Ta uporabnik drugim uporabnikom ne dovoli, da mu sledijo.
Temu uporabniku že sledite.
Vaš paket članstva omogoča samo 0 sledenj. Nadgradite tukaj.
Sledenje je bilo uspešno preklicano
Napaka pri preklicu sledenja uporabnika.
Uspešno ste priporočili
Napaka pri priporočanju uporabnika.
Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Designdesk S.
Graphics Design | Web Designing | UI/UX Design
$10 USD/uro
India (12:20 pop.)
Pridružen(a) od september 7, 2015
$10 USD/uro
I have been working as a designer since the last decade and having huge experience with all graphics design task like Logo design, Business card, Flyer design, Brochure design, Banner design, Website Layout design, PSD to HTML, Android application design, iOS application design, User interface design, User Experience design. Nowadays I have been full time occupied to serve my excellent skills all over the world with a single platform.
I am having follwing vision to serve any of my service:
• Customer First
• Deliver within 24 hours*
• Value for your money
• 100% satisfaction guarantee
• All suggetions are valuable for me (to serve satisfactory work)
i am working as associate production artist where i was re digitize already created design which have low resolution file and manage all the global work independently.
apr., 2015 - Prisoten
9 let, 10 mesecev
Creative Brand Designer
mar., 2014 - apr., 2015
1 leto, 1 mesec
Bion Creation Pvt. Ltd
mar., 2014 - apr., 2015
1 leto, 1 mesec
I had work as brand creator where i was manage all the corporate clients who wants to boost up their business and re branding as well as i have team to work with and guide about new brand concept and manages whole project.
mar., 2014 - apr., 2015
1 leto, 1 mesec
Gujarat University
2009 - 2013
4 leta
Bechlor of Information Technology
2009 - 2013
4 leta
Digital media and communication
Institute of Design and technology
I have been awarded the best creative design and concept for real-life problem solution by very unique mobile application UI design which was based on asset delivery and pick up management.
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