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...iščemo zunanjega svetovalca oz. strokovnjaka za socialno medijsko trženje, da nam pomaga zgraditi strategijo pristopa pri lansiranju mobilnih aplikacij na EU/svetovno tržišče, ind. turizem. Se zahvaljujem za nasvet ali zasebno sporočilo. Lp.

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Povprečna ponudba
7 ponudb

Potrebujem logotip za karting ekipo. Smo vodilni v Sloveniji, na SWS vztrajnostnem prvenstvu. Potrebujemo logotip za izdelavo majic, ter za objavo na nasem profilu. Zelja je da logotip vsebuje npr. gokard, stevilko 1, ciljno karirasto zastavico, kak element masine, ali nekaj v tem stilu. Ime ekipe je EN1GMA. Vsec bi nam bil bel logotip za na crne majice, predvsem pa imamo radi grafiterski oziroma urban stil. Prilagam neke okvirne ideje, za orientacijo.

€18 Average bid
€18 Povprečna ponudba
22 ponudb

Pozdravljeni, iščemo freelancerje, ki bi nam pomagali iskati ljudi, ki bi se radi zaposlili v Nemčiji, a ne vedo kako. Možnost dolgoročnega sodelovanja.

€369 Average bid
€369 Povprečna ponudba
2 ponudb
WordPress Security
Končano left

Potrebovali bi nekoga, ki je vešč v WordPress Security. V zadnjih mesecih smo imeli kar nekaj vdorov na naso soletno stran, nekdo nam je nalozil virus, ki je po svoje oblikoval checkout, kasneje pa je prislo tudi do spam redirect. Predvsem bi potrebovali nekoga, ki bi nasel virus, vse pocoatil in zakrpal luknje.

€15 / hr Average bid
€15 / hr Povprečna ponudba
22 ponudb

Pozdravljeni Mojca, potrebujemo pomoc pri kontaktiranju obcin. Odlocili smo se, da bomo pomagali zmanjsati cene nepremicnin tako, da bomo olajsali birokratsko breme obcin in posledicno skrajsali case pridobivanja dovoljenj. Smo nepremicninsko podjetje, ki isce, kupuje, prodaja, nacrtuje in gradi hise, bloke, veliko obnavljamo starih objektov pod kultirno dediscino. Vec...Odlocili smo se, da bomo pomagali zmanjsati cene nepremicnin tako, da bomo olajsali birokratsko breme obcin in posledicno skrajsali case pridobivanja dovoljenj. Smo nepremicninsko podjetje, ki isce, kupuje, prodaja, nacrtuje in gradi hise, bloke, veliko obnavljamo starih objektov pod kultirno dediscino. Vec info najdete na Zdaj bi pa radi izpeljali eno hanimivo alcijo in upamo, da se nam pridruzite Lp Vlado

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Povprečna ponudba
1 ponudb

Pozdravljeni, rabimo nekoga, ki obvlada spletni program in bi nam lahko bil kot moderator. Lep pozdrav, Uroš Prive Academy

€30 - €247
€30 - €247
0 ponudb

ᐧDober dan Prosim za ponubo za postavitev strani v Wordpresu. Potrebujemo da nam naredite osnovo katero bomo kasneje urejali sami ali pa z Vašo pomočjo - prosim napišite nam ceno ure. Mora biti čim bolj SEO za Google. Mora biti responsive design in za telefone in tablete prijazna. Prosimda dodate se možnost za dva jezika. V kolikor se dogovorimo Vam bomo poslali slike in ostali material. Gostimo na strežniku od Telekoma. Hvala in lp Uroš [Removed by Admin]

€449 Average bid
€449 Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

We are currently working on a project to create a medical smart watch for demented people. We need help with the program code - software. If you have experience with programming and creating a smartwatch please contact us: (Removed by Admin) /Izdelujemo pametno uro za z...currently working on a project to create a medical smart watch for demented people. We need help with the program code - software. If you have experience with programming and creating a smartwatch please contact us: (Removed by Admin) /Izdelujemo pametno uro za zdravstvene namene in potrebujemo nekoga, ki obvlada programiranje in nam je pripravljen pomagati pri pisanju programske kode oziroma software. Če ste zainteresirani, nam prosim pišite na mail: (Removed by...

