I`m robot yahoo scriptdela
ciao! imam zelo lahek projekt. na že obstoječem formatu treba spremenit size in dodati " govorimo slovensko". koliko časa potrebuješ za to sprembo?
Zdravo! Koliko časa bi ti vzelo, da popraviš Technical SEO za Wix stran? Ker pri nas nimamo SEO specialista me zanima koliko časa bi ti vzele tudi druge stvari SEO, link building itd.? Ali bi lahko med delom podala kakšne nasvete, da bi marketing vedel kako se počne optimizacija za drugič. Nekatere stvari, ko so keyword research in nekaj on page optimizationa smo sicer naredili sami, vendar smo se upeli rangirati zgolj za en keyword na prvi strani. Ali je možno, da dobimo vaš kontakt?
Pozdravljen, Iščem solidity programerja za custom ERC20 token, ki mora bit na Polygon/QuickSwap. Ostale podrobnosti kasneje. Če bo treba plačat več kot omenjeni budget ... ni problema. Imam še druge projekte. Lahko seveda sodelujeva tudi mimo te platforme. 070837321 Anton Kordeš
Potrebujem primeren glas v nemškem in angleškem jeziku. M in/ali Ž. Posneti je potrebno 1000-2000 besed. Plačilo po dogovoru.
Živjo andjica1313, opazil/a sem Vaš profil in Vam želim ponuditi svoj projekt. O podrobnostih se lahko pogovoriva prek klepeta.
Pozdravljeni, Md Ishak M., opazil sem vaš profil in bi vam želel ponuditi moj projekt. O podrobnostih se lahko pogovoriva prek klepeta.
Spoštovani, Moje ime je Ivona Huđek in sem mlada raziskovalka na EPF Univerze v Mariboru. Pripravljam doktorsko dizertacijo, v kateri bom preučevala gig ekonomijo in značilnosti alternativnih oblik dela kot freelancing. Ker uradni register freelancerjev v Sloveniji ne obstaja, je to edini možen način, da stopim v stik z vami in vas vljudno prosim za sodelovanje v anketi. Bila bi vam zelo hvaležna za vaš čas. Anketa je dostopna na: Hvala Vam. Lp, Ivona Huđek
Pozdravljena, potrebovala bi pomoč s povezovanjem spletne strani z FB managerjem (pixel), ustvarjanjem kataloga in trgovine na FB-ju ter aktiviranjem Instagram shop-a. A bi mi lahko ti pri tem pomagala? Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav, Tamara
Živjo Zafar M., opazil/a sem Vaš profil in Vam želim ponuditi svoj projekt. O vseh podrobnostih se lahko pogovoriva prek klepeta.
Zdravo Mam eno vprašanje :) sem čisto nov tuki gor pa me zanima a se dobi kaj dela prek te strani :) hvala in lp
hlo bhai ma yaha per new hu ky app meri thodi c help ker sakta ho
Dober dan, bomo veseli zaceti sodelovanje z vami glede razvoja nase FB strani in SMM..
Zdravo, glede na opis, vidim da obvladate marketing na fb in ig. Rabil bi mogoče kakšno pomoč. Prav tako bi počasi enkrat rabil kakšno spletno stran. Se bi dalo zvedet kakšne cene itd. Hvala
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje z vodenje...
Pozdravljen Roberto, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje ...
Pozdravljen Roberto, nase podjetje isce novega sodelovalca. Naziv delovnega mesta Senior PHP, MySQL Programer, ( m/ž ) Spletna stran: - Pogoji delovnega mesta Kraj dela: Sežana ali Opčine ( Trst ) Italija Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec Poln (8 urni) delavnik Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina Zaželjeno znanje Android-a Samostojnost Natančnost Izkušnje ...
We are looking for a creative and passionate Anime Explanation Script Writer who can write engaging and well-structured scripts in Hinglish (Hindi + English) for our YouTube channel. The role involves summarizing, analyzing, and explaining anime series/movies in an exciting and easy-to-understand way. ✅ Responsibilities: Write detailed, engaging, and well-researched anime explanation scripts in Hinglish. Summarize anime episodes, arcs, or movies while maintaining suspense and excitement. Provide deep insights into character development, story arcs, and hidden details. Maintain a casual and entertaining tone while explaining complex plots. Ensure the script is easy to read and deliver for voiceovers. Keep up with the latest anime trends and recommendations. Meet deadlines con...
