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Spain Spanish Recording Project Recruitment (Spanish) Recording Project Spanish Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 320 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Spanish speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as you...speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 6$ for 320 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the proj...

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Povprečna ponudba
41 ponudb

I'm seeking a professional who can create a versatile MS Word template for my eBay listings. This template is specifically designed for selling vintage model cars to collectors. Key Features: - Full Customizability: I need the ability to adjust all text according to the specific model. This includes price and description, condition and year of the model, and images of the model. - Vintage Aesthetic: As I'm primarily selling vintage models, the template should have a background resembling an old toy shop. - Unique Borders: The template should feature borders reminiscent of a postal stamp. Your creative suggestions are more than welcome to enhance the appeal of this template. Your expertise in eBay listings and understanding of vintage model cars will be a significant a...

€96 Average bid
€96 Povprečna ponudba
91 ponudb

I need a dedicated gamer to test my mobile game, Jayzeta “Blue J's”, up to level 10. The game is currently in production and doesn't require special access, as it's free to download. Your task will primarily revolve around providing insights into the user experience. Specifically, I want your thoughts on the in-game tutorials and how they guide you through the game. Please consider the following when providing your feedback: - How intuitive and accessible the game is - Your personal strategy for progressing through the levels - A rating for the game on a scale of 1-10 To get paid, you will need to provide: - Your feedback on the game - Your game ID (found in settings) - A screenshot of your journey screen This project is ideal for someone with: - No...

€19 Average bid
€19 Povprečna ponudba
5 ponudb

...premios y deberán incluir elementos visuales llamativos. Componentes de la Animación: Intro Animada Principal: Establecerá el tono del evento con efectos visuales y sonoros. Bumpers para Premiación: Cada vez que se entregue un premio, se mostrará un bumper dinámico con: Nombre de la categoría. Imágenes o clips de la competencia. Lower thirds para subcampeón y campeón (el del campeón debe ser más grande y destacado). Efectos de luz y sonido para generar emoción. Referencias y Estilo: Se utilizarán imágenes de referencia proporcionadas para que los bumpers se parezcan lo más posible a la identidad visual de la competencia. El diseño debe seguir un estilo diná...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Povprečna ponudba
1 ponudb

...usara ese puntaje para la devolución) sólo que en modo Sin puntaje, no se le mostraran al usuario final los puntos obtenidos. • Las preguntas de “Opciones de selección” tienen en cada opción un botón para marcar si la respuesta es correcta (es posible marcar más de una opción como correcta) • Tiene además un campo de devolución, que es un texto que le aparecerá al usuario una vez que le muestre los resultados de la pregunta, para explicarle el porqué de la respuesta correcta. • Hay un campo final para especificar cuantos puntos tiene la pregunta (por defecto cada pregunta tiene 1 punto). Si hay más de una respuesta correcta, le da el puntaje igual aunque selecc...

€201 Average bid
€201 Povprečna ponudba
15 ponudb

...português (preferência por alguém em Portugal) Design gráfico: Criar um design visual atraente e consistente para o perfil do Instagram Gestão de conteúdo: Estruturar e planejar o conteúdo das publicações (calendário de posts) Identidade visual: Desenvolvimento de uma paleta de cores, tipografia e elementos gráficos que reflitam a marca Experiência em redes sociais: Conhecimento em Instagram e outras plataformas sociais Criatividade e originalidade: Produção de conteúdos visuais que se destaquem e atraiam o público Foco em resultados e engajamento: Saber como criar conteúdos que aumentem a interação com os seguidores Comunica&ccedi...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Povprečna ponudba
23 ponudb

...dengan tim teknis untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul. **Kualifikasi:** 1. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK; D3/S1 lebih disukai. 2. Memiliki pengalaman dalam industri judi online atau administrasi adalah nilai tambah. 3. Keterampilan komunikasi yang baik, baik lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan memiliki disiplin tinggi. 5. Menguasai penggunaan komputer dan aplikasi perkantoran (MS Office, Google Workspace, dll). 6. Memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil dan perangkat komputer yang memadai. **Keuntungan:** 1. Fleksibilitas waktu kerja. 2. Gaji yang kompetitif. 3. Kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam industri yang dinamis. 4. Lingkungan kerja yang mendukung dan inovatif. **Cara Melamar:** Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kami, silakan hubungi kami di n...