€1178 Average bid
€1178 Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

Za projek...poznavanje FC kampanji in drugih družbenih omrežji, public relation (telegram,slack,) določanje marketinške strategije,.. V projekt je vključenih že nekaj marketinških agencij ki nam bodo skozi svoje prodajne kanale in svojo mrežo nudile ustrezno podporo a bo za njih potrebno pripravit gradivo in zadevo spremljat!Izbranih so tudi že pisci besedil (za objave na FC strani, članke v revijah,…) ter nekaj piar-ov tako da je za ta del (delno) posrbljeno. Posebej primeren bi bil nekdo, ki je že sodeloval v kakšni marketinški kampanji oziroma vsi ki imajo v posamezni aktivnosti znanje in izkušnje. Vsi tisti ki menite da nam lahko v dotični zadevi pomagate, vas vabimo med svoje vrste. Za vsa nadaljnja vprašanja smo vam...

€915 Average bid
€915 Povprečna ponudba
7 ponudb
Končano left

Pripravljamo obsežen program marketinških aktivnosti s pou...marketinških aktivnosti s poudarkom na video povezavi ( , ) si lahko natančno ogledate, kakšne video posnetke potrebujemo, pri tem pa upoštevajte, da imamo trenutno cca. 10 takšnih oseb torej 10 različnih videov. Konkretneje bi nas zanimal: • Čas izvedbe, • pričetek dela, • cena. Vsi tisti ki menite da nam lahko v dotični zadevi pomagate, ste strokovni in konkurenčni, vas vabim k sodelovanju! Za vsa dodatna vprašanja smo vam na voljo na elektronskem naslovu: [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Communication With Other Users] Lep pozdrav, Sergej Merc

€114 Average bid
€114 Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

Smo podjetje, ki se ukvarja z organizacijo izobrazevanj, seminarjev, delavnic. Za vsako od teh posljemo na bazo potencialnih kupcev cca 5 e-mailov, v katerem opisujemo, razlagamo in prodajamo izpostavljeni seminar. K sodelovanju vabimo cloveka, ki je kreativen in doma v pisanju zgodbic, oglasov, .... Zeleli bi, da nam za vsak seminar sestavi 5 razlicnih e-mailov, ki bodo prodajali. Ki bodo za potencialne kupce zanimivi, drugacni, taksni, da jih bodo ljudje z veseljem brali :) Ce si doma v pisanju in te opisano delo veseli, se oglasi :)

€28 - €233
€28 - €233
0 ponudb

Project Name: Launch of "EcoBite" – Sustainable Food Delivery App 1. Project Overview Client: EcoBite Inc. Project Type: Mobile App Design (UX/UI) Objective: Design a user-friendly mobile app for a sustainable food delivery service that connects users with local, eco-friendly restaurants and grocery stores. 2. Target Audience Primary Audience: Environmentally conscious millennials and Gen Z (ages 18–35). Urban professionals who value sustainability and convenience. Secondary Audience: Small local businesses focused on eco-friendly practices. 3. Key Messages "EcoBite makes sustainable eating easy and accessible." "Support local businesses while reducing your carbon footprint." "Delicious food, delivered responsibly." 4. ...

€729 Average bid
€729 Povprečna ponudba
84 ponudb

...for launching the website? o We would like to be live by May 1st, 2025 • Do you have an existing website? If so, why are you rebuilding/redesigning? o o Our site was hacked and recovered in poor condition o Our site is not mobile friendly o Our site lacks relevant timely content • Do you have a domain name and hosting already o Registered through Namecheap Inc o Hosted by Ionos o WordPress • What pages do you envision for the website? o About Us o Rentals o Useful Links o Testimonials o Activities o Owner’s Page (Password Protected) • Do you have content ready for the website? o Pictures o Testimonials o Park information, possibly rules • What functionality do you require? o Contact Form o Membership Area (Username Password) o Social Media...