I'm seeking a designer to create a simple, minimalistic black and white image of a tree with some straightforward labeling of features. The acronym I"m trying to feature is GAIA. The Goal (roots), the Action (trunk), the Impact (leaves), and the Action Items (acorns ready to sprout). The final image should be square, ideally 1000x1000 pixels. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalistic black and white image - Label various features within the image - Deliver the final image in a 1000x1000 pixel square format Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in creating minimalistic designs - Attention to detail for labeling features accurately
I'm looking for a skilled professional with extensive experience in Python script development, Kubernetes, open shift, Shell scripting, and Linux commands. Your primary task will involve creating a Python script focused on automation. Required: Some who able to work with remote environment with screenshare. (Job not with company) and its for support a Job. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a Python script to automate various tasks - Utilize Kubernetes for container orchestration - Apply Shell scripting and Linux commands as necessary Ideal Skills: - Strong expertise in Python scripting - Proficient in Kubernetes, Shell scripting, and Linux commands - Previous experience in automation tasks Preferred : Indian Male who can work 8 or 9 to 2 or 3 ...
...a talented dev for create a browser automation tickets catcher for the website. The script should be update page, checking tickets and add to the cart, send notifications. Key Features: - Multithreading setup with undetected browser feature - Selection of ticket categories and quantities - Adjustable page refresh intervals - Automatic addition of tickets to the cart - Notifications Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python and its frameworks. - Experience with multithreading and handling concurrency. - Async coding. - Ability to bypass website protections (e.g. capcha solving/other) - Knowledge in web scraping and automation. - GUI development. - Creating browser extensions. - Database management. What i want, like this one~: with multithreading
I'm looking for a freelancer to help me create a simple YouTube video from a script I have. The video will be in the style of a narrated slideshow and will focus on recent events in the Middle East. Key Components: - The video will be a narrated slideshow, so you'll need to synchronize visuals with a voiceover. - The visuals will include a combination of news footage, infographics, and stock photos. Ideal Skills: - Experience in video editing and creating narrated slideshows - Ability to source and integrate diverse types of visuals - Understanding of current events, particularly in the Middle East - Proficient in using infographics to convey complex information simply and effectively. The final video should have a length of 5-7 minutes. The narration should be...
I need someone to download all of my TikTok videos from the TikTok website in high quality and remove any metadata. Here is my tiktok page @alexpresley_ I would like them all saved and downloaded with a filename thats sort-off relevant to the video. If were playing a game rolling an M&M you can just call it MM Game. Or if were sliding into the water off a jump you can do water slide jump etc.... Also All metadata must be scrubbed from video. When I open video properties I want it to look like I just exported the video from Imovie and has no "Where from" section Please use this video as a test to show me you understand the assignment. I would like a link to download with a name and no metadata on the video! @alexpre...
...siguiente script: Lo que necesito: ✅ Servidor: No tengo servidor actualmente, necesito asesoría para comprar el adecuado e instalar el script en él. ✅ Cuentas de Desarrollador: No tengo cuenta en Google Play ni App Store, hay que crearlas desde cero y configurarlas. ✅ Instalación del Script: Configurar el backend, frontend y aplicaciones móviles para que funcionen correctamente en Costa Rica. ✅ Publicación de Apps: Subir las aplicaciones a Google Play y App Store sin errores, asegurándose de que sean aprobadas. ✅ Pruebas y Soporte Inicial: Confirmar que todo funcione correctamente antes de finalizar el trabajo. Datos que ya tengo: ✔️ Ya tengo comprado el script ✔️ Ya tengo
We are seeking a talented female journalist or interviewer or fresher for a client interview over video call. The primary focus of the interview and its purpose will be provided later, but the ideal candidate should be well-versed in English (British Accent preferred) conducting interviews and be able to adapt to different topics, whether it'...should have a casual and conversational tone. The deadline for this project is within 1 week. The interview will primarily focus on the client's personal journey. The interview will be conducted over Google Meet. The interview will be published on the client's company website. The interview timing will be London time NOT IST as per the client's schedule Fixed Budget - INR 650 ONLY, proper support, script and training will...
I'm in need of a proficient Laravel developer who will assist me with the installation of a web and mobile script for a real estate agency that I've purchased from Codecanyon. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel - Proficiency in web and mobile script installations - Prior work with real estate agency scripts or similar projects would be a plus Please note, the specific types of listings (residential, commercial, or both) that the site will handle have not been determined yet. To improve your chances of being selected: - Include examples of your past work - Highlight your relevant experience - A detailed project proposal outlining how you plan to approach this task would be very beneficial
...design of my trading robot and update the chart interface. The goal is to enhance the usability and functionality of the trading robot. Key modifications include: - Dashboard design: I need a more intuitive and user-friendly layout. - Chart interface: I want to incorporate new chart types (Candlestick, Line, and Bar charts), change some color schemes, and enhance the interactivity of the charts. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in designing and modifying trading robot interfaces. - Strong understanding of various chart types and their applications in trading. - Skills in UI/UX design to create a seamless and intuitive dashboard. If you're able to make these changes and improve the overall functionali...
