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Pozdravljeni, potrebujem nekoga ki je specializiran za google ads. storitev ki jo nudim je osebno svetovanje. Ce se komu zdi projekt privlacen naj se mi oglasi.
Izdelajte mi internetno stran, ki bo imela 4 strani (about, services, who we are?, contact). Gre za podjetje, ki se ukvarja s poslovnimi analizami. Razen kontaktnega obrazca ne bomo potrebovali dodatnih storitev, kot so trgovina, plačila, itd.
...ime je Jan in imam kreativno agencijo, ki se predvsem fokusira na YouTube long-form videje in pa short-from videje. Ko agencija raste, se mi je posvetila ideja, da bi naredil 30 day challenge kako prispeti iz 0-5000$ in nato do 10,000$. Rabil bi pomoč pri snemanju in režiranju/scriptanju takih videov saj nimam izlušenj in želim najboljšo kvaliteto. Projekt bi trajal 2-3 mesece ali več kot 60-100 kratkih videov (lahko posnamemo več v enem dnevu). Tukaj je nekaj primerov za boljšo predstavo: - - - @nattjongsala/video/7232372556194483461 Kasneje pa če bi dobro sodelovali, pa bi potreboval redno snemanje 10-15 kratkih videov na mesec in pa 4 dolgih
...z otroškimi igrače isče se strokovnjak za ustvarjanje in upravljanje vsebin za družbena omrežja (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) in spletno stran trgovine, načrtovanje, izvajanje in spremljanje promocijskih kampanj. Delo seveda "remote". V kolikor vas zanima mi prosim pošljite vaš portfolio v zs Upravljanje Facebook, Instagram, TikTok in podvajanje informacij za spletno stran trgovine (da bi nasa sodelavka tudi to objavljala na spletni strani) Imam ta racun za facebook - sem ga dobil od svojega usluzbenca - je bil njegov prejsni posel- ga se da spremeniti ali narest nov - mi je vseeno saj tudi ne bi sem zelel vezati svoj posel na njegov star posel. Instagrama in tiktoka nimam Analiza konkurentov, analiza por...
Izdelati je treba zanimiv, minimalistični logotip za redno uporabo, ki predstavlja mene kot DJ-a ali producenta, Bass House, Tech House zvrsti glasbe. Dadajam še primere logotipov, ki so mi zelo všeč.
...izražamo veselje, začudenje, jezo, žalost in ostala čustva. Japonsko vrisovanje obrvi, je oblikovanje in povdarjanje obraza in to je dolgo bila lepotna skrivnost svetovnih zvezd, ki so vedno izgledale sveže. Japonsko vrisovanje obrvi, optično poveča veko, oko ali naredi celo videz »liftinga«, zato je pri vrisovanju obrvi zelo pomembno, da so obrvi pravilno oblikovane glede na obliko obraza. Japonsko vrisovanje obrvi tako poskrbi, da se odpre pogled, predvsem pa, da zbledi vidna utrujenost obraza. Obraz je videti svež, spočit in mladosten. Lepotni terapevti za japonsko vrisovanje obrvi pri oblikovanju upoštevajo pravilo zlatega reza in naravno obliko obrvi. Japonsko vrisovanje obrvi je najbolj priljubljena tehnika ročnega permanentn...
Pozdravljeni. Imam svoj masažni salon v Škofji Loki. želel bi pridobiti več strank. Mislim da bi mi pravilni pristop na spletnih platformah veliko pripomogel k temu.