€924 Average bid
€924 Povprečna ponudba
85 ponudb

...Detection Research Idea Existing copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) methods predominantly rely on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which are effective in extracting local features but often lack the capability to represent global image contexts. This research introduces a Vision Transformer (ViT) integrated with a Multi-Modal Attention Mechanism to enhance CMFD by fusing spatial, color, and geometric features for robust detection of tampered regions. Key Novelty • Vision Transformer (ViT): • Leverages long-range dependency modeling, allowing the detection of complex manipulations over large image regions that traditional CNNs often fail to capture. • Improves computational efficiency through parallelizable self-attention mechanisms, addressing scal...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

...Detection Research Idea Existing copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) methods predominantly rely on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which are effective in extracting local features but often lack the capability to represent global image contexts. This research introduces a Vision Transformer (ViT) integrated with a Multi-Modal Attention Mechanism to enhance CMFD by fusing spatial, color, and geometric features for robust detection of tampered regions. Key Novelty • Vision Transformer (ViT): • Leverages long-range dependency modeling, allowing the detection of complex manipulations over large image regions that traditional CNNs often fail to capture. • Improves computational efficiency through parallelizable self-attention mechanisms, addressing scal...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Povprečna ponudba
4 ponudb

...Detection Research Idea Existing copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) methods predominantly rely on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which are effective in extracting local features but often lack the capability to represent global image contexts. This research introduces a Vision Transformer (ViT) integrated with a Multi-Modal Attention Mechanism to enhance CMFD by fusing spatial, color, and geometric features for robust detection of tampered regions. Key Novelty • Vision Transformer (ViT): • Leverages long-range dependency modeling, allowing the detection of complex manipulations over large image regions that traditional CNNs often fail to capture. • Improves computational efficiency through parallelizable self-attention mechanisms, addressing scal...

€2 / hr Average bid
€2 / hr Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

I'm in need of a professional, cleanly designed flyer aimed at generating leads from the marketing sector. What you need to highlight: We need to reach FORECLOSURE VICTIMS. We can get most of them an ADDITIONAL INCOME TAX REFUND!! These victims are VERY hard to reach. They don't respond to traditional marketing. They won't open mail, don't re...Great for shielding liquid assets from prying eyes. Enables the purchase of major items FREE OF SALES TAX!! (Save thousands on the purchase of plane, auto, boat, Renoir, etc.) Income tax planning session. A warm, fuzzy feeling for having put money in the pockets of very needy persons/families. See attached. This is a fundraising effort for Delaware Valley Sickle Cell Anemia Inc. (23-7268314) We are Compucount, I...

€104 Average bid
€104 Povprečna ponudba
15 ponudb

I'm i...illustration, preferably with historical, Australian or military themes - Ability to interpret and illustrate based on detailed references End Result: -An easily editable array of designs that can be used to tell the story of many different soldiers. (Keep in mind, each book is for a different soldier and needs to be somewhat editable). Who We Are: The 44th Australian Infantry Battalion Memorial Inc. -We are a registered Australian charity dedicated to recording the stories of individual soldiers. I have a collection of reference materials that will be provided to the selected freelancer. A keen eye for detail and ability to convey emotion through illustration would be highly beneficial for this project. I have attached the design of our front cover and rear cover...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Povprečna ponudba
73 ponudb

I'm starting a business called GC Inc., short for Gabba’s Creations, and I need a colorful and fun logo that appeals to both children and adults. The business will primarily feature children's clothing and other items like phone cases and cups, all with sublimation of children’s artwork. Key Requirements: - A logo that is 'Bright and Bold' in its color palette. - A fun and engaging design that can attract both children and adults. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Branding Experience: - Previous work on children-oriented products or brands would be an advantage.

€10 Average bid
173 vnosov

Company Name:IdeaNet Engineering Services Inc. Job Description for US Based Sales Consultant for Structural Steel Detailing Business Skills Required • Proactively engage with Business Stakeholders to Identify Selling Opportunities for steel detailing business in the US market. • Seek new Sales Opportunities through Relationship Building, Networking, Market Intelligence and Experience. • Prepare and maintain a Funnel Sheet having all the data of business opportunities. • Exploring new business opportunities by reaching out to potential customers and setting up meetings with the upper management. • Negotiate/close deals and handle escalations. • Collaborate with internal department stakeholders to achieve desired results. • Achieve agreed upon sales ...

