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Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Binod Kumar S.
PHP/ Codeigniter / WordPress / UI/UX
$20 USD/uro
India (3:31 dop.)
Pridružen(a) od januar 5, 2011
$20 USD/uro
We are an innovative web solution provider. We aim to provide our expertise in various internet-related services to all kinds of business houses, organizations, corporations, institutions, etc. Our success goes to our technical team who give shape to our projects & make a success out of every project we handle.
== Core Development Skills ==
Our Team is experienced in skills such as - WordPress, UI/UX,
Web 2.0 Development: HTML5, CSS3, Dreamweaver, Ajax.
Server Side Scripting: LAMP i.e. PHP 5.x using Code igniter framework and templates with MySQL 5.x as back end database.
Server Side Development: MS SQL 2000 and MS SQL 2005 as the back-end databases.
Our design staff is well versed in tools like Adobe DreamWeaver CS3, PhotoShopCS3, Adobe FlashCS3, CorelDraw & other HTML, animation, and image editors. All websites designed and developed by us are Web 2.0 and W3C compliant.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me for any queries.
Thanks :)
Great work done on time, great feedback worked well with me to understand what i wanted and created it.Can be trusted to right on code without plagiarism,. would definitely recommend.