Teaching English to Russian-speaking adult students online. Also working as a Freelance Interpreter for different organizations, businesses, and visitors.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
mar., 2018 - Prisoten
6 let, 10 mesecev
Interppreter / Translator
dec., 2008 - apr., 2014
5 let, 3 meseci
US AIR FORCE in Kyrgyzstan
dec., 2008 - apr., 2014
5 let, 3 meseci
Translating/Interpreting to US military and Kyrgyz Avia Navigation / Airport
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
dec., 2008 - apr., 2014
5 let, 3 meseci
Marketing Specialist
sep., 2008 - dec., 2008
3 meseci, 1 dan
Demir Kyrgyz International Bank
sep., 2008 - dec., 2008
3 meseci, 1 dan
Marketing Bank Services to Corporate clients
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
sep., 2008 - dec., 2008
3 meseci, 1 dan
Kyrgyzskij Gosudarstvennyj Nacionalnij Universitet
1985 - 1990
5 let
BA in Economics
1985 - 1990
5 let
English Certificate
Certificate for C1-C2 Level
TEFL Certificate
World TESOL Academy
120 hours course
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