€137 - €412
€137 - €412
0 ponudb

I'm looking for a creative designer to craft a bold and eye-catching "Top Producer" poster for SVN/Walt Arnold Commercial Brokerage, Inc. The poster is intended to recognize the achievements of our top brokers: Steve Lyon, Kelly Schmidt, and Larry Ilfeld. Key Requirements: - The poster should be visually striking, in a style that is bold and eye-catching. - It must include photos of our top brokers and the company logo. - The overall design needs to be professional, reflecting the prestige of the achievement being recognized. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in creating posters and promotional materials. - Strong understanding of branding and ability to incorporate company logo seamlessly into the design. - Experience wor...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Povprečna ponudba
33 ponudb

Hi Websultanate Software Inc, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

€33 / hr Average bid
€33 / hr Povprečna ponudba
1 ponudb

We’re looking for an experienced Laravel Developer with DevOps skills to build a small e-commerce website for AndroidHQ. The project involves: Developing a 6-page website with an integrated e-commerce page. Integrating Bluestar Inc.'s RESTful API for product stock updates, order processing, and tracking. Setting up a MySQL database for products, orders, and customer accounts. Implementing PayPal & Stripe payments (optional: Adyen, Klarna, Worldpay). Ensuring GDPR compliance and security best practices (SSL, HTTPS, reCAPTCHA). Deploying to Cloudways, A2 Hosting, or DigitalOcean with CI/CD workflows. Managing code in GitHub, with full transfer of ownership upon completion. A simple, professional UI is required, with existing branding but no CTAs or advanced filtering. ...

€1465 Average bid
€1465 Povprečna ponudba
78 ponudb

This is a temporary remote role to develop a channel for Android (includes Android TV, Amazon Fire, and Google TV), Roku, iOS (LG web and Apple TV), and Samsungtv. The channel developer will be responsible for developing a channel on multiple sources. They also might be occasionally hired to maintain chan...subscription channels and just needs to just tweak coding a little to add my company images, words, categories (I have JSON available), a few other minor changes to make my channel for the different streaming devices very quickly. I could do this myself but I am currently tied up making films and a large video game for Steam. If you do this job, you automatically agree that all IP belongs to Humongous Win Inc. and not to you and that you won't share or sell this information ...

€7692 Average bid
€7692 Povprečna ponudba
42 ponudb

I'm seeking a designer to create a fun, vibrant business card for my company, GC Inc. The card should reflect the playful nature of our brand, which specializes in sublimation of seamless files. Key aspects to include: - The logo of GC Inc. - Optionally, the owner's name: Gabriella Hughes - Accurate and creative presentation of contact information The design should be 'playful' rather than minimalist or elegant. It should use a 'bright and vibrant' color scheme, similar to a smiley face or something equally fun and artistic. The ideal candidate will have experience in graphic design, specifically in creating business cards, and a portfolio that showcases their ability to design in a playful and vibrant style.

€10 Average bid
558 vnosov

I'm looking to build a model that can detect copy-move forgeries using the multi-scale feature extraction power of Vision Transformers (ViTs). The model should be able to handle complex post-processing, and also be capable of cross-image forgery detection by learning invariant features across different images. Key Requirements: - Utilize public dataset for training and testing. - Ensure robustness against specific post-processing techniques such as blurring, noise addition, and geometric transformations. - Prioritize accuracy above all else. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Vision Transformers and feature matching mechanisms. - Previous experience with designing models for forgery detection. - Proficiency in working with public datasets, CASIA, COVERAGE.

€864 Average bid
€864 Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

I'm seeking a modern, minimalist logo for my construction company, which incorporates building structures and our company initials. Key Requirements: - The logo should primarily use a white and blue color scheme. - It should reflect a modern style, without being overly complicated. - The inclusion of building structures and our company i...Proficiency in graphic design software. - Strong portfolio in logo design, particularly in the construction industry. - Ability to interpret and incorporate design briefs into creative outputs. I have attached an image as a sample (pretty close to what I am looking for) I would like for the background to be white the red part to be royal blue I would like for it to say JM BUILDERS & Design inc. (design inc. can be smaller t...

€48 Average bid
83 vnosov

I'm in need of a unique logo for my business, Tri-State Hydraulics, Inc. The logo should combine vintage, cartoon, and 1950's design elements. Key Components: - The logo should be vintage, cartoonish and have hints of the 1950's. - It must incorporate a hydraulic cylinder (or any hydraulic components you think will look cool), tools (maybe a wrench), and a "Vault Boy" style character. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design with an impressive portfolio of vintage, cartoon and 1950's inspired designs. - Ability to creatively incorporate specific symbols into a cohesive and compelling design. - Understanding of modern design software and tools. Experience: - Previous work with logo creation, particularly for machinery or tools related businesses,...

