I am a PhD Student. Final Year. Straight A Student.
Nicole Lorrene Carter
I.F.B.B Professional Athlete
ACSM Certified Personal Trainer
NESTA Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach
NESTA Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist
BSc. Psychology & Sociology
Executive Masters in Sports Management
Owner & Founder of Nictrition
PhD Integrative & Functional Nutrition(c/s)
Strengths - A highly motivated person with qualifications
and experience in the health & fitness sector spanning over
20 years. Highly creative, recognized as a results-oriented
and solution-focused individual. Areas of strength include:
Motivating people in adopting healthier lifestyles
Working with clients with medical complications and injuries e.g. Hypertension and
diabetics, cancer, lupus, shoulder and back injuries
Organizational Skills
Work as Team Player
As a Fitness Nutrition Coach and Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist educating
work groups, athletes, and individuals on adopting and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle
is paramount.
Flexibility in terms of being able to multitask and having the ability to respond to
different work areas within health & fitness
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