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Povprečna ponudba
9 ponudb

...availability. Compensation: Commission-based, negotiable depending on sales. --- Versão em Português (Brasil): Cargo: Representante de Vendas para o Mercado Brasileiro (Meio Período) Descrição do Trabalho: Estamos buscando um representante de vendas meio período para ajudar a promover e vender nossas joias exclusivas, especialmente nossa coleção de pérolas. O cargo envolve promover os produtos e expandir o alcance de clientes no mercado brasileiro. Esta posição é ideal para freelancers apaixonados por redes sociais e plataformas de e-commerce. Responsabilidades: Promover nossos produtos através de redes sociais (Instagram, Facebook) e plataformas de e-commerce Estabelecer relacionam...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Povprečna ponudba
3 ponudb

I need a professional to help me organically rank my t-shirt designs on the first page of Amazon for Merch on Demand. Your task will involve optimizing my listings to increase visibility and sales. The first listing you provide me should be free to demonstrate your expertise. Ideal skills for this job include: - Deep understanding of Amazon's ranking algorithm - Proven experience with Merch on Demand - Excellent skills in SEO, particularly in relation to e-commerce - Ability to create attractive product titles and descriptions

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Povprečna ponudba
11 ponudb

I have a local MS Access database application that I would like to convert into a Responsive Web Application. The reason for this project is to make the app accessible via the web, as there seems to be a demand for it from friends. Key Requirements: - Transform the MS Access database app into a fully functional, user-friendly Responsive Web App. - Implement simple user authentication features, allowing for uncomplicated logins. No complex user roles are necessary. - Recommend an affordable hosting platform, given that this is a non-commercial, home project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MS Access and web app development, particularly in creating responsive applications. - Experience in implementing user authentication features. - Knowledge of cost-e...

€263 Average bid
€263 Povprečna ponudba
18 ponudb

I'm seeking a designer to create engaging, tech-oriented social media content (Instagram and YouTube) for a month. The content will primarily be educational programming tutorials. Complete scripts will be provided. - Content Format: Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, Instagram posts, and carousels. - Style: All visuals should be tech-oriented, in line with the theme of prog...YouTube shorts, Instagram posts, and carousels. - Style: All visuals should be tech-oriented, in line with the theme of programming/coding. - Color Scheme: Use brand colors similar to the logo that will be shared. - Deadline: Ideally, this should be completed within 2 days. Sample code script has been shared. Please share your previous work for evaluation, along with your bidding price. Feel free to ask...

€28 Average bid
€28 Povprečna ponudba
19 ponudb

...sure the search bar is easily accessible, with advanced filter options. Product Page: Detailed view with high-quality images and easy-to-read specifications. Profile Section: Where users can view their listings, sold items, reviews, and contact details. Push Notifications: Ensure notifications are clear and not overwhelming. 4. Monetization Models Freemium Model: Users can list products for free but charge for premium listings or promoted products to get more visibility. Transaction Fees: You could take a small commission from each sale made through the app. Ads: Display advertisements from third-party ad networks (like Google AdMob) to generate revenue. 5. Development Process 1. Prototype Design Use design tools like Figma or Sketch to create wireframes and UI desi...

€472 Average bid
€472 Povprečna ponudba
49 ponudb

Estou criando um jogo Top Down pixel art, e preciso de um Sprite Sheet base para trabalhar em cima. Uma Sprite base masculina e feminina, com animação de caminhada e corrida completas para todas as direções. Apenas o Sprite básico, sem aparência nem nd. Isso eu irei trabalhar por cima dependendo do personagem.