€291 Average bid
€291 Povprečna ponudba
97 ponudb

Hej! Szukam osoby która napisze skrypt/aplikacje która zainstaluje dodatkowy język w komputerze z systemem Windows 10/11 bez konieczności wykonywania pierwszego uruchomienia komputera. W praktyce zależy nam na zainstalowaniu w fabrycznie nowych laptopach dodatkowego języka bez przechodzenia procesu pierwszego uruchomienia (najlepiej z poziomu bootowalnego pendrive).

€488 Average bid
€488 Povprečna ponudba
4 ponudb

Chỉnh sửa, hoàn thiện video nói tiếng Việt Nam, gồm các việc như: cắt ghép, thêm subtitles, nhạc nền, v.v... để có những video ngắn, đẹp dùng ngôn ngữ tiếng Việt.

€83 Average bid
€83 Povprečna ponudba
7 ponudb

...reporting from our legacy in-house SQL platform into PowerBI. The reports need to be customer-specific (50+ individual customers), based on the products they consume. Key Products to Report: - Managed Network - TC4 - Voice Minimum Reporting Requirements per Product: - Managed Network: ITSM Processes (INC/REQ/CHG/ORD), end-to-end network availability, capacity management, and network spend. - TC4: ITSM Processes (INC/REQ/CHG/ORD), capacity management, and TC4 spend. - Voice: ITSM Processes (INC/REQ/CHG/ORD), concurrent calls per month, call types, number of channels, and voice spend. ITSM Processes to Include: - Incident - Request - Problem - Change - Order Specific ITSM Metrics: - Incident Summary - Incident Descriptions - SLA Compliance - Include metrics on the...

€2300 Average bid
€2300 Povprečna ponudba
59 ponudb

I'm looking for a talented designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my company, "A Coutured Occasions Inc." The company specializes in luxurious gift baskets for special occasions and events, and the logo should reflect this. Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate the company name along with a unique icon. - The colour palette should include gold, silver, black, beige and brown, giving a luxurious feel. Ideal Skills: -NO AI - Expertise in logo design - Strong understanding of modern and sleek design aesthetics - Proven experience of designing for luxury brands

€10 Average bid
310 vnosov

I'm seeking a talented illustrator who can create capt...Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 on top 12. Division store outline - in sketch style - please include the geckos that are on the building.  13. Sprague store—in sketch style—can include cars out from like in the pic, but if it looks better without them, that's fine, too.  14. Old NWSP w/ car(s) & store behind it - 15. Northwest Seed & Pet Spokane, WA est. 1944 - The new modern font Few notes: No INC is included in the company name. All of them should include the company name; some also have the Spokane, WA, est. 1944. Whatever looks best.  We would like it delivered as soon as possible and would appreciate an ETA if the job is accepted. We would like it delivered in the origi...

€800 Average bid
€800 Povprečna ponudba
60 ponudb

I'm seeking a skilled technician to assist in creating an online SQL server. This will be used to setup two software packages, People Inc and CMX databases. I need to have access to the software and my client PCs. Key requirements: - Configuring the SQL server for both software-specific and SQL management access - Setting up Windows Authentication for user access - Hosting the server on Windows Server Ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with SQL server management - In-depth knowledge of Windows Server - Prior experience with configuring databases for software packages - Excellent communication skills for remote assistance Please ensure standard encryption is applied to the SQL server. Remote Desktop should be used for ongoing maintenance and support. Include...

€66 Average bid
€66 Povprečna ponudba
27 ponudb

I'm looking for a logo that consists of multicolor jigsaw pieces spelling out my brand. Th...Autism Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Print Design - Creative Thinking Please provide your portfolio with similar projects. Below are some ideas and some adobe mock ups. See if you can do better. The front logo 'alf' has to be multicolor jigsaw pieces with gaps in between which is my main logo. Change the text so the A is a non caps small a. DEVELOPER to be done in industry inc (like the mock up) with Acceptance Learn Fellowship (it says friendship on the mock up but ive changed it) Mask the word developer with some multicolour spray and lay the other text curved around it (like the mock up) Each letter (ALF) on each word round developer to be a smaller v...

