android (we listen to proposals for the use of the framework as long as the integrity of the project is taken into account and it is not a later problem when different services are integrated). It is important to work following good programming practices and since other collaborators will contribute their code in a shared repository. Once this stage is finished, we will proceed from different teams to integrate with the necessary services (webservice, can interfaces, bluthoot, etc.),...
...bluthoot, etc), pero en la siguiente etapa, en un proyecto diferente. --------------------------------------- Our project has the graphic and functional design in AdobeXd, we can make it available for budgeting. At this stage we need the generation of a front-end only application in Native Android (we listen to proposals for the use of the framework as long as the integrity of the project is taken into account and it is not a later problem when different services are integrated). It is important to work following good programming practices and since other collaborators will contribute their code in a shared repository. Once this stage is finished, we will proceed from different teams to integrate with the necessary services (webservice, can interfaces, bluthoot, etc.),...
...sensor and sending data through MQTT and an API. What we have already available, you do not need to worry about: +Code written under the Arduino IDE. +The device has the following hardware bill of materials: -Custom PCB -ESP-12E/F -Sensor VL53L0X I2C -LED Green Color connected to GPIO 14 -Push Button connected to GPIO 0 *It is used to get Arduino into programming mode if pressed when device is starting *It is used as general purpose push button after Arduino has been initialized +The device has the following software bill of materials in the form of libraries: -WiFi Manager -Adafruit VL53L0X -FireBase ESP8266 -PubSub Client +A Gitlab repository where the latest version of code is hosted What do we need fr...
Actualmente tenemos una aplicacion para un sector agricola y necesitamos realizar mejoras o requerimientos nuevos en esquema hora-labor , la aplicacion esta desarrollada el front end con y JQUERY
¿Tienes experiencia brindando soporte técnico a Aplicaciones? ¡Únete! Serás responsable de hacer desarrollos en SQL y IIS en base a los requerimientos del cliente. ¡Vive la experiencia icorp! Zona de trabajo: Homeoffice Horario: Lunes a Jueves 8:30am - 6:00pm , Viernes 8:30am a 3:00pm Proyecto temporal: 2-3 meses Requerimentos: Lic./Ing. en sistemas o afín (Titulado o pasante) Experiencia en: Desarrollador SQL (avanzado) al menos dos años. Deseable experiencia en otras tecnologías de Microsoft, como Share Point, Visual Basic, etc. Experiencia con IIS (avanzado) Competencias: Excelente trato al usuario de TI Proactividad Organización Responsabilidad Es un gusto darte la bienvenida al portal laboral de icorp. Somos una ...
We are looking for a freelancer who has knowledge of GIS systems and programming. The goal of the project is to develop a system that can automate the process of obtaining geographic data (for example, elevation of the terrain) from information coming from different sources (for example SRTM, GMTED2010, etc). This output data should be viewable in programs such as Google Earth Pro, and ideally should be able to be imported into AutoCAD A priori, we are thinking of using QGIS software, which is free, open source and has APIs, but we are open to other alternatives Estamos buscando un freelancer que tenga conocimientos de sistemas GIS y programación. El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un sistema que permita automatizar la obtención de datos geográficos (por e...
Estamos en búsqueda de un profesional del area desarrollo web,software,redes para cubrir 2 puestos de Ingenieria IT para el area política. El candidato debe poseer: - Certificaciones o titulaciones en todas o algunas de las areas antes mencionadas. - Idioma español nativo. - Disponibilidad de 8 hs diarias de lunes a domingo (Aclaración: el postulante solo trabajará 5 días a la semana, pero debe poseer la disponibilidad para organizar el plantel de trabajadores). - Disponibilidad por 4 meses. - Manejo de herramientas de desarrollo y lenguajes de programación,arquitectura de redes, VPN, ciberseguridad. - Buena adaptación para desenvolverse en grupos de trabajo. - Buena conexión a internet, notebook y cuenta Paypal. - Nos interes...
We are developing an orthosis to treat automated anterior / posterior cruciate ligament fractures, using additive manufacturing (3D Printing). The goal is to develop and participate in platforms Crowdfunding to complete development and market it. We request professionals in bio mechanics or electromechanical engineering with knowledge of arduino programming and automation to support the project.
