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Vishnulal N.
⭐Linux⭐Blockchain Expert ⭐Cloud Support⭐
$50 USD/uro
India (2:28 dop.)
Pridružen(a) od julij 6, 2013
$50 USD/uro
I have 9 years of experience in Linux and Cloud server management which includes Monitoring, Security, and Optimization.
Designed, configured, and managed public/private cloud infrastructures utilizing
Amazon Web Services (AWS), including Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Virtual Private
Cloud (VPC), Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups, Route Tables, Elastic Load
Balancer, Cloud Watch and IAM.
Implemented AWS high availability using AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), which
performed a balance across instances in multiple Availability Zones.
AWS deployment using Ansible and Terraform, also deployed, and administered Open
stack services.
Configuring Ansible to manage AWS environments and automate the build process for
core AMIs (Amazon Machine Image) used by all application deployments including Auto
scaling and Cloud formation scripts.
Worked with Docker on multiple cloud providers, from helping developers build and
containerize their application (CI/CD) to deploying either on public or private cloud.
Played a major role in building Docker images; create build and deployment
configurations to deploy applications using Jenkins onto the Kubernetes cluster.
Deployed and configured Elastic search ELK, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) for log
analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and
Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers
with multiple namespace versions.
Troubleshooting the network issues involving TCP/IP, LAN/WAN networking, DNS,
DHCP, SMTP, SNMP, netstat and monitored the servers and Linux scripts regularly and
performed troubleshooting.
Monitoring of the servers through Nagios, Icinga2, Zabbix
I can handle cloud platform setup and Network management. I'm an expert in Website and e-mail Migration. I also have experience on VMware.
Cloud Services: Amazon web services (AWS) , Gcloud , Digitalocean , Scaleway , Azure , Rackspace , Linode etc...
My areas of expertise are:
Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, Asterisk, FreePBX, NFS, CIFS, VMware, Xen, LVM, Apache, Nginx, Tomcat, Zimbra, Qmail, Sendmail, Postfix, Exim, LVM in Linux, Jabber, Openfire, FTP, Bind, PowerDNS, Pfsense, IPtables, Zabbix, Nagios, MysQL, LDAP, SquidFreeNAS, IPSEC, OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP
Operating systems: Linux, Windows
Application/Web Servers: Apache, Nginx, Litespeed
Mail Servers: Postfix, exim, sentmail, zimbra, iredmail
We hired Vishnulal to create a duplicate VM within our GCP (Google Cloud) environment - essentially a development server.
Not only did he perform his correctly and on time, but he actually went out of his way to analyse our entire GCP setup and giving recommendations of how to improve our architecture moving forward!
His work was top class, his recommendations were brilliant, and we're already in the process of giving him more tasks moving forward.
Highly recommended! Thank you Vishnulal!
I am one of the operating system programmers of the IT industry.I have 7 years of experience in Linux and Cloud Server Management.I have good experience to develop and maintain a stable and secure system for tech field. I also have a great deal of experience with the marketing and distribution of all latest technology.
okt., 2018 - Prisoten
6 let, 3 meseci
College of Engineering, Trivandrum
2014 - 2016
2 leti
Master Of Technology
2014 - 2016
2 leti
Am a Redhat certified Engineer ( Cert ID : 120-202-320 )
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Basic Numeracy
US English
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