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E-naslov uspešno verificiran.
Bruno C.
Electronics / Hardware Development Engineer
$8 USD/uro
Brazil (8:44 dop.)
Pridružen(a) od april 17, 2020
$8 USD/uro
Hi, how are you?
I have experience in transforming ideas into solutions, from project concepts, hardware development, software, simulations, prototyping, laboratory tests to PCI design.
• Hardware development based on the customer's specification;
• C programming for μControllers Firmware;
• Simulations on the Proteus platform;
• Application of algorithms to embedded systems, both hardware and software;
• Development of PCB layouts with Gerber files;
• Experienced in the use of μControllers AVR, PIC, ESP32 controllers, among others;
Some previously completed projects:
• Many sensor application with Arduino environment;
• C-Scan robot hardware and software, ultrasonic reading for corrosion in fuel tanks;
• Remote visual inspection robot hardware and software (via camera) in water supply pipes, control by Ethernet via computer software;
• Hardware and Software for strain measurement with strain gauge (Strain Gauge) with RS485 communication for industrial application;