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Nekaj je šlo narobe. Osvežite stran in poskusite znova.
E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Laxmi Narayan S.
Experience Developer (Face which you can TRUST)
$21 USD/uro
India (7:05 pop.)
Pridružen(a) od marec 29, 2016
$21 USD/uro
I am a “VERIFIED FREELANCER” Verified by a freelancer staff, So you can trust me for giving any job.
Customer satisfaction is my first priority. I will provide you with the best work with minimal cost and full of accuracy. Also, provide you with lifetime support for my work.
<<<<<<<<<< Why Select Me >>>>>>>>>>>
→ 7-day Availability
→ 24 hours Response
→ Multiple Design Options to Choose
→ Support Available also after the project completion
→ Fast and Perfect Delivery
→ Satisfaction Guarantee
→ Collection of portfolio
<<<<<<<<<<<<< Services >>>>>>>>>>>>
» Website Design
» Website Development
» Shopping Website
» Blogging Website
» Any type of website on any platform
» WordPress, Shopify, Magento, and many more CMS
» Infographics
» Plugin design and development
» HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP is my very strong area
» Content writing
» MATLAB Projects
and many more
<<<<<<<<<<<< Client From >>>>>>>>>>>>
United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Germany, France, UAE, Japan, Indonesia, and many more...
Please check my profile as well as customers satisfied feedback. Also, check the certifications on freelancer.
Excellent work by Laxmi Narayan! He has done every request and gave quality work. Thank you! Appreciate your work! Sorry for some delay at my end! thank you
"You are very fast in your work."
"100% dependable with much patience in understanding the requirements and ready to revise when changes are needed on prior released works."
"I would highly recommend him for any UI works based on my experience. Thanks a million for making my works super awesome !" :)
BEST EVER!!! no more than 3 hours, the job is gratefully done with no mistakes! Thank you very much you really help my day! Will definitely use your service again.
Magnet Brains is best software company to work freshers and experts and India office is located in Bhopal.
apr., 2016 - Prisoten
8 let, 11 mesecev
Drive Test Engineer
avg., 2014 - sep., 2014
1 mesec
Teleysia Networks
avg., 2014 - sep., 2014
1 mesec
It was a field job.
avg., 2014 - sep., 2014
1 mesec
Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
2015 - 2017
2 leti
2015 - 2017
2 leti
Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
2010 - 2014
4 leta
2010 - 2014
4 leta
Experience Letter
VNS Group of Institute, Bhopal
Certification for best teacher award.
Implementation of Viola-Jones Algorithm Based Approach for Human Face Detection
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET)
This paper proposes an approach to find a human face in an image with the high accuracy rate in the better way. Face detection and recognition is an imminent issue in image processing. Human identity is crucial for identity, search, monitoring system and security purpose. Face detection is easy for human beings but it’s an arduous task for the computer system.
Viola-Jones Algorithm Based Approach for Face Detection of African Origin People and Newborn Infants
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)
This work dispenses to design a face detection system, especially for African origin people and newborn infants. Using the Viola-Jones algorithm with some specified threshold value, the face was detected from the image with a high accuracy rate. Black skin faces are hard to detect in comparison to fair skin faces because the difference in intensity of contrast between the eyes, upper cheek and nose are hard to separate by the algorithm in the black faces.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Data Entry
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