€75 Average bid
€75 Povprečna ponudba
4 ponudb

I am seeking a skilled web designer to create a dynamic e-commerce website for selling physical goods. The primary focus will be on an intuitive, user-friendly interface that caters to a diverse range of customers. ...create a dynamic e-commerce website for selling physical goods. The primary focus will be on an intuitive, user-friendly interface that caters to a diverse range of customers. Key Requirements: - Design a site that supports the sale of physical products. This includes creating product pages, a shopping cart, and a checkout process. - Integrate a reliable payment gateway to ensure secure and hassle-free transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in designing e-commerce websites. - Proficient in integrating payment gateways. - Strong understanding of UX/UI p...

€168 Average bid
€168 Povprečna ponudba
28 ponudb

Setup MS 2008 server Allow access to its files through LAN Using Router IP forwarding technique

€143 Average bid
€143 Povprečna ponudba
28 ponudb

I'm in need of a professional with excellent skills in MS Word and PowerPoint who can design modern templates for technical reports. Key Requirements: - Creation of templates for a technical report, including sections such as: - Executive Summary - Methodology - Briefing content - Diagrams, tables and figures - References - Table of contents - The design style of these templates should be modern, not traditional or minimalistic. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MS Word and PowerPoint - Experience in designing report templates - Understanding of technical report structures - Ability to design in a modern style This project is perfect for you if you can blend design with functionality to create professional, easy-to-use report templates.

€54 Average bid
€54 Povprečna ponudba
61 ponudb

Procuro criador de web site, com domínio e licenças para publicitar e agendar consultas online. Desenvolvimento de app de consultas de psicologia de proximidade (presencial)em regime online 24x7, com recurso a localização, compatível com iOS e android, onde encontra o Terapeuta mais próximo da pessoa para a modalidade presencial.

€164 Average bid
€164 Povprečna ponudba
26 ponudb

I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a contemporary and sleek MS Word template for my sales quotes. Key Requirements: - The template must be suitable for itemizing various products and services. - It should incorporate my company logo and relevant information. - There's a need for the inclusion of our standard terms and conditions. - The overall aesthetic of the template should be modern and clean. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in MS Word and template design. - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly in creating modern and clean visuals. - Previous experience with creating sales quote templates. - Ability to integrate company branding into the design.

€16 Average bid
€16 Povprečna ponudba
59 ponudb

Boa noite, prezados. Eu tenho uma lojinha de vendas de sapatos, roupas e acessorios em geral. meu foco agora é a criação de um site onde permite que venda para todo o brasil, até mesmo para cliente fixo. a ideia maior é foca no digital, onde eu já vendo, nas redondeza, emxemplo como marktplace do facebook, olx. me ajuda, pfv.

€72 Average bid
€72 Povprečna ponudba
8 ponudb

*******(READ the Google doc requirements before bidding)******* I'm seeking an experienced dev team for a custom WordPress plugin utilizing the latest JS libraries and best practices. We'd like React for the UI or any other comparable coding language, as long as it's 100% open source, modern, and free. - Expert knowledge and experience building apps and plugins that are fast and 100% secure. - Proficient in Full Stack Development, including creative UI design skills - Budget: $600 USD or best bid - Deadline: We need this 100% tested/live within 14 days of being awarded **By bidding on this project, you agree to keep all project related discussions and assets confidential** Here are the plugin requirements,

€469 Average bid
€469 Povprečna ponudba
176 ponudb

...bringing an adventure theme to our content - Ensuring high quality, engaging edits suitable for children Ideal Candidate: - Experience in video editing with a focus on visual effects and 2D animation - Reliable, with a commitment to long-term collaboration - Able to work with green screen footage - Has a good understanding of creating content for a children's audience If you're interested, feel free to reach out! ?...

€22 Average bid
€22 Povprečna ponudba
40 ponudb

...simple project management apps (like Asana or Trello) • Proficiency with Adobe Acrobat Pro and Microsoft Word – preferably specifically in the context of designing and developing company documentation such as staff manuals, SOP infographics, policies, form-fillable pdf documents, etc. • Intermediate experience with (most of) the following: primary Google apps, Google Workspace administration, MS Excel, Slack, HubSpot CRM, QuickBooks Online, and Perplexity and/or ChatGPT. • Ability to navigate self and others through the instability of startup everything. Time, Money, Etc. • Initial contracts will be short projects (each 4-12 hrs over 1-3 days) with flat rates (tbd) • If initial projects are successful, we can quickly transition to rolling,...

