Android phone volume controldela


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    2,000 android phone volume control najdena dela

    Aplikacija je narejena, potrebna je implementacija Google pay sistema

    €632 Average bid
    €632 Povprečna ponudba
    21 ponudb

    Iščem freelancerja za izdelavo bolj kot ne preproste APP za android in potem s sprotnim vzdrževanjem/nadgrajevanjem glede na nadgradjne android OS.. Imam že sourrce, a je žal zastarel in ga android ne mara več ?.

    €871 Average bid
    €871 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb

    Iščemo osebo za izdelavo mobilne aplikacije za iOS in Android. Dizajn je že narejen v Adobe XD. Hvala.

    €950 Average bid
    €950 Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb

    Potreboval bi Android/iOS aplikacijo. Temeljila bi na analizi uporabnikovih slik zajetih s selfie kamero in analizi parametrov na sliki. Algoritem za analizo slike imam že pripravljen v programu Matlab. Načrt aplikacije z wireframe-om lahko v celoti pripravim sam, tako, da bi bila naloga programerja prepis vsega v programsko kodo.

    €1050 Average bid
    €1050 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    Robert zdravo. S kolegom razvijava mobilno aplikacijo in bi potrebovala frontend designerja. Backend programiranje je že skoraj pripravljeno. Je zelo preprosta aplikacija za IOS in Android. Bi vas zanimalo sodelovanje? . Hvala za odgovor. LP S

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for Alen K.
    Končano left

    Alen zdravo. S kolegom razvijava mobilno aplikacijo in bi potrebovala frontend designerja. Backend programiranje je že skoraj pripravljeno. Je zelo preprosta aplikacija za IOS in Android. Bi vas zanimalo sodelovanje? Nastavljen budget spodaj ni merodajen. Hvala za odgovor. LP S

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    Iščem nekoga, ki bi mi naredil preprosto android/iOS aplikacij za spletno stran . V bistvu gre samo za zaslonske menije povezane med seboj. Na koncu pa stran z linki do učnih listov na internetu. Dodatne informacije : @

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Povprečna ponudba
    5 ponudb

    Potrebujem aplikacijo za tablico in telefon, na sistemu android. Gre se za program, kateri se uporablja pri odkupu lesa. Glavni del je kubiciranje hlodovine ( po znani formuli), ustavarjanje novih dokumentov, dodajanje različnih strank.. in na koncu možnost tiskanja in izpisa v pdf-ju... več informacij kasneje...

    €498 Average bid
    €498 Povprečna ponudba
    8 ponudb

    imamo že narejeno aplikacijo v starejši verziji androida. ker ne dela več vse, jo je potrebno popraviti

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    11 ponudb
    Project for shiki0
    Končano left

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for kos83
    Končano left

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for dasf
    Končano left

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for benzo11
    Končano left

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for roberro
    Končano left

    ...1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mladem in inovativnem okolju,  Urejeno delovno okolje v prestižni stavbi  M...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...essential with proper information of the product Product Pages: Detailed descriptions, multiple images, customer reviews, related products. Homepage: Farmer friendly design, featured products description, mission vision plans about our organization, highlighter icons and reviews. About Us Page: our story, highlight our farming achievement , certifications ect. Contact Page: Contact form, email address, phone number, farm address. Blog (Optional): For sharing recipes, farming tips, news, and building community showcase our testimonials. User Accounts: Customer registration, order history, saved addresses. IMP:- Data of Online questioner surveys Mobile Responsiveness: Essential! The website must look good on all devices. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Basic on-page SEO is cr...

    €226 Average bid
    €226 Povprečna ponudba
    27 ponudb

    I'm seeking an individual to facilitate in-app purchases on my Android device. The purchases primarily involve various mobile applications. Must be from China. Your task will be to make these purchases on my behalf. Requirements: - Proficiency in navigating Android devices and understanding of making in-app purchases. - Trustworthiness and reliability, as this involves handling financial transactions. - Ability to communicate effectively and provide updates on purchases made. - In-depth knowledge of the Android operating system. - Experience handling secure payment methods to ensure transaction safety. - Familiarity with security practices in handling online transactions. - Capability to maintain a detailed record of transaction history. - Experience with multipl...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb light timing based on vehicle counts, and includes features like customizable confidence thresholds and total time settings. Designed an interactive, premium user interface for seamless functionality and real-time traffic analysis. Focus on improving the efficiency and accuracy of the traffic optimization algorithms. The system should be deployed in an on-premises environment for better control over hardware and data. The system should provide simple user tools for making adjustments and override decisions. The system will be deployed on personal computers. The system should be compatible with existing traffic cameras. The user interface should allow standard customization options. The project should be implemented using Python and Flask. Include basic data analysis and...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb

    I need a professional to edit my logo. The project involves modifying the text to change my name, phone number, and website. I have all the new text details ready. Please note that the changes are purely text-based - there are no color or shape adjustments required. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Photoshop Please be prepared to deliver the edited logo in various formats suitable for print and digital use. Looking forward to seeing your bids.

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Povprečna ponudba
    56 ponudb

    ...Arrest Management: Record and track arrests Evidence Management: Log and track evidence items Prosecution Module: Case processing and prosecution tracking Traffic Citation Management: Issue and track traffic citations Officers Module: Manage police officer profiles and assignments Police Record Checks: Generate background checks and reports User Management: Role-based access control for users System Settings: Configuration and customization options Tech Stack Backend: Django Frontend: Bootstrap Database: PostgreSQL Additionally please see the attached A fully designed database schema is ready for implementation. Wireframe mockups for all 23 pages are provided. A high-level flowchart explaining system processes is included. ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    54 ponudb

    My name is Jesse Gill and I am the producer of an up-and-coming magazine called 'Light News'. I'm currently seeking businesses interested in advertising in my magazine. - Advertising Costs: I charge $5,000 a month for a full-page ad. - Target Audience: I am open to any type of business, from local enterprises to national brands and online businesses. - Industry Focus: ...Costs: I charge $5,000 a month for a full-page ad. - Target Audience: I am open to any type of business, from local enterprises to national brands and online businesses. - Industry Focus: While my primary focus is on general news, I aim to cover a wide array of industry sectors, including technology, fashion, and automotive. If you're interested in this opportunity, please reach out to me via...

    €5506 Average bid
    €5506 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb

    ...Views Create pre-set filters for: Confirmed speakers Pending approvals Upcoming events (next 30/60/90 days) Budget status Pivot Tables Speaker utilisation across events Budget allocation analysis Event type distribution Notes for Implementation Use named ranges for easy formula reference Include data validation to prevent errors Create a backup system Include version control tracking Build in automated email notification triggers for: Approaching deadlines Budget thresholds Status changes Specific Event Considerations Retreats Tab Create a separate tab for retreat events with modified fields: Smaller speaker roster Different logistics requirements Specialised session formats Unique budget tracking needs Combined Events For combined e...

    €272 Average bid
    Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij
    €272 Povprečna ponudba
    33 ponudb

    Hi, I'm Jesse Gill. I'm seeking a skilled interviewer to conduct interviews with 10 individuals for a documentary centered around personal stories. It's aimed at the general public and not a confined community or academic viewers. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and interview individuals with compelling personal experiences. - Conduct interviews in a way that brings...experiences. - Conduct interviews in a way that brings out the emotional depth and authenticity of the stories. Compensation: - The interviewer will receive 10% of the documentary's profits. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional interviewing and communication skills. - Ability to connect with and draw out individuals' personal stories. - Experience in documentary filmmaking is a plus. Please reach out to m...

    €1202 Average bid
    €1202 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    ...experienced AWS professional to set up an EC2 server and configure a custom Python-based automation framework that integrates with cloud services. The goal is to establish a fully operational cloud system capable of executing automation tasks after setup. Key Responsibilities: • Server Deployment: Set up an EC2 instance with proper configurations. • Security Configuration: Implement IAM for access control and security. • Software Installation: Install Python, required dependencies, and automation libraries. • Automation Framework Setup: Configure a Python-based system for data processing, system monitoring, and deployment automation. • Cloud Integration: Connect AWS services such as Lambda, S3, RDS, and API Gateway. • AI Implementation: Enable...