Rad bi, da mi kdo svetuje. Kako narediti strežnik (kaj sploh potrebujem) , da bo na njega povezano 100-tine (NB-IoT) naprav. Radi bi sami imeli podatke na svojih strežnikih in jih obdelovali. Kako adresiramo NB-IoT naprave, da pošljemo na njih nek podatek? Keri developer board je trenutno najbolje vzet za NB-IoT napravo, ki bo na terenu komunicirala s strežnikom. Rabim Hello World exsample server side in device. Kako se pošle podatek s strežnika na napravo in obratno. Primer1: Naprava na terenu tipa temperaturo in na vsake 10 minut sporoča podatek na strežnik. Primer2: Strežnik pošlje napravi podatek, naj vklopi nek GPIO ali izklopi. Hvala, Lp, Matej
Pozdravljeni, potreboval bi pomoc pri izdelavi spletne strani (wordpress) oz pri postavitvi woocomerca. Osnove wp-ja so mi nekaj malega jasne pri woocomerc pa sem v temi. najraje bi videl da se osebno dobimo in predebatiramo...tudi o ceni
Pozdravljena, potrebovala bi pomoč s povezovanjem spletne strani z FB managerjem (pixel), ustvarjanjem kataloga in trgovine na FB-ju ter aktiviranjem Instagram shop-a. A bi mi lahko ti pri tem pomagala? Hvala za odgovor in lep pozdrav, Tamara
Živjo Vida B., opazila sem Vaš profil. Ker sem nova na tej sceni me zanima kakšne so vaše izkušnje s pridobivanjem dela na tem portalu? Hecno, sem geodetka in se tudi jaz se ukvarjam s kartografijo in s 3D...najraje pa delam 3D lasersko skeniranje. Kakršne koli izkušnje bi mi koristile za premik v moji glavi. Hvala Andreja, @
Zdravo, Renoviram nekoj stan od 90m2 vo kulte gradski zid,. Imam 95% tocen 2D dizajn, vo momentov mi treba samo da se izmeri povrsinata i da se nacrta tocno 2D dizajnot sprema segasnata sostojba. Isto taka bidejki stanuva zbor za kulite gradski zid na koisto tavanot im e napraven so gredi "avramenko" sakam nacrt i od tavanot. Znaci rabotata primarno bi bila premeruvanje i precrtuvanje :) Dokolku ste zainteresirani bi ve zamolil da me pobarate ili tuka ili na 075811411 Pozdrav i imajte prijaten den, Stevan
Zdravo, Renoviram nekoj stan od 90m2 vo kulte gradski zid,. Imam 95% tocen 2D dizajn, vo momentov mi treba samo da se izmeri povrsinata i da se nacrta tocno 2D dizajnot sprema segasnata sostojba. Isto taka bidejki stanuva zbor za kulite gradski zid na koisto tavanot im e napraven so gredi "avramenko" sakam nacrt i od tavanot. Znaci rabotata primarno bi bila premeruvanje i precrtuvanje :) Dokolku ste zainteresirani bi ve zamolil da me pobarate ili tuka ili na 075811411 Pozdrav i imajte prijaten den, Stevan
Zdravo, Renoviram nekoj stan od 90m2 vo kulte gradski zid,. Imam 95% tocen 2D dizajn, vo momentov mi treba samo da se izmeri povrsinata i da se nacrta tocno 2D dizajnot sprema segasnata sostojba. Isto taka bidejki stanuva zbor za kulite gradski zid na koisto tavanot im e napraven so gredi "avramenko" sakam nacrt i od tavanot. Znaci rabotata primarno bi bila premeruvanje i precrtuvanje :) Dokolku ste zainteresirani bi ve zamolil da me pobarate ili tuka ili na 075811411 Pozdrav i imajte prijaten den, Stevan
Pozdravljeni! Iščem oblikovalca, ki bi mi "čez noč" oblikoval šaljivo vabilo za novoletno zabavo. Tekst imam pripravljen, koncept (morda malce stripovski) je v glavi, ga opišem. če bi se pozabavali z vabilom mi prosim pošljite kakšen primerek vašega designa. Hvala, Alenka Novak
Lahko naredimo zelo enostavan dice game na spletu, 1, 2, 3, kocke, par-nepar in rabimo samo še enu majhnu custom formu. Lahko bi in jaz, ampak mi je lažje vzeti nekoga profesionalca.
Živjo, Rabim da mi dizajniraš ponudbo vse imam že napisano.