Criar um script automatizado que utilize Selenium para excluir chaves Pix existentes e cadastrar novas chaves Pix do Yopmail no Mercado Pago, pegando os endereços de uma planilha do Google Sheets. 1️⃣ Fluxo da Automação Acessar o Mercado Pago, que pode já estar logado ou solicitar credenciais. No arquivo de configuração irei setar a quantidade de chaves pix email (de 1 a 5) que deverão ser cadastradas por vez. Excluir as chaves Pix existentes (de 1 a 5 chaves cadastradas). Acessar a seção de Minhas Chaves Pix. Percorrer a lista de chaves cadastradas. Se houver chaves, excluir todas antes de prosseguir. Acessar a planilha do Google Sheets e obter a lista de e-mails para cadastro. Criar o e-mail temporário no Yopma...
Picture and Script Audio VIDEO with Pictures with script in text : Communicate with Confidence, Lead with Impact" emphasizes a two-fold approach to personal and professional development. The Communicate with Confidence focuses on the foundational aspect of effective communication. It emphasizes the importance of developing strong communication skills, such as clear articulation, active listening, and persuasive speaking. The Benefits are that you build confidence in communication which empowers you to express your ideas effectively, you build stronger relationships, and navigate social and professional situations with ease. The ‘Lead with Impact’ emphasizes the application of strong communication skills to achieve desired outcomes. It signifies the abilit...
python script or web scrping from a single website should be performed today. The data should include text content. The extracted data should be provided in CSV format. Please extract all available data from the website.
Hi Artem M., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
I'm seeking a talen...scriptwriter to create a compelling Instagram Reel script for me, aimed at first-time home buyers. The goal of the reel is to provide valuable real estate tips in a professional and informative tone. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in script writing, particularly for social media platforms. - Familiarity with the real estate market and its terminology. - Ability to write in a professional and informative tone while keeping it engaging. The ideal candidate will understand the nuances of writing for Instagram, crafting a script that can capture the attention of viewers while delivering informative content in a concise manner. If you have a knack for turning complex real estate concepts into digestible tips for first-time home buyers, ...
Game Concept Description Title: City Builder Simulation Game Overview: We are looking for a scriptwriter to create an e...suitable expansion sites. Heritage Preservation Mission: Objective: Protect historical sites in the city. Description: Collect resources to restore landmarks and educate residents about the importance of heritage. Objective: The goal is to create a rich and immersive narrative that enhances the city-building experience, making players feel connected to their characters and the world they create. The script should inspire creativity and encourage exploration within the game. These missions should be diverse, with multiple choices that impact the story's progression and the city's growth. We look forward to your creative input and innovative ideas for th...
I'm working on a project involving an arm robot and need assistance with setting up the simulation environment in Isaac Sim within Omniverse. The simulation primarily focuses on basic movement and control of the robot. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Isaac Sim in Omniverse. - Familiarity with arm robots. - Skills in simulating basic robot movement and control. - Strong problem-solving abilities. - Excellent communication skills for clear understanding of project requirements.
I'm looking for an experienced Pine Script developer who can create a new TradingView strategy for me. The strategy should be based on the Williams Percent Range (WPR) and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicators. Key Requirements: - Develop a Pine Script strategy that generates both buy and sell signals based on WPR and MACD - The strategy should be clear and easy to understand, with well-commented code - Previous experience with TradingView and Pine Script is essential Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Pine Script and TradingView - Strong understanding of WPR and MACD indicators - Ability to create a straightforward, comprehensible trading strategy - Excellent debugging and problem-solving skills
I need help deploying my Laravel script onto my server and need little bit changes like third party api's and whatever integrated on this script, color changes and minor more changes.. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Laravel - Server setup and configuration experience - Knowledgeable in PHP and web hosting - Familiar with troubleshooting deployment issues
...opportunity for newcomers to Freelancer.com to build their portfolio with a quick turnaround project. The budget is fixed at ₹600. Key Requirements: - Tools: Proficiency in Adobe After Effects or Blender - Time Frame: Able to complete the project within 6 hours Deliverables: - Final rendered video - Original source files (illustrator/After Effects/Blender) What I'll Provide: - A concise script - Logo files - A reference video for guidance Ideal Candidate: - A beginner looking for their first project on Freelancer - Skilled in 3D motion design and creating smooth animations - Capable of delivering professional, high-quality work under tight deadlines Future Prospects: - This project has the potential to evolve into a permanent freelance role for the right candidat...
I must do a web application in wordpress. It must have a landing page stile, the payment of service, so creation of account, login and payment. It must have a form plugin to do questionnaire. At th eend of the questionnaire the AI must show a report baed on answers. The web must have a form plugin jotform) The job to do: make the landing pages with information of service, add the buy page of service using table price and direct ckeckout (you can use woocommerce); add jotform; integrate the questionnaire of jotform and the answer with AI to create the authomatic report. The questions of jotform and the answer of jotform must be saved inside my mysql database. So it is necessary use a plugin to create the tables and save the answer add a plugin or code to comunicate with an AI the p...