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr Povprečna ponudba
5 ponudb
Končano left

Preciso de um sistema de bet com jogo do bicho para cidade pequena. com pagamentos fora da plataforma. Tenho exemplo dos dois e se pudesse juntar em um seria melhor pra mim, mas se nao, tudo bem. JDB: BET:

€231 Average bid
€231 Povprečna ponudba
13 ponudb

Preciso de um sistema de bet com jogo do bicho para cidade pequena. com pagamentos fora da plataforma. Tenho exemplo dos dois e se pudesse juntar em um seria melhor pra mim, mas se nao, tudo bem. JDB: BET:

€1117 Average bid
€1117 Povprečna ponudba
40 ponudb

I'm ...integrate the name 'Technosip' in a creative way, shaping the letters with technology and tea symbols. - I prefer a script or handwritten font style for the logo text. - Use of my favorite colors: Turquoise Green and Turquoise Blue, but feel free to use your discretion for the overall color balance. - The final logo should not be a separated vector but a cohesive design. -logo must not be separated with name.i want make logo with shaping name's word's and some signs for technology (not sample vector) Ideal Skills: - Expertise in original, hand-crafted logo design, free from AI or stock imagery. - Strong understanding of modern, sleek design aesthetics. - Ability to creatively incorporate both technology and tea symbols into the logo. - Profici...

€308 Average bid
€308 Povprečna ponudba
51 ponudb

I'm seeking dedicated individuals for a tax filing referral program, where you can earn $250-$500 per referral. The process is straightforward, with step-by-step guidance provided for tax filing. Ideal candidates should be hardworking, quick, and able to file at least one tax return per day. Requirements: - Individuals seeking tax filing assistance - W-2 f...where you can earn $250-$500 per referral. The process is straightforward, with step-by-step guidance provided for tax filing. Ideal candidates should be hardworking, quick, and able to file at least one tax return per day. Requirements: - Individuals seeking tax filing assistance - W-2 forms, previous year's tax return, and identification documents are essential for the process. Please feel free to reach out thro...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Povprečna ponudba
22 ponudb

I'm in need of a modern, minimalist styled website designed with MS Visual Studio, MVC, .Net and MS SQL server database. This site will help manage large email campaigns and will have functions similar to Key Features: - Uploading large email contacts (10,000+ emails) from excel or csv file. - Creating multiple email lists with subscribe/unsubscribe options. - Designing email templates using a drag-and-drop editor and custom HTML input. - Carrying out or scheduling email campaigns. - Measuring campaign outcomes such as failed or bounced emails, open rates, link clicks, and flagging reported spam. User Roles: - Admin: Full control and oversight. - Users created by Admin: Designated users with specific access. - Registered Users: Activated and authorized

€1161 Average bid
€1161 Povprečna ponudba
54 ponudb

Estou buscando um profissional de telemarketing que possa me ajudar a captar clientes para serviços de limpeza comercial, especificamente, limpeza de escritórios. Suas principais responsabilidades incluirão: - Realizar chamadas telemarketing que possa me ajudar a captar clientes para serviços de limpeza comercial, especificamente, limpeza de escritórios. Suas principais responsabilidades incluirão: - Realizar chamadas para oferecer nossos serviços de limpeza de escritórios. - Fornecer detalhes sobre nossos serviços durante as ligações. - Agendamento de visitas Habilidades e experiências ideais: - Experiência prévia em telemarketing, preferencialmente na área de servi&cc...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Povprečna ponudba
2 ponudb
Ionizador de água
Končano left

Preciso da seguinte animação em 3D 1. Objetivo da animação: Criar uma animação 3D que ilustre a instalação e o funcionamento do ionizador de água, demonstrando seu impacto na água da torneira. 2. Descrição do produto: O ionizador tem formato arredondado e oco (do tamanho e formato de um cano 3/4) e cor escura. Ele é inserido dentro da tubulação da torneira da pia. Sua função é ionizar a água conforme ela passa pelo dispositivo. 3. Elementos que devem aparecer: Torneira e tubulação (para mostrar onde o ionizador é instalado). Ionizador (deve ser modelado em 3D). Fluxo da água (representando antes e depois da ...