Iščem nekoga, ki bi mi naredil preprosto android/iOS aplikacij za spletno stran . V bistvu gre samo za zaslonske menije povezane med seboj. Na koncu pa stran z linki do učnih listov na internetu. Dodatne informacije : @
Pozdravljeni, želel bi imeti logotip in ime za trgovino, ki se bo ukvarjala predvsem z prodajo konopljinih izdelkov. Jezik mora biti nemški. Lp, Simon
Pozdravljeni. Iscem freelancerja iz Slovenije, ki mi lahko pomaga. Posneti je treba 25 moskih, 25 zensk in 25 otrok. To je skupaj 75 oseb. Vsaka oseba mora izgovoriti cca.50 kratkih besed. Budget je 50 evrov. Javi se le, ce si zmozen opraviti nalogo do konca tedna.
Pozdravljeni. Iscem freelancerja iz Slovenije, ki mi lahko pomaga. Posneti je treba 25 moskih, 25 zensk in 25 otrok. To je skupaj 75 oseb. Vsaka oseba mora izgovoriti cca.50 kratkih besed. Budget je 50 evrov. Javi se le, ce si zmozen opraviti nalogo do konca tedna. hvala
Živjo Miha. Iščem nekoga, ki bi mi pomagal pri magenti. Imam spletno trgovino in nekaj nujnih stvari za uredit, hkrati pa bi rabila nekoga tudi na daljši rok - za mesečno vzdrževanje in pomoč. Javi se, če imaš energijo in čas :) Lp, Staša
Pozdravljen Mitja, Imam predlog za poslovno sodelovanje (se pravi iščem poslovnega partnerja kjer skupaj gradiva idejo), gre za novo vrsto družbenega omrežja z velikim potencialom. Če te zanima mi odpiši, pošljem ti opis projekta in če misliš da ima potencial se lahko zmeniva za sodelovanje... Lp Jani
Pozdravljen Amar, Imam predlog za poslovno sodelovanje (se pravi iščem poslovnega partnerja kjer skupaj gradiva idejo), gre za novo vrsto družbenega omrežja z velikim potencialom. Če te zanima mi odpiši, pošljem ti opis projekta in če misliš da ima potencial se lahko zmeniva za sodelovanje... Lp Jani
Pozdravljen Amar, Imam predlog za poslovno sodelovanje (se pravi iščem poslovnega partnerja kjer skupaj gradiva idejo), gre za novo vrsto družbenega omrežja z velikim potencialom. Če te zanima mi odpiši, pošljem ti opis projekta in če misliš da ima potencial se lahko zmeniva za sodelovanje... Lp Jani
Hi dknzdesign, iščem nekoga za občasno tehnično pomoč pri magenti. Za podrobnosti mi lahko pišete na mejl Hvala, lp Staša
ime piva bo bad egg ( to pomeni v kavbojskem slengu kriminalec -bad guy) etiketo bi naredil v waild west motivu..v ospredju bad guy v ozadju grand canyon in nekaj na to temo..barve naj bodo soncni zahot (od rumene do violicne)
I'm seeking a versatile social media expert who can create, manage, and design content for my Facebook and Instagram accounts. The primary goal is to drive sales and conversions through engaging posts and stories. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and design appealing content for Facebook and Instagram - Create captivating posts and stories that drive engagement - Monitor, manage and respond to interactions on posts and stories Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in content creation, social media management, and graphic design - Experience with driving sales through social media - Strong understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms and best practices - Excellent communication skills
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a modern logo and brand identity for my business. The primary focus will be on logo design, with an emphasis on incorporating a unique symbol or icon into the logo. Key Requirements: - Expertise in modern design principles - Proficiency in logo and brand identity creation - Ability to conceptualize and design a unique symbol/icon Essential Skills: - Graphic Design - Brand Identity Development - Modern Design Aesthetics Understanding The ideal candidate will have a strong portfolio showcasing similar projects and be able to deliver a high-quality, professional logo that accurately represents my brand.
