Android java carousel image gallerydela


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    2,000 android java carousel image gallery najdena dela

    Aplikacija je narejena, potrebna je implementacija Google pay sistema

    €634 Average bid
    €634 Povprečna ponudba
    21 ponudb

    Iščem freelancerja za izdelavo bolj kot ne preproste APP za android in potem s sprotnim vzdrževanjem/nadgrajevanjem glede na nadgradjne android OS.. Imam že sourrce, a je žal zastarel in ga android ne mara več ?.

    €873 Average bid
    €873 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb

    Iščemo osebo za izdelavo mobilne aplikacije za iOS in Android. Dizajn je že narejen v Adobe XD. Hvala.

    €953 Average bid
    €953 Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb

    Rešitev oz. izdelava java aplikacije oz. naloge

    €30 Average bid
    Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij
    €30 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    Potreboval bi Android/iOS aplikacijo. Temeljila bi na analizi uporabnikovih slik zajetih s selfie kamero in analizi parametrov na sliki. Algoritem za analizo slike imam že pripravljen v programu Matlab. Načrt aplikacije z wireframe-om lahko v celoti pripravim sam, tako, da bi bila naloga programerja prepis vsega v programsko kodo.

    €1053 Average bid
    €1053 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    Robert zdravo. S kolegom razvijava mobilno aplikacijo in bi potrebovala frontend designerja. Backend programiranje je že skoraj pripravljeno. Je zelo preprosta aplikacija za IOS in Android. Bi vas zanimalo sodelovanje? . Hvala za odgovor. LP S

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for Alen K.
    Končano left

    Alen zdravo. S kolegom razvijava mobilno aplikacijo in bi potrebovala frontend designerja. Backend programiranje je že skoraj pripravljeno. Je zelo preprosta aplikacija za IOS in Android. Bi vas zanimalo sodelovanje? Nastavljen budget spodaj ni merodajen. Hvala za odgovor. LP S

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    Iščem nekoga, ki bi mi naredil preprosto android/iOS aplikacij za spletno stran . V bistvu gre samo za zaslonske menije povezane med seboj. Na koncu pa stran z linki do učnih listov na internetu. Dodatne informacije : @

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Povprečna ponudba
    5 ponudb

    Potrebujem aplikacijo za tablico in telefon, na sistemu android. Gre se za program, kateri se uporablja pri odkupu lesa. Glavni del je kubiciranje hlodovine ( po znani formuli), ustavarjanje novih dokumentov, dodajanje različnih strank.. in na koncu možnost tiskanja in izpisa v pdf-ju... več informacij kasneje...

    €499 Average bid
    €499 Povprečna ponudba
    8 ponudb

    imamo že narejeno aplikacijo v starejši verziji androida. ker ne dela več vse, jo je potrebno popraviti

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    11 ponudb
    Project for shiki0
    Končano left

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for kos83
    Končano left

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for dasf
    Končano left

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for benzo11
    Končano left

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Project for roberro
    Končano left

    ...Poskusno delo (napišite število mesecev) 1 mesec  Poln (8 urni) delavnik  Delo za nedoločen čas Kaj podjetje pričakuje od kandidatov  Zaželjena/zahtevana VI stopnja izobrazbe  Zahtevamo vsaj 5 let delovnih izkušenj  Prednost bodo imeli kandidati z delovnimi izkušnjami na podobnih delovnih mestih/področjih  Znanje računalniških programov PHP, MySQL, JAVA  Znanje tujih jezikov: Italijanščina in Angleščina   Zaželjeno znanje Android-a  Samostojnost  Natančnost  Izkušnje z vodenjem projektov  Izkušnje z delom v skupini - Kaj podjetje kandidatu/om ponuja  Stimulativno plačilo  Možnost dodatnih izobraževanj (doma in v tujini)  Nagrajevanje uspešnosti  Delo v mlade...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a comprehensive Android and iOS application with distinct interfaces for clients and admins. Client Features: - Users should be able to log in, with their requests needing admin approval. A push notification will alert them once approved. - The app should present a client-friendly catalog in a list view format. - Clients must be able to select items, add them to a cart, and submit an order - The app must calculate and display the final order price, which will be set by the admin. Admin Features: - Admins should have the ability to approve or deny client registration requests. - The app should allow admins to upload images and create catalog entries with sub-categories (for example, sizes). - Admins need to be able to r...

