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Vaš pogovor je prekratek. Če želite omogočiti shranjevanje, nadaljujte pogovor z Avo.
Kako najeti odličnega freelancerja RAN Integration Engineer
Radio Access Network Commissioning is a specialist technical discipline, involving configuring and testing of wireless base stations, their links to the mobile core, and related networks to ensure the optimum performance of a given network. The Configurator or Network Engineer will conduct tests on the system’s performance and apply fault resolution techniques where applicable. The successful candidate will also assist in implementing new services and performing regular maintenance of the network, as well as providing technical guidance and support to other members of the team.
When interviewing potential candidates for this position, it is important to ask questions related to the implementation of radio access networks, such as the types of configurations they have experience working with and their understanding of quality assurance processes. Questions pertaining to customer service skills are also critical, as communicating with an end-user who may not be technologically savvy is key requirement in this role. Generally, a Radio Access Network Commissioning Engineer will charge around £50/hour on Freelancer.com however there can be variance depending on experience level.
Radio Access Network Commissioning professionals know exactly how to create operational access networks with accuracy and consistency; they know how to perform all types of maintenance tasks, troubleshoot when needed and respond promptly to customer service requests. Hiring one or several Radio Access Network Commissioning Engineers through Freelancer.com enables a client to take advantage of experienced professionals quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
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