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Povprečna ponudba
    27 ponudb

    Hi, I'm Jesse Gill, and I'm seeking a creative scriptwriter for a mid-length (30 to 90 minutes) movie. This film will be shot on an iPhone, so the script should be feasible for this low-budget production. Key Details: - Genre: I'm open to any type, be it Drama, Comedy, Horror, or something else entirely. - Tone: I'...profits from the movie. Ideal Skills: - Creative scriptwriting - Understanding of filming constraints - Ability to write for various genres and tones Ideally, you should have previous experience in screenwriting and a portfolio of works that can demonstrate your creativity and versatility. I encourage you to think outside the box and come up with something truly unique. Please reach out to me via phone at 0424 301 445 if you're interested. ...

    €1914 Average bid
    €1914 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb

    ...someone to modify this quotation document with the following information. Please indicate if these requests are feasible without any 3rd party software and preferably form only 1 outside excel file for data. We will create an Excel “Contacts” document that will contain all our customer information. This data should be able to be pulled into our quotation. Company Name, address, contact name, email, phone to be pulled form an external Excel file. “Respectfully submitted by” information (Name, position and email) should be a pull-down menu of 3 lines in same formatting of sample. Sometimes our quotation extends to 2 or more pages. When quote extends to more then one page, pages should change numbering (2 of 3 etc.), and add and additional page for extending ...

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Povprečna ponudba
    29 ponudb

    ...developer who can add two key features to my application and fix a bug. 1. Modify the Upload Page to automatically launch the device's camera for picture-taking and then captioning the image 2. Incorporate the phone's compass to indicate the photo's direction on both iOS and Android platforms (through the web app). 3. Resolve an infinite loop issue on the Main Page related to location updates and data retrieval. The ideal candidate should be well-versed in: - NextJS development - Cross-platform functionality (iOS and Android) - Debugging and problem-solving - Proficiency in TypeScript for type-checking and improving code quality. The project requires using standard libraries for camera and compass access. Please note, the developer should be competent i...

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Povprečna ponudba
    19 ponudb

    I'm looking for a professional Android and iOS app developer based in the UK to create a top-notch E-commerce app. Key Features: - Payment Gateway Integration: The app must support secure and seamless transactions. - User Reviews and Ratings: To enhance user engagement and trustworthiness of products. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in developing E-commerce apps. - Proficient in integrating payment gateways. - Skilled in creating user review and rating systems. - In-depth knowledge of Android and iOS development. - Familiarity with UK market standards and regulations. Your bid should reflect your expertise and understanding of this project.

    €231 Average bid
    €231 Povprečna ponudba
    34 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer who is comfortable working with React Native. The app needs to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Experience in cross-platform app development - Ability to work with a custom design - Excellent problem-solving skills - Strong communication skills - Experience with writing unit and integration tests Please note that specific app functionality has not yet been decided, so flexibility and creativity will be key. A keen eye for detail and an understanding of UX/UI principles will also be beneficial to ensure the app is user-friendly and visually appealing. The project needs to be completed within 1-2 months.

    €318 Average bid
    €318 Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb

    ...App Development: Strong skills in both frontend and backend technologies like React, Vue, Angular, or similar frameworks. • API Development & Integration: Expertise with RESTful and GraphQL APIs development. • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Including Firebase, App Engine, Cloud Functions. • Android Development: Both native Android development using Kotlin and hybrid solutions using Flutter or React Native. • Hybrid App Development: Optimizing applications for both iOS and Android platforms. --Project Requirements: • Develop a cross-platform MVP supporting mobile and web iterations. • Build a secure and scalable backend architecture inclusive of seamless API integrations with third-party services. • ...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    15 ponudb

    We are a product design and development company looking for the best designer to create a modern, eye-catching indoor infrared sauna. Your design must be minimalist, unique, and manufacturable while standing out from competitors. THE CHALLENGE: Redesign the 2-person indoor infrared sauna (Reference Image Here: ). The goal is to create a sleek, visually striking design that people will want in their homes while ensuring it is cost-effective and practical for production. For inspiration, check out sauna designs we like (See Examples Here: ). WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR: ✅ A unique, modern design that stands out from competitors ✅ Practical & affordable for manufacturing ✅ Designed specifically for indoor home use ✅ Innovative, yet feasible for production DELIVERABLES: We care about g...