I'm looking to customize a wall in my space with photographs and text/quotes, all in a modern design style. Key Requirements: - Incorporate photographs and text/quotes into the wall design. - Use a contemporary, modern style. - Ability to visualize and create a cohesive design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in interior design or wall art creation. - Strong graphic design skills. - Good communication skills to understand and interpret my ideas. Your bid should include examples of previous similar projects you've worked on. The wall is 14 feet x 6 feet
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a product brochure for my line of modern furniture. The brochure should be visually appealing and only include high-quality pictures of the furniture pieces. Key Requirements: - Exceptional graphic design skills - Experience in creating product brochures - Ability to present product images in an engaging way Please submit your portfolio showcasing similar work.
...experienced professional. 2. The code is well-abstracted (DRY, using adapter pattern to plug in data sources), uses version control (git) and unit tests, and is overall pretty simple and robust. 3. It's been in production for about 2 years and the output of the app is used by 2-3 clients. 4. There have been no significant issues and the app runs without issue. # What the app is for: The app is built for clients in the recruitment industry, who, (a) every time a new job is posted: want to automatically find the company behind the job post, and then (b) find the hiring managers within those companies. Separately, we have the automation that does (b). The SaaS app, for each client: 1. Receives and aggregates jobs from various sources 2. For each company,...
I'm looking for a seasoned content creator to design a professional course specifically for facility management companies. The course should consist of 300 meticulously crafted slides per course, all developed in a creative and colorful style. Management toics: Quality Management Quality Assurance and Quality Control Continuous Improvement Methodologies Performance Metrics and Key Performance Indicators Customer Satisfaction Index and User Experience Management Continuous Improvement and Performance Optimization Requirements: - The slides must incorporate: - High-quality images, graphs, infographics, and charts to facilitate comprehension. - Content that is clear, concise, and logically sequenced. - Proper referencing for all sourced materials (academi...
I'm in need of a designer who can create vibrant, floral graphic patterns for me. The ideal freelancer would have a strong portfolio in graphic design, particularly with creating floral patterns. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in graphic design - Experience in creating floral patterns - Ability to work with vibrant color schemes - Strong portfolio of graphic pattern design
I'm in need of an engaging and humorous book cover for my novel, which is a comical spy adventure. Key Requirements: - The cover should reflect the humorous tone of the story. - Ideally, it should include elements typical of spy stories, but portrayed in a light-hearted, comical way. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design and illustration - Experience creating book covers, particularly in the adventure and comedy genres - Ability to convey a specific mood through design - Understanding of typical spy story elements Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any that fit within this genre. I look forward to working with you!
I'm Prithvi Narayan Singh, reaching out for a logo design project. I'm in need of a minimalist style logo that will serve as the cornerstone of my brand identity. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Minimalist Design Experience: - Prior work with minimalism - Successful creation of brand identities
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer who can create an engaging, consumer-oriented informational brochure for one of my products. Key Responsibilities: - Design a visually appealing brochure that effectively communicates product details and usage instructions - Understand and cater to the target audience of consumers Ideal Skills: - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in creating brochures - Ability to translate complex product information into easy-to-understand visuals and text - Understanding of consumer-oriented design principles
I'm looking for a modern-style logo and a corresponding website for my plumbing business. The logo shouldn't include any tools, but it should still communicate the plumbing theme in a clever way. I'm open to a variety of attractive color schemes, but I want to avoid anything too bland or typical. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Graphic design, particularly logo creation - Web design and development - Understanding of modern design aesthetics - Experience with creating business-focused websites - Ability to create visually appealing and engaging designs
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a modern, bright and vibrant logo for my company, Crescent Group. Key Requirements: - A modern design that incorporates a 'moon' or 'crescent' imagery - Use of a bright and vibrant color scheme - Strong understanding of logo design principles Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Creativity and ability to think outside the box - Prior experience in modern logo design - Excellent understanding of color theory and use of vibrant palettes.
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can create a modern, pastel-colored, icon-only logo for my website. The design should be minimalist and clean, embodying a contemporary aesthetic without unnecessary embellishments. The main ideea i want to be similar with the image attached. A boy / girl that rises from the book. The logo will be used on the website and prints The resulted logo, should be available in .svg
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a professional and clean flyer for our upcoming conference. Key Requirements: - The flyer should primarily provide event details. - It needs to prominently feature the date and location of the conference. - The design should be professional and clean, without unnecessary clutter or excessive color. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, specifically in creating flyers or promotional materials for conferences or similar events. - Strong understanding of clean, professional design aesthetics. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all event details are accurately represented.
