Ta uporabnik drugim uporabnikom ne dovoli, da mu sledijo.
Temu uporabniku že sledite.
Vaš paket članstva omogoča samo 0 sledenj. Nadgradite tukaj.
Sledenje je bilo uspešno preklicano
Napaka pri preklicu sledenja uporabnika.
Uspešno ste priporočili
Napaka pri priporočanju uporabnika.
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Hina A.
Graphic Designer with 4+ year of experience."BOOM"
$18 USD/uro
India (10:07 dop.)
Pridružen(a) od november 10, 2022
$18 USD/uro
Is it safe to say that you are prepared to take your image, organization, or business to "A higher level"? Prepare to "Goodness" your crowd, land those financial backer's arrangements, clients, and crowd, or get a wildly energetic applause!
Programming Abilities: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Artist, Canva, Figma, Featured discussion, and PowerPoint.
What we can discuss:-
Book Design
Brochure Design
Catalog Design
Infographic Design
Presentation Design
Report Design
Magazine Layout
Ebook Design
Video Production
Logo design.
What you will get:
- Will discuss your requirements
- Answer your questions and clear your doubts
- Create a design concept for your project
- Give suggestions and shows you relevant work samples
- More related to design
Get in touch for any type of questions or queries, I'll be happy to assist you :)
Thank You!
Handling the design and execution.
Book Design
Brochure Design
Catalog Design
Infographic Design
Presentation Design
Report Design
Magazine Layout
Ebook Design
Video Production
Logo design.
jun., 2017 - Prisoten
7 let, 7 mesecev
Delhi University
2014 - 2017
3 leta
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
2014 - 2017
3 leta
Vabilo uspešno poslano!
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