    €48 Average bid
    1 vnosov

    More details: What format would you prefer for the email addresses? Excel spreadsheet How many local authorities are you targeting? More than 50 What specific information do you need besides email addresses? Contact names, Phone numbers, Email addresses The project needs to be completed within 1 week. Please verify all email addresses to ensure accuracy. These email addresses will be used for outreach campaigns targeting local authorities. Please include the contact departments associated with each email address. Please categorize the email addresses by region. Please conduct manual verification to ensure the accuracy of the email addresses. Please treat all regions with equal priority. The primary purpose of this outreach campaign is to request collaboration. Please name the fi...

    €151 Average bid
    €151 Povprečna ponudba
    43 ponudb

    Prosimo, vpišite se ali se prijavite za več podrobnosti.

    Zapečateno Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij

    i need to create a bot for whatsapp that gathers client name, email, phone as well as 3 other survey questions. then i must link hubspot clients to this information so i get automation of my client info on the hubspot CMR

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Povprečna ponudba
    16 ponudb
    Charity Banner Redesign
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a talente...Outreach, Adult Learning Services, and Saturday School. Key Requirements: - Design a banner sized 2000 x 800 mm - Include the charity's logo - Highlight: Community Outreach, Adult Learning Services, Saturday School - Use of our brand colors - Ensure all images used are high-resolution. - Maintain consistency with the fonts used in other marketing materials. - Include contact information such as phone number, email, and website URL. - Incorporate social media icons and handles for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The previous design can be viewed here: !AprobN3wQbHBgd5FXC9vhZydhvjGiA?e=UxYhox. I look forward to seeing your creative interpretation! You may use creative liberty with the imagery as long as it reflects our mission and brand identity...

    €88 Average bid
    €88 Povprečna ponudba
    121 ponudb

    I need a cross-platform app (iOS and Android) developed. The primary function of this app will be a design mock-up tool for my Christmas Lights services. Key Features: - A user-friendly, intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows easy creation of light designs. - A diagram annotation tool that utilizes straight lines for precise placements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development. - Previous experience with implementing design mock-up tools within apps. - Understanding of creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. Please note, the app should not include a customer booking system or a price estimator. The focus should solely be on the design mock-up tool.

    €1506 Average bid
    €1506 Povprečna ponudba
    86 ponudb tourism brand, Quad Bike King. Your mission will be to showcase the exhilarating experience of quad biking to the Hindi-speaking community in Australia, both tourists and residents. These videos would feature you, or an actor, promoting our product. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and energetic content using our extensive 'creative library' which includes raw footage, FPV mobile phone footage, and photography. - Produce videos and text overlays in Hindi, and with spoken Hindi, promoting the thrill of our quad bike experiences. - This video will be in a reel format to be used in our marketing campaign. - You can create either testimonial and educational styles, whilst maintaining an energetic and thrilling tone throughout. Include adventure highlights an...

    €302 Average bid
    0 vnosov

    ...ambientes virtuais. Entrega final: 20 anúncios completos, prontos para publicação no Mercado Livre e sincronizados com as plataformas Bling e Tray, incluindo: Título Otimizado e Persuasivo para Mobile: Títulos com 50-80 caracteres, criados com técnicas de copywriting (perguntas, promessas, números), otimizados para visualização em dispositivos móveis e focados em palavras-chave relevantes e de alto volume de busca. Imagens de Alta Qualidade e Impacto Visual (Mínimo 10 por Anúncio): *Fornecidas pelo Contratante: Fotos em fundo branco com ângulos estratégicos, iluminação profissional e alta resolução; Fotos de detalhes que destacam a qualidade, textura e...