€43 Average bid
€43 Povprečna ponudba
5 ponudb

...Creative Freedom: Scale Stream Capital encourages you to think outside the box and experiment with new ideas. - Cutting-edge Tools: Gain hands-on experience with AI-powered tools and automated workflows designed to improve efficiency and enhance your creative output. - Flexible Work Environment: Enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere while being part of a dynamic and growing team. - Learning & Growth: Free access to educational resources, including certifications in project management, Google Ads, and more. Perfect for building both your personal and professional skill set. - Profit Sharing: As we scale, you will benefit from the success you help create, including shares in the profits from videos you help produce. Who We’re Looking For: - Proven experience in script...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Povprečna ponudba
49 ponudb

Prepare of a .docx document with at least 300 questions for the "Microsoft AZ-900" exam and answers. Under each question, answer suggestions, and under each answer suggestion, only the solution (i.e. answers with the correct one marked). Everything must be clearly prepared for printing. You can use websites that collect historical ...solution (i.e. answers with the correct one marked). Everything must be clearly prepared for printing. You can use websites that collect historical questions for this exam, e.g.

€92 Average bid
€92 Povprečna ponudba
28 ponudb

Bonjour, J'ai besoin de retranscrire des entretiens audio (5 heures tu total) en français au format texte. Je vous envoi un fichier mp3 et vous me renvoyer un fichier word. Le texte doit vraiment être fait mot pour mot dans une grande qualité. J'en aurais besoin pour dans un mois et demi maximum, la priorité pour moi est la qualité.

€174 Average bid
€174 Povprečna ponudba
62 ponudb

Overview...Implement realistic player movements and animations. • Integrate a robust team management system and in-depth tactical elements. Payment Structure: • No upfront payment provided; compensation will be based on profit sharing. The agreement starts with a fixed 25-50% share of game revenue, with potential for increased payment if profits exceed targets. • Developers will also enjoy bonuses such as free in-game coins when they play the game. Timeline: • The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of March, with development ideally starting as early as tomorrow. Additional Details: • Clear revenue sharing terms and milestones will be established before kickoff. • Passionate, innovative developers interested in a profit-sharing model are...

€8 Average bid
€8 Povprečna ponudba
8 ponudb

Storecheckers are a Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits. This visit is to an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met, in order to ensure that there is no possibility of cheating at any stage. The exam content and result are irrelevant to this exercise. You will need to be observant and discreet in order to undertake this visit. You need to remain in the test centre and complete the exam as if you were a genuine entrant. We have full guidance notes to assist you, which give a very clear background of the environment. The actions that you need to take are actions that test takers attempt, so do not be worried about carrying them out. After the visit there is a report to complete, it is not lengthy but ...

€144 - €145
€144 - €145
0 ponudb

Procuro um recrutador motivado e baseado em comissões para nos ajudar a encontrar novos parceiros no setor de serviços de limpeza.

€100 Average bid
€100 Povprečna ponudba
5 ponudb

...natural conversation flow - Integration with AI voice generation (e.g., Eleven Labs, OpenAI TTS, etc.) ✅ Live AI Video Avatar (Heygen + Eleven Labs or Alternative Solution) - AI avatar that talks, lip-syncs, and responds in real-time - Option to include live video responses for added interactivity ✅ Web Application Development - User-friendly interface for seamless interaction - Ability to limit free questions and integrate monetization - Secure storage of user interactions, ensuring data privacy & compliance ✅ Deployment & Monetization Strategy - Best hosting and tech stack for scalability - Subscription-based or pay-per-use model Key Questions for Applicants: 1. Would you build this from scratch or use existing AI tools? 2. Can you develop an AI image chatbot with v...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Povprečna ponudba
41 ponudb