I'm looking for an experienced website builder to create a m...with all essential features including a shopping cart, product reviews, and a customer login system. - A portfolio: I want to showcase my graphic design projects on this site, so it should have a clean, professional layout that can highlight my work effectively. - A Blog: I intend to share insights and updates, so a simple yet effective blog section is a must. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in building e-commerce sites, portfolios, and blogs. You should have a keen understanding of graphic design, as this will help in creating an appealing and cohesive site. Your skills should include web development, UX/UI design, and e-commerce syste... in their vending machines. The design should incorporate the company name, but I'm open to creative interpretations and suggestions for incorporating other elements. Key Elements: - The logo should have a modern and clean style. - Open to both simple modern designs and ones with a more playful twist that reflect the nature of our product. - Incorporation of toy cars, vending machines or even symbolic representations is welcomed, but not obligatory. - The use of color is flexible, from monochrome to vibrant and colorful schemes. DO NOT: - Please do not add any other text, like tag lines etc, - Please only share the actual designs - not the design mocked up in a 3D space like in a meeting room, or on a shop sign, these will not be conside...
I'm lookin...editor who can help me edit a travel promotion video. Poster Design: - The poster is for product advertisement, so creativity and marketing understanding is key. Video Editing: - The video editing will be primarily for a travel promotion video. - Experience with travel-related video editing is a plus. - Your role will involve cutting and merging clips to create a seamless narrative. Brand Guidelines: - I have established brand guidelines that you will be provided with, so adherence to these is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Video Editing - Understanding of Marketing - Adherence to Brand Guidelines Experience: - Previous work in product advertisement - Experience with travel promotion video editing - Portfolio of design ...
Prosimo, vpišite se ali se prijavite za več podrobnosti.
... Vending RT. The company sell toy cars in their vending machines. The design should incorporate the company name, but I'm open to creative interpretations and suggestions for incorporating other elements. Key Elements: - The logo should have a modern and clean style. - Open to both simple modern designs and ones with a more playful twist that reflect the nature of our product. - Incorporation of toy cars, vending machines or even symbolic representations is welcomed, but not obligatory. - The use of color is flexible, from monochrome to vibrant and colorful schemes. Font Style: - I'm open to all font styles, so feel free to suggest what you think would fit best. Please only share the actual designs - not the design mocked up in a 3D space like ...
My logo requires vector graphic refinement. Specifically, I need the jagged edges on the outlines of shapes decluttered. The ideal candidate for this project would be a skilled Graphic Designer with experience in Logo Design and vector graphics, who can simplify the design without compromising on its integrity.
I'm looking for a bright and colorful design for a Women's Day Sale banner and Facebook post. Key Requirements: - The design should be modern, minimalistic yet colorful and bright, focusing on the Women's Day theme. - The product images should be seamlessly integrated into the design, enhancing the visual appeal without overshadowing the overall theme. - A good understanding of e-commerce and social media marketing design strategies would be a plus, as the design needs to be eye-catching and engaging for potential customers. - Prior experience with designing sale banners or social media posts would be highly advantageous. Skills Needed: - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing - E-commerce Design - Modern & Col...
I'm in need of an artistic graphic designer to craft a compelling and original custom logo for a publishing company. Embodying a minimalist, sleek, and cool aesthetic. The design should subtly express 'understated power and quality' while maintaining simplicity and effortless style. Your task will include: - Creating a minimalist logo that conveys originality and poise without being overly complicated or busy. - Incorporating hand-drawn elements into the design, particularly in the use of 'hand drawn whimsical symbols or handwritten text'. -Abstract - Utilizing a primarily neutral color palette, with shades of white, beige, juxtapose darker colors for the text/symbol -Create a sense of depth using some techniques i.e.., texturiz...