    €337 Average bid
    €337 Povprečna ponudba
    15 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce application. Key Featu...a user-friendly interface for browsing and searching products. - Payment gateway integration: Secure and seamless payment options are a must. - Chat - User reviews and ratings: This feature should be implemented to build trust and enhance user engagement. Platforms: - The application should be developed for both iOS and Android. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce. - Prior experience with both iOS and Android platforms. - Expertise in integrating secure payment gateways. - Ability to create an intuitive product catalog and search function. - Experience with implementing interactive user features lik...

    €577 Average bid
    €577 Povprečna ponudba
    42 ponudb

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to create an in-browser rich text editor with a virtual keyboard. The editor will need to support the following: - Platforms: It should function seamlessly across both Desktop and mobile platforms (Android and iOS), without triggering the mobile keyboard on these devices. A smooth user experience is crucial. - Download Options: Users should be able to download their edited content in both Image and PDF formats. - Text Formatting: The editor must provide basic text formatting options such as Bold, Italics, and Underline. - Color Options: Options to change the text color - Text Alignment: Options to align text to the left, center, or right. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in JavaScript and experience building cross-...

    €579 Average bid
    €579 Povprečna ponudba
    9 ponudb

    ...guidelines. The ideal freelancer for this project should have significant experience in app development, with a strong portfolio in social media related applications. Understanding of platform-specific APIs and user interface design are crucial for the success of this project. The app will use a points-based system to facilitate content exchanges. The initial release will support both iOS and Android platforms. Points earned from interactions can be redeemed for perks within the app. The app will include in-app purchases for additional features and perks. Post-launch, basic maintenance including bug fixes and minor updates will be required. Provide an overview of engagement metrics like likes, comments, and follows in the user analytics. The app will authenticate user accounts ...

    €419 Average bid
    €419 Povprečna ponudba
    29 ponudb

    I'm an experienced Android Developer and am rewriting an older app I have into C#/.NET MAUI so I can deploy it on iOS devices too. I have acquired a G4 Mac for this purpose. The MAUI app works as intended on the ios simulator and Android devices (it translated into C#/MAUI quite easily). The problem has been deploying it to AppStoreConnect so my testers can get ahold of it. This process has taken me *far* more time than anything else so far. Your mission would be to talk me through this part of the project (Setting up the the AppID's, Development & Distribution Certificates, Associated Profiles, etc) so that I can deploy it to AppStoreConnect. Fair warning: This is not as straightforward under MAUI as it would be writing a native ios app. There are things ...

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Povprečna ponudba
    4 ponudb

    I'm in need of a skilled image editor who specializes in color correction. The primary task will involve adjusting the color on a series of images, with a particular focus on correcting the white balance. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in image editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience in color correction and white balance adjustment - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    32 ponudb

    I'm in need of a cross-platform (iOS and Android) mobile app that can track GPS via a specific tracker and set up geo-fencing. The main functionalities I require include: - Real-time GPS tracking: The app should be able to provide live updates on the tracker's location. - Geo-fencing alerts: I need to be notified when the tracker leaves a pre-defined location. - Historical route data: The app should maintain a record of the tracker's past routes. Additionally, I want the app to have user authentication features via email and password. Ideal skills for this project include: - Mobile App Development (iOS and Android) - GPS and Geo-fencing integration - User Authentication implementation - Experience with creating apps with real-time data tracking - Knowledge ...