€95 Average bid
€95 Povprečna ponudba
125 ponudb

...need of a creative and experienced event planner to help us devise a concept for making our large-scale event more inclusive and international. With 800 attendees at one location, we want to ensure that all our employees, regardless of their region, can participate in a way that promotes our company culture. Key Responsibilities: - Develop engaging team-building activities for regional events in NAM, SAM, MAI, SEA, Europe and China. - Incorporate essential elements such as collaborative tasks, friendly competitions, and networking opportunities into these activities. - Ensure the event concept is adaptable and appealing for different geographic locations. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in event planning, particularly for large-scale corporate events. - Creative thinking wit...

€154 Average bid
€154 Povprečna ponudba
9 ponudb

...previous TV show or turn off the TV post-call. Group Calling: Support for multiple participants in a single video call. Backend Features: User management, call scheduling, and remote device control. Smart Home Features: Leverage KA2 Plus AI capabilities for fitness tracking, fall detection, and other smart home integrations. Inspiration and Context: Drawing inspiration from platforms like ONSCREEN Inc., the app will combine the simplicity of TV-based video calling with advanced automation, offering an intuitive solution for seniors and their families to stay connected. Key Features to Deliver: User-Friendly Interface: Simplified navigation tailored for seniors with minimal input required. Seamless Auto-Answer Experience: Automatically powers on/off the TV. Switches seamlessly be...

€610 Average bid
€610 Povprečna ponudba
106 ponudb

Poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko managera w pracowni cukierniczej. Potrzebujemy generalnie kogoś, kto odciąży nas z zadań dotyczących: -pozyskiwania nowych klientów poprzez tworzenie i —przesyłanie e-mailowo of...-pozyskiwania nowych klientów poprzez tworzenie i —przesyłanie e-mailowo ofert -tworzenia ogłoszeń/reklam/wizytówek firmy na portalach branżowych i grupach Facebook -Tworzenie i publikowanie postów/rolek w mediach społecznościowych dotyczących sprzedaży naszych produktów / usług A jednocześnie wymienionymi wyżej działaniami wesprze rozwój firmy. Możliwość pracy hybrydowej lub zdalnej Najbardziej zależy nam na zaangażowaniu , pomysłowości oraz wykształceniu i/lub doświadczeniu w tej dziedzinie. Stawka do negocjacji na p...

€347 Average bid
€347 Povprečna ponudba
10 ponudb

I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a playful, single-color serif style logo for my company, "C.M.D. Industries, Inc." Key Requirements: - The logo will primarily consist of the letters "C.M.D." with "Industries, Inc." fitting underneath in a balanced and aesthetically pleasing way. - The design should be modern yet playful, appealing to a wide audience. - The use of a single color scheme is essential. The designer will need to choose a color that is vibrant but still fits within a single palette. - A serif font style will be used for the logo, so familiarity and proficiency in using and customizing serif fonts is a must. -The files attached represent the style that I want. -The circular image with 'established' has too much...

€64 / hr Average bid
€64 / hr Povprečna ponudba
75 ponudb

Job Posting: Experienced SBIR Grant Writer Company: SmartWear Health Technologies™, Inc. Project: NSF SBIR Phases I (invited) and additional SBIR proposal development SmartWear Health Technologies™, Inc., a pioneering company in the wearable biomedical technology space, is seeking a highly experienced SBIR grant writer to lead the preparation and submission of SBIR proposals to NSF and additional federally funded SBIR programs such as NIH or DoD, depending on success. SmartWear Health Technologies™, Inc. has received an invitation for our Phase I NSF SBIR proposal. This grant will support the development and commercialization of our innovative wearable health technology designed to optimize autonomic function and improve wellness outcomes. Requi...

€6265 Average bid
€6265 Povprečna ponudba
18 ponudb

...create_function() in /var/www/vhosts/:118nStack trace:n#0 /var/www/vhosts/(192): require()n#1 /var/www/vhosts/(672): include('...')n#2 /var/www/vhosts/(90): require_once('...')n#3 /var/www/vhosts/(50): require_once('...')n#4 /var/www/vhosts/(13): require_once('...')n#5 /var/www/vhosts/(17): require('...')n#6 {main}n thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 118' also disable comments on

