I'm a professional software engineer. I've experience in developing web and desktop apps using
• python
• django
• React.js
• Html/css
• c/c++
I've also experience in data scraping using mature frameworks like python scrapy and splash.
I believe to do quality work in time. I have done web development and scraping in python.
I am a full stack developer by training at Arbisoft. Currently I am working in data ingestion team whose responsibility is to extract data from websites and provide to the customers in the desired format.
jun., 2017 - Prisoten
7 let, 9 mesecev
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
2013 - 2017
4 leta
2013 - 2017
4 leta
100 %
V okviru proračuna
100 %
Delež sprejetih
100 %
Delež ponovnih najemov
50 %
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