My core competencies is in editing and proofreading and I am seeking opportunities to edit and proofread works on any subject and issues. I have experience in editing academic works, writing assigned topics by a local broadsheet, the Manila Bulletin, and writing speeches for university professors, corporate and other public organizations.
My work as administrative assistant to the President of De La Salle University, Brother Andrew Gonzalez for four years (1992-1996) paved the way for my developi
jan., 1993 - jun., 2013
20 let, 5 mesecev
Miriam College
1965 - 1969
4 leta
A.B Political Science
1965 - 1969
4 leta
Miriam College
1965 - 1969
4 leta
AB Political Science
1965 - 1969
4 leta
US English
Freelancer Orientation
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