    €277 Average bid
    €277 Povprečna ponudba
    40 ponudb

    i need a photoshop designer, very simple task to do, just cut the image in diffrenet parts, and round the corner, who can teach me, 100 rupees per hours

    €1 / hr Average bid
    €1 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb

    PhiEdge wants to hire a software development agency to built a payroll including leave and attendance module (preferable in java and angular with ionic). If the software development agency has not built this module for corporates earlier, then such development agencies need not even apply. This will be in web and mobile versions and the payroll module will need to be integrated with our existing modules of employee master ELCM, Increment through APIs. The payroll modules should generate payroll, post calculating compliances (PF/ESI/PT/LWF etc), tax as per rules, form 16 and investment declarations. We would need real time dashboards and reports and the project should be completed within 2 months post testing. The attendance module will collate in and out punch from any biometric ma...

    €4435 Average bid
    €4435 Povprečna ponudba
    22 ponudb
    Advanced Media Equipment Setup
    6 dni left

    ...Bluetooth Remote – Your second phone will act as a remote for the camera Camera’s Companion App – Ensure your camera or phone has an app that allows remote control (e.g., Sony Imaging Edge, Canon Camera Connect, or Open Camera for Android) 4. Other Accessories 2. Extra Batteries - To ensure your equipment remains powered throughout the setup and recording process, especially during long events. 3. Multi-Tool - A compact multi-tool (e.g., Leatherman) can help with quick adjustments and minor repairs on-the-go. 4. Foldable Reflector - Helps to manage lighting and improve image quality by reflecting natural or artificial light. 5. Microphone Wind Muff - To reduce wind noise for improved audio quality when recording outdoors. 6. Tripod Dolly - Allows for smoo...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Povprečna ponudba
    2 ponudb

    I'm looking for a developer to create a simple and user-friendly Android and iOS app focused on the sale and purchase of animals (like dogs and horses), animal food, and other related items. Key Features: - Dual User Registration: The app needs to have a registration system for both customers and providers. Users can register using email, social media, or with phone number verification. - Dual Focus: The app should equally concentrate on animal sale and purchase as well as animal-related item sale. - Post Limitations: Providers can post images and video files (30 seconds or more) of the animals or items for sale, with the first two posts being free and subsequent ones paid. - Admin Control: As an admin, I should be able to post ads in the app including paid advertisements and ...

    €733 Average bid
    €733 Povprečna ponudba
    36 ponudb

    Project Title: Utility Bill Payments and Credit Card to Bank Transfer via Rent Payment - App & Web Development Description: We are seeking a skilled developer or develop...admin panel for system management and support. Requirements: Expertise in mobile app and web development. Strong knowledge of payment gateway integrations and security protocols. Previous experience with financial services or fintech projects is a plus. Effective communication skills and ability to deliver within set timelines. Deliverables: Fully functional mobile application (iOS and Android) and responsive website. Documentation and user guides. Ongoing support and maintenance post-launch. Application Process: Please provide your portfolio showcasing similar projects, estimated timelines, and a c...

    €251 Average bid
    €251 Povprečna ponudba
    11 ponudb app for real-time gaming tournaments like Free Fire and BGMI. This app should be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Live Match Tracking: Users should be able to track the status of ongoing matches in real-time. - Payment Gateway: The app should have a secure payment gateway integrated for handling entry fees. Additional Information: - User authentication features are not a priority for this project, but knowledge and experience implementing secure login methods would be a plus. - Experience with developing gaming apps or tournament apps would be highly beneficial. Skills Required: - Full Stack Development. - Mobile App Development (iOS & Android). - Integration of Live Tracking Systems. - Secure Payment Gateway Implementation. - Pri...

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Povprečna ponudba
    7 ponudb

    I need a 1080 x 1080 image for meta ads promoting these bundles on this page : DO NOT CONACT THE CLIENT Direct

    €50 Average bid
    Izpostavljeno Nujno Zagotovljen Top natečaj
    20 vnosov

    I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer who can create a phone app for both iOS and Android using Figma, based on my workflows. The app is for e-commerce and will require a completely new design. Key Responsibilities: - Design an intuitive and engaging UI/UX for an e-commerce app. - Develop the app design in Figma. Essential Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in UI/UX design, particularly for e-commerce apps. - Proficiency in Figma. - Strong understanding of iOS and Android design guidelines. - Ability to create a design from scratch. Please note, I do not have a brand guideline. Therefore, creativity and a strong design instinct will be crucial for this project.