Tenemos una app desarrollada, pero nos gustaría llevar a cabo una actualización que incorpore nuevas funcionalidades. La app actualmente funciona como plataforma que agrupa publicaciones que hacen los comercios sobre promociones, concursos y eventos que llevan a cabo. Las funcionalidades que nos gustaría añandir son: - Guia de todas estas empresas. - Mapa. - Agenda parecida a Eventbrite con todos los eventos que se suban. La app está desarrollada con el framework Flutter, un back office con el framework Angular 9.1, y el backend que utilitzan las dos partes anteriores está desarrollado con Node.js y el framework NestJS. La app está actualmente operativa tanto en ios como android. Adjunto capturas de como es actualmente.
Especificaciones del Proyecto 1 - Mejorar el diseño de la interface 2 - Adaptar a dispositivos móviles. Utilizar la información provista en varios idiomas. 3 - Compilar ejecutable (Este debe poder correrse en un servidor). Propuesta de desarrollo 1 - Mejorar el diseño de la interface 2 - Revisión del diseño utilizando HTML5, CSS3, jQuery. Implementación de Bootstrap4 para adaptabilidad en dispositivos móviles. 3 - Compilar ejecutable (Este debe poder correrse en un servidor). (eventualmente Implementación de Electron para generar aplicaciones multiplataforma) La interface carga una serie de documentos (HTML et PDF), la misma debe traducirse a 5 idiomas, por lo tanto hay que implementar un sistema de carga de esos documentos...
Cerevro is a growing startup which implements virtual reality in schools, teaching through small experiences in virtual reality, where the student can acquire certain knowledge. What we need is someone with knowledge of video game programming in unity to make a mini game that takes around 15 to 20 minutes with low poly assets. The environment and the environments are completely variable, it totally depends on the knowledge you want to impart so they don't have a standard. The VR is focused on google cardboard glasses, not for HTC vibe or others.
I want to have an app where I can sell my products; intoxicating drinks, cigarettes and wines and other products that I will add over time. Deseo crear una app donde pueda vender mis productos; bebidas embriagantes, cigarrillos y vinos y demás productos que iré agregando con el tiempo.
Desarrollo de una aplicación WEB, que permita a un usuario desde su PC o su Celular, solicitar un servicio, seleccionando desde una lista. Al seleccionar el servicio deberá diligenciar un formulario y este ser enviado via correo electronico a un grupo de usuarios Resolutores, con el número de consecutivo de la solicitud. Un usuario del grupo resolutor consultara con el numero de consecutivo en la aplicación recibir el correo electronico y debera ver la informacion del formulario y del usuario solicitante e ingresar una nota con la solución respectiva, esta debe quedar registrada en un log con fecha, hora, nota, y consecutivo. El usuario resolutor del grupo que revisa, puede colocar varias notas. Por cada nota se envia un correo electronico al Usuario So...
Necesito que diseñen un logo para una aplicación android
...as a programming tool. The tax administration obliges to implement a system for issuing invoices and sales tickets that must comply with the following standards: • Generate the invoice in XML format • Sign the XML document digitally • Generate a CRC-8 verification code and include it in the signed document • With the invoice data, the signature and the CRC-8 code, generate a QR code for printing. Our programming tool does not allow us to carry out some new processes that we must implement. Basically we are looking for a programmer who is capable of developing software that works independently of ours, but that we can invoke through the command line from our application. We have solved the generation of the invoice in XML format and the generati...
...experiencia en diseño de mapas de este tipo. El mapa creado debe ser editable, para poder agregar nuevas áreas a medida que se generen. Conceptos, imágenes y videos serán sumnistrados. ------------ Hello! We need to develop an interactive map with 30 magnified dots, which can be inserted into a Wordpress site. The project can be built on platforms like Google Earth or Google Maps, or in other programming languages. We require proposals on the technology to be used. The map should allow a virtual tour of a large area of 30 hectares, allowing to choose about 30 points, where we click to enlarge the image / video to obtain more information. The idea is to reflect a natural reserve where there are certain geographical features/recreation sites that we wan...
Buen día. Busco diseñador de página web, que tenga conocimientos de programación, para proyecto de e-commerce. Se ...Busco diseñador de página web, que tenga conocimientos de programación, para proyecto de e-commerce. Se ofreceran para la realización del trabajo, la página web (Host y Dominio) ya comprados, con WooComerce. Se necesita es la creatividad del diseño de la misma para la realización de la página web acorde a lo que pidamos. Gracias. ______ Greetings I am looking for a website designer, who has programming knowledge, for an e-commerce project. The web page (Host and Domain) is already purchased, and it will be offered to carry out the work, with WooComerce. What is needed is the creati...