A Idioma Independente procura pessoas proativas para serem nossas credenciadas, com perfil empreendedor, que tenham fluência em inglês e queiram dar aulas. Somos uma escola de treinamentos inovadora que trabalha com equipes multidisciplinares e professores de idiomas. Para ser credenciado pela nossa escola, você precisa ficar com a gente por ao menos 1 ano, sendo que você é quem montará sua grade horária. Essa disponibilidade de tempo é necessária para que você possa ter resultados competitivos de mercado. Nossa plataforma de treinamento conta com mais de 400 vídeos para você aprender a ensinar com base em uma metodologia inovadora que já gerou resultados com mais de 5000 alunos. Você ...

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Povprečna ponudba
12 ponudb

Portugal Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portugal Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 1000 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two re...speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 20$ for 1000 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the proj...

€8 / hr Average bid
€8 / hr Povprečna ponudba
15 ponudb

Ho necessità di creare una landing page per sponsorizzare alcune promozioni attive nel campo della consulenza finanziaria. Ho bisogno di una pagina che abbia un modulo di contatto, e che richiami l'attenzione su due promozioni attive: 1 buono amazon in regalo, e 1000 euro di vantaggio sul trasferimento titoli. La pagina verrà sponsorizzata via google ads

€430 Average bid
€430 Povprečna ponudba
100 ponudb

As discussed, here is the link to our website - I am attaching some relevant documents that you can look at. Please note once again, that these are internal documents, not to be shared further. These are all in the context of our program in Chhattisgarh. There are three kinds of monitoring data: 1. Program process imple...The Chhattisgarh program process implementation (reach) data is collected via google sheets. Please take a look at these, and based on our discussion yesterday, it will be good if you can indicate the fees you would expect, to automate these analyses, and generate appropriate graphical representations, that can then be programmed to be sent to concerned individuals at decided intervals. Feel free to reach out to me if you need any clarification.

€84 Average bid
€84 Povprečna ponudba
14 ponudb

...visualize available experiences. • Ranking of experiences based on popularity and user ratings. 5. User and Host Dashboards • Track past and upcoming reservations. • Payment and earnings management for hosts. • Transaction history and earnings withdrawal requests. • Integrated messaging system for communication between users and hosts. 6. Premium Subscription and Boosting Listings • Standard Member (Free): • Can publish up to 2 activities per month. • Can make 1 payment request per week. • Premium Member (Paid): • Can publish up to 15 activities per month. • Can make up to 3 payment requests per week. • Ability to boost activities in search results. • Paid boosting system for hosts to feature their experie...

€1182 Average bid
€1182 Povprečna ponudba
130 ponudb

I'm looking for an experienced AWS professional to switch my web application to the AWS free plan, specifically utilizing EC2 for hosting. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in AWS services, especially EC2 - Experience in migrating web applications to AWS - Good understanding of AWS Free Tier limits and advantages Please provide your bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.

€140 Average bid
€140 Povprečna ponudba
12 ponudb

I'm seeking a SolidWorks professional to create a detailed engineering design of a davit arm. The specifications include a 3m height, 2.5m boom, 1-ton capacity, 360° rotation, manufactured from MS material. Deliverables: - 2D & 3D CAD Models (SolidWorks): Detailed engineering designs - Stress & Deflection Analysis (FEA): A balanced approach focusing on both structural strength and material usage - Load Calculations & Factor of Safety: Essential for determining the arm's capacity - Bill of Materials (BOM): Includes material specifications only Ideal skills for this project include expertise in SolidWorks, Structural Analysis, FEA, and Manufacturing Knowledge. The timeline for this project is 15 days and the budget is negotiable. Please apply with your p...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Povprečna ponudba
14 ponudb

...templates. You provide me the clean washed list after sending You provide send and open report and unsubscribe, bouncebacks etc. Unlimited revisions You check links and forms work before sending to me to approve You design the send template and give me copy of template (and in PDF also so I can see it ) and the database you create is to be a FREE database platform and you tell me which one you will use. For your information I have contact form 7 free database program ready on my websites I want you to make the two forms and send to me, so I can edit both. I supply text & images for the 2 campaigns. Both campaigns are to have their own Brevo split up databases x3. You must have EXCELLENT English. Task to be done in 2 steps , first do the templates then if approv...