€26 Average bid
€26 Povprečna ponudba
56 ponudb

I'm seeking a modern-style logo for my tech company. The logo should include the company name and its initials. It should be professional yet innovative, reflecting the ethos of a forward-thinking tech company. About the Logo: Company nam the idea is to the the first Later as Logo : LCT and on the footer the fullname i have attachend, just see the image and the Letter should be match to Tech company File type - Need PNG and SVG and AI files after u done - need 3 Mockups of the logo Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Creative Thinking Experience: - Prior experience designing logos for tech companies - Portfolio showcasing modern style logos

€20 Average bid
€20 Povprečna ponudba
43 ponudb

I'm looking for a professional who can set up for me. The goal is to connect with LinkedIn and a data enrichment service like Datanyze, Signal Hire, or Apollo to gather B2B main contact info. Key Requirements: - Set up to enrich data - Gather B2B main contacts from LinkedIn - Use a data service for enrichment - inc Clay AI funcationality - Prioritize collecting both man contact email addresses and phone numbers - Ensure data can be exported to CSV or HighLevel CRM Ideal Skills: - Previous experience with and its AI and waterfall features - Expertise in LinkedIn and data enrichment platforms with Datanyze, Signal Hire, Apollo or similar - Knowledge of B2B data collection - CRM experience, particularly with HighLevel - Data export skills YOU MUST BE EXPERIENCED AT

€427 Average bid
€427 Povprečna ponudba
26 ponudb
Končano left

...dostępny w aż 45 rozmiarach. Działamy w duchu meaningful luxury oraz promowania świadomego życia i zrównoważonych wyborów modowych. Obecnie borykamy się z niemal zerowym ruchem na naszej stronie internetowej (). Zależy nam na kompleksowej współpracy z agencją, która pomoże nam poprawić pozycjonowanie oraz zwiększy widoczność naszej strony w sieci. Jesteśmy otwarci na sugestie rozwiązań z Państwa strony – nie sugerujemy z góry działań, które powinny zostać podjęte, lecz chcielibyśmy poznać Państwa najlepsze propozycje w kontekście SEO lub reklam. Zależy nam na: Pozycjonowaniu strony w języku angielskim (nasza grupa docelowa to globalni konsumenci zainteresowani modą zrównoważoną i luksusową). Zwiększenie ruch...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Povprečna ponudba
58 ponudb

I'm looking for a seasoned mobile app developer specialized in iOS to design and develop a classic and elegant user-friendly food delivery app for our company, Foode Inc. Key Responsibilities: - Create an intuitive iOS app for food delivery - Implement a secure, seamless in-app payment system Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge of iOS app development - Proven experience in designing user-friendly mobile applications - Strong skills in implementing in-app payment systems - Previous work developing food delivery apps is a plus - Ability to create a classic and elegant app design. The successful candidate will understand the nuances of developing a mobile food delivery app, and be able to deliver a product that stands out for its usability and aesthetic appea...

€746 Average bid
€746 Povprečna ponudba
113 ponudb developer with expertise in C# and experience in migrating systems, to help us modernize our small retail business accounting system and POS currently written in VFP9. The project involves: - Migrating approximately 172,000 lines of code. - Handling 414 dbf files, 134 scx files, 58 fmt files, and 268 frx files. - Identifying and excluding non-essential backup files. As the CEO of BSS Inc., I am particularly interested in a developer who can provide an accurate approximation for the conversion time and cost, as well as a proposal for the migration process. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in C# - Extensive experience with .NET framework - Solid understanding of MySQL - Proven history of system migrations - Ability to estimate project timelines and costs accurately. Thank...

€35593 Average bid
Izpostavljeno Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij
€35593 Povprečna ponudba
45 ponudb

Aiuto per progetto in corso. Inserimento di codici all'interno di struttura web inc roso di realizzazione.

€22 / hr Average bid
€22 / hr Povprečna ponudba
29 ponudb

I am seeking a professional with expertise in lead generation, specifically targeting the Hitech startup sector in Israel. Your role will be to identify and generate potential sales leads in the cyber domain. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in sales lead generation, specifically within the Hitech industry - Deep understanding of the cyber domain - Network within Israeli startups - Proficient in utilizing digital sales tools and platforms - Excellent communication and negotiation skills

€2475 Average bid
€2475 Povprečna ponudba
11 ponudb

Please complete by tomorrow, if possible. Thank you

€11 Average bid
€11 Povprečna ponudba
1 ponudb