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Suhas N.



Frontend Developer | Web & Mobile

$8 USD/uro
India (11:19 dop.)
Pridružen(a) od september 9, 2022
$8 USD/uro
Enthusiastic in developing pleasant UI and UX experiences considering the latest technological trends and using efficient programming. Having a proven ability as a UI developer with more than 4 years of experience in web development and in product management. development and roadmap planning. Performed complete application/software life cycle functions from conception to final release to users including Design/Analysis, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance. Developed and managed the website and apps for e-commerce. real estate companies use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, backed by jQuery and other JavaScript frameworks to enable the optimum user experience and responsive design throughout the site.
Spremembe so bile shranjene
5.0 · 1 Review
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Very good knowledge of JavaScript. He knows what you need. Highly recommended. He is great developer will work with him again.
Mahesh Z.
Pune, India
pred 2 letoma
Skupna raba
Product engineer - Mobile
jan., 2022 - Prisoten
3 leta, 1 mesec
jan., 2022 - Prisoten
3 leta, 1 mesec
jan., 2022 - Prisoten
3 leta, 1 mesec
Member of technical staff
okt., 2018 - avg., 2021
2 leti, 10 mesecev
okt., 2018 - avg., 2021
2 leti, 10 mesecev
Web and mobile development
okt., 2018 - avg., 2021
2 leti, 10 mesecev
Lovely Professional University
2014 - 2019
5 let
Bachelor’s of technology in Mechanical engineering
2014 - 2019
5 let
100 %
V okviru proračuna
100 %
Delež sprejetih
100 %
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