    €912 Average bid
    €912 Povprečna ponudba
    75 ponudb
    €19 Povprečna ponudba
    1 ponudb
    Speed dating apps
    6 dni left

    I need an app for speed dating that requires users to sign up, upload a profile, and provide their name, email, mobile number, date of birth, and gender. The app should also include options to share their mobile number, Instagram, or both. Additionally, I need a feature to enable a speed dating mode, allowing participants to click yes or no on the event night, and enabling me to post eve...should have a basic design with minimal branding. Please use the following technology stack: Any. communication Implement basic encryption for user data and interactions. The app should include push notifications for user updates and event reminders. Include a matching algorithm for the speed dating mode. Implement email verification for user accounts. The app should be compatible with both iOS and An...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Povprečna ponudba
    6 ponudb

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to create an information and blog on our existing website. The site will showcase various case studies and...looking for a professional web developer to create an information and blog on our existing website. The site will showcase various case studies and projects, so experience with portfolio-style sites is a plus. Key requirements: - Development of an image gallery with categories - Integration of a fullscreen slideshow - Implementation of image watermarking Skills needed: - Proficiency in web development - Experience with creating portfolio sites - Knowledge of blog site development - Understanding of implementing security features like image watermarking. Please provide examples of your previous work...

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Povprečna ponudba
    87 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer to build a productivity tool focused on inventory management. Key Requirements: - The app should be designed for both iOS and Android platforms. - It should provide comprehensive inventory management features. - A clean, user-friendly interface is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development. - Prior experience in developing productivity tools will be a plus. - Strong UI/UX design sensibility.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Povprečna ponudba
    56 ponudb

    ...well-rounded mobile app developer to create a self-motivating and dieting app with image recognition capabilities for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Image Recognition: The app should be able to identify food items to help users track their caloric intake. - Self-Motivation Features: Include daily reminders, progress tracking, and inspirational quotes to keep users engaged and motivated. - Barcode Scanning: Integrate a feature to scan food barcodes for automatic nutritional information retrieval. - Recipe Suggestions: Provide healthy recipe ideas based on the foods users have logged. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in mobile app development for both iOS and Android. - Experience in integrating image recognition technology into apps. - Abil...

    €994 Average bid
    €994 Povprečna ponudba
    53 ponudb

    ...existing image by adding and removing elements. This includes both introducing new components to the image, as well as taking certain parts away. Ideally, you should have a strong background in image editing and manipulation, with skills in software such as Photoshop or GIMP. Please provide a portfolio of similar work you've done in the past. The project involves adding or removing specific objects in the image. I wasnt wrapped at all with our wedding photographer at all. There is only one image from the whole day I can accept as ok really & it still isn't a great image but it is better than the rest. Seeing as I have all of one to chose from, I would like to love it, somehow my dress looks terrible in this one and only shot, I&#...

    €164 Average bid
    Pogodba o nerazkritju informacij
    €164 Povprečna ponudba
    38 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to transform a PDF contract into an interactive digital format. This contract should be able to be signed, have necessary fields filled out, and be compatible with both iOS and Android devices, as well as desktop or laptop computers. The contract should have both online and offline functionality. Key Requirements: - The digital contract must include various input fields such as text fields and checkboxes. - It should have a designated area for the signatory and be capable of sending the completed contract to an email upon submission. - The signing method will be a digital signature, so the developer needs to implement this feature. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PDF and contract digitization - Experience in developing cross-p...