€114 Average bid
€114 Povprečna ponudba
28 ponudb

...of our services. Key Responsibilities: - Complete and enhance the existing static WordPress site, ideally using simple, free plugins and a free builder. - Create 3-4 additional pages detailing our key services: Home IT support, Small business IT support, and Remote support services. - Implement a blog page which I will be updating frequently for marketing purposes. - Redesign the homepage to include a service overview and call-to-action buttons. - Post-development, clean-up the site by removing any unused plugins. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Clear concise communication - Extensive experience with WordPress development and management. - Proficiency in utilizing free builders and plugins. - Prior experience with website design in a friendly and approachable st...

€129 Average bid
€129 Povprečna ponudba
294 ponudb

We are promoting a chrome extension, we'd like to get 500 downloads/installation (it is free), and 5~10 review. We will be targeting 100 users first.

€58 Average bid
€58 Povprečna ponudba
1 ponudb

I'm looking for an expert who can set up a sales funnel, a landing page on Social Connector AI, and automate DMs within the platform. This project primarily revolves around generating leads. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience w...Connector AI, and automate DMs within the platform. This project primarily revolves around generating leads. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Social Connector AI - Proven track record of setting up effective sales funnels - Ability to create an engaging landing page on Social Connector AI - Skills in automating DMs in Social Connector AI Lead Magnet: - The primary lead magnet will be free eBooks. Creative ideas for additional lead magnets are welcome. Please do not bid unless you have clear and demonstrable experience with Socia...

€422 Average bid
€422 Povprečna ponudba
119 ponudb

I need eight (8) financial reports generated in MS Access using VBA. These reports should be formatted in a clear and concise tabular format. I require: - Profit and Loss statements - Balance Sheets - Four different types of Profit and Loss statements and four Balance Sheets using different data sets Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MS Access and VBA - Strong understanding of financial reporting - Experience with creating Access reports. - Data already arranged in cross tab queries; no data manipulation would be needed. Please, only apply if you have the necessary skills and experience to deliver this project. This project needs to be done in the next week or so and your budget is about 10-12 hours.

€34 / hr Average bid
€34 / hr Povprečna ponudba
30 ponudb

Requiero integrar mi tienda online en Woocommerce a Siigo Nube mediante su Api. Lo que busco es que cada vez que se cree un pedido y quede en estado "Procesando", Siigo cree o consulte un cliente y cuando el pedido pase a estado "Completado" Siigo cree una factura con los datos del cliente. Woocommerce normalmente no tiene por defecto colocar cédula, así que agregué ese campo al finalizar compra con un campo personalizado cuyo nombre-meta es: billingcedula_o_nit_comprador La factura creada debe contener los productos comprados, los datos de facturación del cliente y método de pago. Intenté hacerlo mediante Zapier, pero me arroja un error que dice que debe haber un llamado en la cabecera Partner-id Prefiero que l...

€144 Average bid
€144 Povprečna ponudba
25 ponudb

...investir nada. Modelo de Trabalho Este é um trabalho 100% comissionado, onde o freelancer atua de forma independente, indicando clientes interessados. O pagamento acontece por meio de comissões progressivas, ou seja, quanto mais vendas, maior a porcentagem que o vendedor recebe. Benefícios para o Freelancer Ganhos sem limite – seu faturamento depende do seu desempenho. (freelancers estao ganhando em média r$7000,00 mês) venda simples e sem burocracia – todo mundo quer economizar na conta de luz. Produto de alta aceitação – fácil de explicar e convencer. Flexibilidade total – trabalhe no seu ritmo, sem horários fixos. Quem pode participar? Qualquer pessoa com boa comunicação e von...

€135 Average bid
€135 Povprečna ponudba
6 ponudb