Ta uporabnik drugim uporabnikom ne dovoli, da mu sledijo.
Temu uporabniku že sledite.
Vaš paket članstva omogoča samo 0 sledenj. Nadgradite tukaj.
Sledenje je bilo uspešno preklicano
Napaka pri preklicu sledenja uporabnika.
Uspešno ste priporočili
Napaka pri priporočanju uporabnika.
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Fisal A.
IT Expert, Full-Stack Web & Mobile app developer
$20 USD/uro
Saudi Arabia (4:30 pop.)
Pridružen(a) od avgust 12, 2021
$20 USD/uro
I've experienced in IT such as Website (Full-Stack) & Mobile app development, UI/UX, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing (AWS, GCP, Azure), E-Commerce website such as Magento, Some programming languages "Python, PHP, Java, JavaScript", Some web frameworks "Django, Flask". Containerization technology such as Kubernetes, Docker.
Monitor, Manage and administer the LAN, WAN, WLAN, VPN, and servers. (Domain, Active directory, exchange, ISA proxy, storage's, etc…). Attend service calls from end-users by Help Desk ticket request (Software and hardware), troubleshoot, etc...
we are one IT Teams ready to receive all computers problems are located in the western region Factories (Jeddah, Makkah, Madinah, Rabigh, Thuwal, ..etc..) and all through the request of the ticket (Help Desk), and remotely Maintenance.
avg., 2010 - Prisoten
14 let, 5 mesecev
Computer Operator
maj, 2006 - jan., 2012
5 let, 8 mesecev
Saudi Business Machines - SBM
maj, 2006 - jan., 2012
5 let, 8 mesecev
Teaching Supports the employees of Health Center to use Ministry System that linked to Oracle database.
Manage and administer the LAN, WAN, WLAN, VPN, and servers. (Domain, Active directory, exchange, ISA proxy, storages, etc…). Attend service calls from users (Software and hardware), troubleshoot servers, wireless links, gateways, create and implement network policies, network security, Maintenance PC Labs, etc…
maj, 2006 - jan., 2012
5 let, 8 mesecev
Digital Operator
jan., 2008 - jan., 2010
2 leti
Saudi Delta Group
jan., 2008 - jan., 2010
2 leti
Operating Digital Devices & Computer Network.
Manage and administer the LAN, WAN, WLAN, VPN, and servers. (Domain, Active directory, exchange, ISA proxy, storages, etc…). Attend service calls from users (Software and hardware), troubleshoot servers, wireless links, gateways, create and implement network policies, network security, Maintenance PC Labs, etc…
Employment Type: Daily from 4:00PM to 12:00AM (Weekly one day vacation).
jan., 2008 - jan., 2010
2 leti
Jamiat Al-Malik Abdulaziz
2013 - 2018
5 let
Bachelor's degree
Saudi Arabia
2013 - 2018
5 let
Android Basics Nanodegree by Google
Udacity & Google
Android Mobile App Development by Google.
Deep Learning Nanodegree
Deep Learning is field of Machine Learning (ML) under Artificial Intelligent (AI)
AI for Business Nanodegree
Apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business
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