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Uspešno ste priporočili
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Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Francisca D.
Translator, Proofreader, Tutor, English&Spanish
$8 USD/uro
Argentina (1:38 pop.)
Pridružen(a) od februar 14, 2014
$8 USD/uro
English - Spanish Translator
I´ve been working on translation projects for 5 years through freelance websites, but I started translating long before when I was at college, where most papers were English written.
Spanish Proofreader
Spanish proofreading is one of my strongest skills, since I am a meticulous person, obsessed with details. It is very common to find poorly translated websites, content and applications on the internet. I truly believe that in order to reach people's hearts and minds it is necessary to speak their language, at least, correctly.
Online Spanish Tutoring
Being a tutor has allowed me to work with a diverse nationality of students and personalities, also to know the importance of finding new ways to engage and inspire students. I am a friendly, patient, sensitive person who is committed to foster the students´ capacity by creating a positive learning environment.
Life coaching in Spanish
ICF ( International certification)
-Freelance Translations (English-Spanish and Vice versa) of Articles, Contracts, Manuals, Web Pages, App descriptions, Product Descriptions.
-Online Spanish Tutoring: Conversation Classes
jul., 2013 - Prisoten
11 let, 8 mesecev
Universidad de Buenos Aires
2003 - 2008
5 let
Licenciatura en Psicología
2003 - 2008
5 let
Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
Cambridge English Language Assessment
International English language examination developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment (previously known as University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations). It is targeted at Level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Spanish to English Translation
Basic Numeracy
Freelancer Orientation
UK English
US English
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