Hola, estoy buscando realizar la estructura tal cual como la captura que adjunto. No es necesaria programacion adicional. Solo diseñar de forma completa el estilo, para poder poner textos e imágenes. Debe de ser una copia exacta. ----- Hello, I am looking to make the structure as is as the capture that I attach. No additional programming is necessary. Just completely design the style, to be able to put texts and images. It must be an exact copy.
Necesito un sitio web nuevo. Necesito que diseñen y construyan un sitio web para mi pequeño negocio.
The mobile application that I want to make is a fusion between digital platforms such as Fiverr, freelancer and Airbnb. It is a similar concept. I am currently building the UI of the platform. I understand that I am around 75% to finish it. I understand that the person or team must have knowledge in front end and in back end. For front end you must have knowledge in Java, Angular 2, React. Js and Express. Js. For Back end you must have knowledge in ruby on rails, dijango, node js, meteor js.
...de retail de referencia. En tu día a día… * Diseñarás y desarrollarás software con una fuerte orientación a microservicios (principalmente en Java) para la plataforma de e-commerce Mango.com. * Participarás en la definición de historias de usuario, así como en la estimación y planificación de tareas. * Formarás parte de un equipo que aplica el modelo de mejora continua, haciendo pair programming, code reviews, etc. * Colaborarás en las comunidades de práctica en las que hacemos coding dojos, lunch & learn, open spaces, lightning talks, etc. con el fín de profundizar, compartir y adquirir conocimiento sobre principios de diseño, tipos de arquitectura y...
Descripción: Buen día colaboradores de FreeLancer. Estamos en busca de un programador que realice una PWA con funciones de “Agencia de actividades”. Para el desarrollo de la aplicación se deberá tener en cuenta lo siguiente: • La aplicación deberá de tener 2 tipos de usuario (Administrador – usuario común): El administrador podrá agendar y revisar las actividades de que tengan agendadas los usuarios comunes. El usuario común únicamente podrá agendar actividades para sí mismo. • Si el administrador agenda una actividad a un usuario común “x”, este usuario tendrá que recibir una alerta tipo pop-up. • Si el usuario común se agenda una actividad ...
Estamos en la búsqueda de un especialista en CORVID de WIX para crear la sincronización de una página web con blog english: We are looking for a WIX CORVID specialist to create the synchronization of a web page with blog of course... one thing is WIX and their web editor... and other is CORVID, their programming platform wi javascript language. This freelancer must have experience with CORVID
...intention of this application is to protect buyers and sellers in countries affected by hyperinflation. We will start operations in Cuba and Venezuela to expand to other countries in the future. The basic idea is that the sender can use multiple forms of payment to be able to top up his balance within the application. These deposits must be automatically verified so that the application automatically releases the balance automatically. The digital currency that we will tentatively use is the USDC, which is backed by real US dollars, safely stored in recognized financial institutions. This means that this digital currency can be transferred at any time to a bank account in dollars, bolivars or Cuban pesos through a peer to peer exchange system integrated in the same ...
In the chat explain the process that I need for the application. Menu---> Category of stores by cities--> Products.
An application good for on line value exchange of money and other financial assets. Se trata de una aplicación útil para intercambio de valores a distancia tanto de dinero como también otros activos financieros. Tecnologías básicas y lenguajes para app -Esquema cliente /servidor -La api en lumen 6 o superior cib base de datos mysql -Con metodología TDD -front-end en laravel o similares -interface web debe ser responsive -se valora propuesta para hacer en angular Me interesa hacerlo con esas herramientas
An application good for on line value exchange if money and other financial assets. Se trata de una aplicación útil para intercambio de valores a distancia tanto de dinero como también otros activos financieros. Tecnologías básicas y lenguajes para app -Esquema cliente /servidor -La api en lumen 6 o superior cib base de datos mysql -Con metodología TDD -front-end en laravel o similares -interface web debe ser responsive -se valora propuesta para hacer en angular Me interesa hacerlo con esas herramientas
An application good for on line value exchange if money and other financial assets. Se trata de una aplicación útil para intercambio de valores a distancia tanto de dinero como también otros activos financieros.
E-commerce programming and application with knowledge of html5, java script, java .ccs.
Here is a run down on what programming languages are dominating the mobile app space in 2017.
Romeo Javellana has known gambling for nearly all his life—not as a vice, but as a means to earn a living
This article explains in depth why you should ditch AWS as a cloud service provider for another cloud.