    €89 Average bid
    €89 Povprečna ponudba
    8 ponudb

    I need an Excel spreadsheet template for a quality control inspection report tailored for a machine shop. Key Requirements: - The template should include an inspection checklist - There should be a section for Pass/Fail criteria - The template should be user-friendly and easy to navigate - The design should be professional and suitable for a machine shop context Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with quality control processes in machine shops - Ability to create clear, concise, and professional templates

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Povprečna ponudba
    19 ponudb

    ...procesador, se realizaron pruebas con Arduino Pro Micro sin buenos resultados, por lo que es necesario evaluar una mejor alternativa que garantice una respuesta rápida y sin latencia. El instrumento incluirá un sensor que modificará las notas reproducidas, además de la posibilidad de cambiar la biblioteca de sonidos para simular distintos instrumentos. También se contempla la integración de un control de volumen en tiempo real mediante una celda de carga o potenciómetro. Para la reproducción de audio, actualmente se utiliza un SparkFun WAV Trigger, aunque se está abierto a soluciones más eficientes que puedan integrarse al procesador. El objetivo principal es optimizar el diseño y programación ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb

    Let's take it further with the next milestone and work on coding

    €337 Average bid
    €337 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    **PROYECTO: Desarrollo de Software de Facturación Electrónica para El Salvador** **1. Introducción** Se propone el desarrollo de un software de facturación electrónica conforme a la normativa vigente en El Salvador. Este sistema será 100% dedicado a la gestión de facturación electrónica, sin control de inventario, y garantizará el cumplimiento de los requisitos legales mediante el manejo eficiente de los catálogos y procesos necesarios. **2. Alcance del Proyecto** El sistema estará diseñado para facilitar la generación, validación y almacenamiento de facturas electrónicas, permitiendo a las empresas cumplir con las regulaciones gubernamentales. Se proporcionarán...

    €510 Average bid
    €510 Povprečna ponudba
    19 ponudb

    I'm looking for a seasoned Replit expert to assist in creating a mobile productivity app. This app needs to cater to both iOS and Android platforms. I already have the replit setup and have started the app creation. Key Requirements: - Proficient in using Replit for app development - Experienced in creating mobile applications, specifically for iOS and Android - Knowledgeable in developing productivity-focused apps - Able to deliver high-quality, user-friendly app - Experience in integrating third-party APIs to enhance app functionality. - Strong UI/UX design skills to ensure the app is intuitive and user-friendly. - Ability to optimize app performance across different devices and operating systems. - Proficient in identifying and resolving bugs and performance bottle...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Povprečna ponudba
    13 ponudb

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to migrate my existing PHP/MySQL website into a React fullstack JavaScript application. The project comes with a few special considerations and areas of focus: - User and Admin Management Features: It's crucial to preserve these aspects during the migration. The new application sho...InforbrightDB (MySQL compatible) to ClickhouseDB, so familiarity with this database transition would be beneficial. Please implement a modern design overhaul for the UI/UX. The expected timeline for the migration is 3-4 months. Focus on improving existing APIs and third-party integrations for better performance and reliability. It is a small, monolithic codebase. The project will use GitHub for source control management during the migration. Improve the user a...

    €3767 Average bid
    €3767 Povprečna ponudba
    83 ponudb

    online quoting system that enables commercial customers to configure and price pumps, tanks Project Summary: The goal is to develop the most cost-effective online tool for generating quotations based on tank and pump system selections. The tool should allow users to input key parameters such as tank type, pump setup, control type, and other configurable options, and automatically generate a quote with the appropriate model selection. To minimize costs, the solution should leverage a simple web application. The tool should require minimal maintenance, with an option for user authentication and tiered pricing if needed. Key features include: • Simple UI for selecting system components • Automatic lookup and model selection • Quote generation with PDF export • Adm...

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Povprečna ponudba
    59 ponudb, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) SONG PRAPHA ROAD, DON MUEANG DON MUANG THA 10210 BANGKOK THAILAND • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be re...

    €10 - €13
    €10 - €13
    0 ponudb

    I'm in search of talented freelance copywriters. Your primary responsibilities will involve crafting compelling content that drives engagement and conversions. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional command of the English language - Strong understanding of SEO and digital marketing - Proven experience in copywriting - Creative thinking and ab...preferred - Portfolio of previous copywriting projects required Your role will be to help me generate income through high-quality, persuasive copy. This is a great opportunity for those looking to earn while contributing to a growing project. The focus will be on creating persuasive product descriptions. The copywriter will focus on creating persuasive descriptions for digital products. The expected volume of work is high with a continuous flow ...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    21 ponudb