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Povprečna ponudba
    12 ponudb

    I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a utility or productivity app for both iOS and Android. Key features of the app will include: - Product catalog and search: Users should be able to browse and search through a comprehensive catalog of products. - User reviews and ratings: The app should include a system for users to leave reviews and rate products. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly for utility or productivity apps. Knowledge of e-commerce features such as product catalogs and review systems will be highly beneficial. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

    €2097 Average bid
    €2097 Povprečna ponudba
    78 ponudb

    WordPress Site Issue & Enhancement Request Document for Outsourcing Below is the revised version of your request in a clear and structured format for easier outsourcing. --- 1. Household Income Tab Not Displaying Options (★★★) Issue: On Android devices, tapping the "Household Income" tab does not display any options. Request: Investigate and resolve the issue. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 2. Disable Automatic Profile Entry When Logging in with Google Issue: When users log in via Google, their profile name is automatically entered. Request: Prevent the automatic entry of profile names upon Google login. Page: [Specify the relevant URL] --- 3. Email Language Issue – Remove Default English Version Issue: When a user creates an account usin...

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Povprečna ponudba
    49 ponudb

    I'm looking to develop a fitness app primarily focused on delivering fixed workout plans. The app will include a range of workout types, specifically strength training, c...improvements over time. - Include video tutorials for exercises to ensure proper form and technique. - Provide dietary guidelines and meal plans to complement workout routines. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in fitness app development - Strong understanding of various workout plans - Ability to create user-friendly, engaging interfaces The app should be available on iOS and Android platforms. Incorporate social or community features to enhance user engagement. Implement basic login/signup functionality for user authentication and data security. The app will not integrate with wearable f...

    €286 Average bid
    €286 Povprečna ponudba
    51 ponudb

    ...create an Android application that allows users to read and listen to the Quran offline, with the ability to add their own audio files. Key Features to Implement: 1. Offline Quran Text Display: The app should load and display the text of the Quran without requiring an internet connection. 2. Audio Playback: Users should have the capability to add and listen to their own audio files, similar to a group WhatsApp chat. 3. Audio File Management: The app should allow for the addition, deletion, and organization of these audio files. 4. Monetization: I need ads integration (like AdMob) for potential revenue generation. 5. User-friendly Interface: The app must have a simple, smooth navigation system between surahs and for managing audio files. Ideal skills for this project include: -...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Povprečna ponudba
    10 ponudb

    I'm in need of an experienced application developer who can create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity tool for me. The application should be integrated with Sage. Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in developing both iOS and Android applications. - Prior experience with creating productivity tools. - Knowledge about Sage and how to integrate the app with it. Please include in your proposal examples of similar projects you have completed.

    €1255 Average bid
    €1255 Povprečna ponudba
    57 ponudb

    Create specific image style using Stable Diffusion, Flux or any other Ai image generation. Automation: Develop a fully automated system that processes these transformations via a server API. For more details, feel free to send a DM. Thank you!

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Povprečna ponudba
    34 ponudb

    I'm looking for a simple drumming app to be developed for both iOS and Android. The core functionality of the app should be a virtual drum kit. Key Requirements: - Development of a basic yet functional virtual drum kit - Cross-platform compatibility (iOS and Android) Additionally, I want the app to feature: - A single native hand drum with our logo on it Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficient in both iOS and Android app development - Experience in creating interactive music apps - Graphic design skills to integrate our logo into the app Please note, this is a straightforward project focused on functionality rather than complexity. I look forward to your proposals. The app should include preloaded custom sounds. The app should also include a donate fu...

    €335 Average bid
    €335 Povprečna ponudba
    53 ponudb

    ...I put together this checklist or bullets point, can you just put an answer next to each if you are providing or not or able to provide is needed? • Unlimited Pages Website, although targets per website • Conceptual and Dynamic Liquid Website, Custom Made High End Tier 1 Design • Content Management System (CMS) • Team of Expert Designers & Developers • Mobile Responsive (compatible with IOS, Android, Tablets, etc.) • Custom Forms • Lead Capturing Forms • 15 Stock Images – David will provide specific topic related stock images, Developer to provide general design stock photos; • 8 Unique Banner Designs • Jquery Sliders • Free Google Friendly Sitemap • Complete W3C Certified HTML • Wordpress (Add, delete ...

    €998 Average bid
    €998 Povprečna ponudba
    163 ponudb